The Island: Episode 4 - Discussion

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How is it that they told Ashlii that she should either quit or go into the challenge because by staying on the island she was wasting resources like food...when in fact, there are people like Johanna that do absolutely nothing more (except of course what she does with Kenny), are given royal treatment, exempt from challenges but somehow they aren't wasting resources? HUH?????????
[quote=cystic;31666]Not an Ashli fan at all, but you have to give her props for wanting to go in the Face Off at all, and with a grotesque injury at that. I cringed when they showed the medic scene.. Even though it was selfish [and stupid] of her to take Ev's spot, I kind of respect her for pulling off an Abram ([B]and I find it hilarious how Abe was spared the quitter accusations when he did the same exact thing)[/B]. But, maybe she really did see Jen's being more deserving to stay, and plus we don't have to see her whining anymore. Everyone wins. :)[/quote] I'm guessing no one called him that since he's a challenge veteran that has won two challenges, made to the end in another, and was top dog on this challenge. That being said, on to the episode. I'm getting really sick of Johnny insulting all the women. He needs to grow up. It's getting hard for me to watch the show just because of him. And Paula being thrashed like a rag doll was hilarious. I am praying that Evelyn has the chance to beat the crap out of Johnny.
Johnny has gone past annoying for me, he's really just become this revolting pig the way he treats some of the people on the island. Bet money that he wouldn't even mouth off half as much as he does now if he didn't know that he was part of a strong alliance. So in part that makes him both a coward and a pig. Funny thing, I don't recall him being that bad when he was on Real World. He had his moments, but not so much more than any other cast members on previous seasons. Urgh, everything about this alliance just makes me angry. I sincerely hope that they throw a big monkey wrench into their plans next week.
Yeah..whatever happened to the compassionate Johnny that comforted Davis after being punched by CT on I3? :(
[quote=cystic;31680]Yeah..whatever happened to the compassionate Johnny that comforted Davis after being punched by CT on I3? :([/quote] Well.. Davis is a guy. Therefore he deserves Johnny's respect and/or compassion...? Just a guess.
Oh. DOI. Silly me.
[B]Ashli vs Robin[/B] Honestly I think the whole argument was a misunderstanding between the two. From what i got in the dailies Robin was telling Ashli to go participate in the pageant and she used the word rookie. I understand both of their points I don't think Robin said the rookie term to hurt Ashli. Hey but it is just me. [B]Voting[/B] After the last challenge I never would've felt sorry for Evelyn but I do. I agree with Evelyn in that any two girls who would've participated in the faceoff with Ashli was pretty much guranteed a key. It is sad that Evelyn is the only one using her brain. Everyone else has that "make friends with everyone" mentality but it will just screw them over in the end. This would perfect opportunity to take out "the family". Their loss [B]Faceoff[/B] Derrick never fails to amaze me on how he gives it his all. If the second round was to be played fair I believe that him and Ashli would score at least one point. [B]Plea[/B] Although I do think TJ went overboard with the quitting thing to Ashli I think he was right overall. I mean it was basically suicide for her to participate in the faceoff and that her speech was a copout. [B]Comparison [/B] Am I the only one who thinks....Johnny = Veronica, CT = Emily Think about it Emily was the person responsible of eliminating Veronica off two challenges (Battle of the Seasons/Sexes) just as CT was responsible of kicking off Johnny of two challenges (The Duel, Gauntlet 3). The audience felt sympathy for Johnny/Veronica when they got kicked off due to the influence of CT/Emily. And round the fourth challenge (Gauntlet/Island) both of them started to get a bad rep. I don't know maybe I have too much free time... Cant wait for next episode...
After G3 I had a bad opinion of Ev, I have now come to realize with V's help that people are edited in certain ways. That being said she is certainly getting the sh**ty end of the stick on the Island. What the are doing to her is so unfair! She takes the challenges seriously, which is more than you can say for most of the cast. WTF is the matter with Johnny and Paula? What do they have against Ev? I hope Paula has to go against Ev in a face off and gets put in her place. I cant wait to see what happens next week and I CAN'T wait to see Johnny's plan backfire on him, he deserves it! better yet I hope Ev whoops everyone, get's her key and is there in the end!
[quote=therealdeal2;31648]i'm dying to hear Bachhus and V1 comment on this episode!!![/quote] I am going to be brutally honest: I am quickly losing interest. Although I love the format, it has turned against the producers and become all too predictable because of how external alliances have been brought into the game. This is always a problem when doing "All-Star" type reality shows and being the "ruling party" usually consists of the most devious ******* around, the audience is left with an especially bad taste in its mouth. As a big Survivor fan, I will admit that I am use to this to some extent but feel that there should have at least been initial "tribes" (hand picked by production to divide known associates) to create alliances where they would not normally exist and stretch existing bonds. Then at the "merge" we would have had a less homogeneous voting block. Next week things will get mixed up a bit, but it is already too late. That being said, I'll keep watching. [QUOTE]You all are doing fine without any input from me. B is probably watching the Red Sox lose tonight (well they are losing 0 - 1 as I type this) [/QUOTE] [CENTER][URL=""][IMG][/IMG][/URL] [B]Red Sox 4, Angels 1[/B] [/CENTER]
[quote=Bacchus;31691]This is always a problem when doing "All-Star" type reality shows and being the "ruling party" [B]usually consists of the most devious ******* [/B]around, the audience is left with an especially bad taste in its mouth.[/quote] I am not a big fan of the main alliance in the game, besides Derrick the rest of the people are just what you said, *******! kinda bored as well....i dont get why everyone else doesnt band together and fight back....?
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;31700] kinda bored as well....i dont get why everyone else doesnt band together and fight back....?[/quote] I think a good number of viewers are wondering the same thing, it is the whole if you are not with them then you are against them saying. I just don't understand why none of the other participants have not figured this out. I for one would like to see some mutiny!
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;31700] kinda bored as well....i dont get why everyone else doesnt band together and fight back....?[/quote] I have been saying that since day 1...I get that most of the other players are true Rookies (I don't know what the hell Robin's problem is, she of all people should know how this game is played). They are screwing themselves out of $75,000...and if this thing plays out the way I think its going to, I think they would admit as much (I haven't looked at the spoilers to see who wins, I hope to be pleasantly surprised...doubt it though).
ok I just watched Episode 4. Jenn is very naive to think that she is now in there alliance because she just got played...big time! I actually kinda felt sorry for Ashli on this one, she could have quit but she did do the face-off so I gotta give her props for that. However, she should not have went against Evelyn to do wasn't very smart of her or the people that voted to allow her to go in. Evelyn could have easily taken out Paula...but then again I'm sure the rest of the cast would have been too dumb to vote Paula off...they would have sent Jenn home. So now the alliance is in the majority...this sucks!
Why did TJ get on Ashli's shit like that? Is how the game is played really any of his business? Do the producers tell him to get involved like that?
[quote=good brooklyn;31745]Why did TJ get on Ashli's shit like that? Is how the game is played really any of his business? Do the producers tell him to get involved like that?[/quote] TJ is a competitor himself, so naturally a quitter would get on his nerves. It's just him speaking his mind is all.
Has TJ ever had an opinion like that before. I know he 'doesn't like quitters', but he's never weighed in on who was going into a challenge. I feel like it was some backstage prompting to move the action along a little.
well its just apparent to all involved that the alliance are skullfocking the intergrity of the game
Who I want to see out asap: Johnny and Johanna...without those two, their alliance starts to crumble really quickly...
[quote=good brooklyn;31752]Has TJ ever had an opinion like that before. I know he 'doesn't like quitters', but he's never weighed in on who was going into a challenge. I feel like it was some backstage prompting to move the action along a little.[/quote] TJ has had that opinion with everybody who has quit! There is a rumor I heard about him and Cameron in south Africa. V1man is there any truth to this? Or is it just a rumor?
The thing that I don't understand is the "family" alliance that is controlling everyone is composed of a bunch of hopeful people that think that they are going to benefit from being apart of their manipulations despite the fact that only 4 people can fit on one boat...? So Johnny, Kenny, Derrick, Paula, Jenn all have keys - johanna is part of the alliance but doesn't have a key..seems like what Jenn did was dumb because even though she has a key she isn't really a part of their 4 person boat...i don't know if that makes sense but it seems like things will get complicated especially since johanna doesnt have a key yet...wonder what their plan is for her!:/
[URL=""]Sneak peak of Episode 5 [I]The Island[/I][/URL] WTF is with Paula and Johnny? I don't understand what their major problem with Ev is! It keeps getting more and More ridiculous! They way Johnny talks to her is so disrespectful, I wish she would just kick him in the nuts!!!
[quote=hello1234;31768]The thing that I don't understand is the "family" alliance that is controlling everyone is composed of a bunch of hopeful people that think that they are going to benefit from being apart of their manipulations despite the fact that only 4 people can fit on one boat...? So Johnny, Kenny, Derrick, Paula, Jenn all have keys - johanna is part of the alliance but doesn't have a key..seems like what Jenn did was dumb because even though she has a key she isn't really a part of their 4 person boat...i don't know if that makes sense but it seems like things will get complicated especially since johanna doesnt have a key yet...wonder what their plan is for her!:/[/quote] I wonder how they choose who goes in which boat???????
I actually thought the same thing - about the producers pushing TJ a bit on that one. At one point when he first started addressing Ashlii he had a bit of a smirk on his face. I am usually indifferent to Tj but last night he really got on my nerves - whether it was the producers pushing him to be an *** or whether he was just being an *** on his own. Yes, we know you don't like quitters - its pretty much your only other schtick vs. monotoned, personality-less, rules reciter. Either way the situation was win-win for Ashlii - she either got to go home and not worry about her injury or she could've somehow, someway (anything can happen on any given challenge) came away with a win and a key and not had to (potentially) do anything the rest of her time there and not worry about her injury. It was obvious to everyone that Abram basically threw the towel in. So why the different treatment? Why was one more honorable than the other? Question - does the no physical contact rule pertain to idiotic challenge hosts as well? Hindsight is telling me Syrus should've gotten into it more with TJ. I am not really a fan of Ashlii (indifferent really) but she should've told TJ to f off or flipped him off or something (not usually an advocate of childish behaviour but f u TJ) Anywho - random thoughts from what else I remember from last night Johnny - just gets worse and worse. If he were just plain ol obnoxious he wouldn't bother me but everything is "stupid *****" this and "******** *****" that. But he brings the drama and drama brings the ratings so we're probably likely to keep seeing him pop up on challenges. Derrick - can't say enough good about him. True competitor. Plus I love the way he just flies under the radar and does it with an earned respect. Ev - Hell must've frozen over because I was actually feeeling something besides irritation for her last night. But the incessant whining quickly soured me again. Yes he not being voted in wasn't fair but the game, like life, isn't fair. And like others pointed out - if she truly wanted a key she would've volunteered herself in the previous week. Yes we know you're friends with KA but there was also the remote possibility you could've both walked away with keys. Ashli/Robin fight - Good to see favorable, forgiving, mature results can happen on these shows without grudges being held. KellyAnne - I don't think her win should translate to the other girls now being afraid to go up against her. I am not trying to take anything away from her win. Impressive - mildly I guess - but certainly not worth all the fuss and concern the other females are showing now. Colie - Nice to see you, I almost forgot you were there. Not annoying so far. Keep up the good work errr edit. Jenn - so far not annoying like in Denver. Smokin hot bod (sorry, had to let that one out and be a natural guy for a second) but her eyebrows are still distracting. Dunbar - it was only a matter of time before the Dummy Bear of old showed up.
What their problem is with evelyn?? It seems really simple to me - she challenges the principle and integrity behind their baseless alliance. Furthermore she is a physical threat and can take any of them out in any challenge. For fear of being sent in with her and for fear of losing their influential base in the "community" they want her out. It's a really simple formula. I think Colie is very socially smart - i *think* she knows how to play this game really well by totally flying under the radar and not getting confrontational with anyone. I think her plan is to keep doing this to manage to stay on until the end...just a predication.
[QUOTE=LilysMom;31767]TJ has had that opinion with everybody who has quit! There is a rumor I heard about him and Cameron in south Africa. V1man is there any truth to this? Or is it just a rumor?[/QUOTE] It was rumored to be Cara, and it didn't happen (according to my source) until after the challenge had ended. Still, to me he should have been fired for it. [QUOTE=good brooklyn;31745]Why did TJ get on Ashli's shit like that? Is how the game is played really any of his business? Do the producers tell him to get involved like that?[/QUOTE] I've met the guy. He could not possibly go to the bathroom without cue cards. He does pop off on his own occasionally, but normally -- and also in this case -- he is a totally scripted guy. In this instance, he is actually the very words that Evelyn used with production in an interview earlier in the day. When it came Evelyn's turn to vote, she said she had nothing to say since TJ had already made her speech.
[quote=V1man;31788]It was rumored to be Cara, and it didn't happen (according to my source) until after the challenge had ended. Still, to me he should have been fired for it.[/quote] Thanks for the insight V! I also wonder if there is anything in TJ's contract permitting this from happening?
[QUOTE=LilysMom;31790]Thanks for the insight V! I also wonder if there is anything in TJ's contract permitting this from happening?[/QUOTE] Well, there is nothing in the generic cast contract that would preclude it (there being no moral turpitude clause), but Hell would have to freeze over before MTV would let me see his contract and he knows how I feel about him so... no clue about his contract. In a normal TV hosting contract, there would be moral turpitude and "embarrassment to the network" language.
[quote=V1man;31791]Well, there is nothing in the generic cast contract that would preclude it (there being no moral turpitude clause), but Hell would have to freeze over before MTV would let me see his contract and he knows how I feel about him so... no clue about his contract. In a normal TV hosting contract, there would be moral turpitude and "embarrassment to the network" language.[/quote] just curious V1...what have you got against TJ? He seems like an ok guy, a little boring but lets face facts all the hosts of these challenges (and most hosts in general) are boring. Any juicy gossip ya care to share with the rest of us?
[QUOTE=iamnemesis666;31811]just curious V1...what have you got against TJ? He seems like an ok guy, a little boring but lets face facts all the hosts of these challenges (and most hosts in general) are boring. Any juicy gossip ya care to share with the rest of us?[/QUOTE] I'm not sure there is enough room on the server. Actually, I just posted something in another thread today in response to someone asking about a little relationship that happened between TJ and a cast member after Inferno 3. My dislike goes back several years to Gauntlet 2 with his comments to Beth, who at the time was my client, when she refused to do a gauntlet that was sexually degrading. He comments endorsed that concept as a good thing and tried to dress it up with a "quitter" speech. His comments which the audience didn't hear at Beth DQ during The Duel were equally repellent. His inability to read a cue card --- you should have seen him in the studio an one of the reunion shows. He had to read the same card -- in front of the cast and audience -- about 7 times before it was acceptable (but nowhere near good). I could go on, but he does not deserve this much of my time.
