[quote=LivesToRun;32410]I feel Johnny maybe be the end of KellyAnne's time on the Island. He seems to be constantly trying to throw her into a face-off. Hopefully she can avoid them, or go in and win again. I still have hopes for her, with that comment that Fatemeh left on her Myspace page, and the fact that she hadn't logged in until after the challenge had ended.
So I'm just keeping my fingers crossed![/quote]
Johnny seems to be trying to get rid of Evelyn more than he is Kelly Anne now. It seems like everyone has a problem with someone on this challenge.
[QUOTE=tjboston;32385]I didn't watch Sydney, maybe I should've. So this is probably a very stupid question but..
What is is about Dunbar that seems to bother everyone?[/QUOTE]
For me it wasn't about the cheating as much as it was about the way he treats women in general....He was always nice as pie if he thought it would get him ***** but if a girl was mean to him or stood up for herself then he instantly jumped all over her calling her every name in the book he could come up with while going into a "hulk mode".
[QUOTE=stacee_danielle;32572]For me it wasn't about the cheating as much as it was about the way he treats women in general....He was always nice as pie if he thought it would get him ***** but if a girl was mean to him or stood up for herself then he instantly jumped all over her calling her every name in the book he could come up with while going into a "hulk mode".[/QUOTE]
Typical behavior of someone who juices