[I]Survivor: Gabon[/I] - Earth's Last Eden is the seventeenth season of the CBS reality television series Survivor. It began filming in late June, and will premiere tonight at 8:00 PM ET / 7:00 CT. It will mark the second season of the series to be filmed in Africa, after [I]Survivor: Africa[/I] was filmed seven years prior in Kenya. The show was filmed around the coastal towns of Nyonie and Ekwata in the Wonga-Wongue Presidential Reserve.
[B]Interesting note: [/B]This season, Exile Island has been renamed as simply, "Exile." Players sent to Exile will have a choice of receiving a clue to the location of a Hidden Immunity Idol or an "‘instant comfort’ — a nice thing to sleep on, some food, some fruit.
I can't wait!