[quote=Kathleen;41673]thanks, I'm a bit surprised that Susie got 1 vote let alone 3. Good for Bob, tho.[/quote]
I was actually a bit nervous (as Jeff said he was the first time he read the votes.) The three that voted for Susie obviously did not take into account that the general rule in the final vote is to give the money to the most deserving person. Susie vs. Bob was not even close.
I was a bit surprised that Sugar did not get any votes, but from the after action interviews it was clear the cast felt Sugar got a better edit than she deserved. I was hoping that she would at least win the $100,000 for her efforts, but I guess in the end she got the fame that she wanted and that will pay dividends in the future.
I did appreciate the fact that she did not give in during the final tribal council and try to get votes. It was clear she knew she had lost and was going to uphold her stance throughout the game.
Overall, the last two episode did make up some ground on what was a generally bland season. As a true Survivor fan, I am already salivating at the thought of the next edition in February!
I think Corinne is just borderline evil!
Sugar did awful at answering the questions at the final tribal counsil. The only thing that was nice was when she said she felt genuinely bad about Kenny.
I wasn't surprised at all that Susie got 3 votes. I knew it would come down to Randy.
[QUOTE=CrazyRealityGuy;41682]I think Corinne is just borderline evil!
Sugar did awful at answering the questions at the final tribal counsil. The only thing that was nice was when she said she felt genuinely bad about Kenny.
I wasn't surprised at all that Susie got 3 votes. I knew it would come down to Randy.[/QUOTE]
Only "borderline evil?" She is a sad excuse for a human being. Imagine what she might call the victims in Darfur?
If Sugar were actually trying to win the game, then you would be right. The fact is that she wanted either Bob or Matty to win. From her perspective, everything she said during the final tribal council accurately represented her personality. She didn't go on Survivor to win. That is hard for many to understand, but it's true. She was not going to kiss anyone's *** at the end to beg for a vote. It was clear that Sugar was rooting for Bob when last night's votes were revealed. That is consistent with her decision to vote off Matty. I'm not sure many people would ever have much success playing the game the way she did, but of all the cast members, Jessica would probably be the one I'd elect to have as a life-long friend.
FYI -- Since Corrine told Jeff that she wants the negative attention, I'm having several rolls of toilet paper printed with Corrine's picture on each square. I'm looking forward to a few months of "payback" for all the acid reflux she gave me this season. [url=http://www.justtoiletpaper.com/]Justtoiletpaper.com - Printed Toilet Paper[/url]
[quote=V1man;41690]Only "borderline evil?" She is a sad excuse for a human being. Imagine what she might call the victims in Darfur? [/quote]
The sad part is she did not even apply for the show. It seems she was pursed by production.
This sums her up quite well:
At one point, Corinne insisted, “I have no moral compass.” The most damning illustration has to do with her (now former) job as a pharmaceutical sales rep, where she said she knowingly sold drugs to physicians that she knew would kill people. “Selling drugs is a lie. I sold drugs that I knew damn well—I sold Vioxx for Merck before it got taken off the market for killing people. I knew damn well it was dangerous; I went around telling them to write it. There’s a lot of serious lying I’ve done in my life,” she said.[/QUOTE]
[[URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/survivor_gabon/2008_Sep_24_corinne_kaplan"]via reality blurred[/URL]]
[QUOTE=Bacchus;41681]I was actually a bit nervous (as Jeff said he was the first time he read the votes.) The three that voted for Susie obviously did not take into account that the general rule in the final vote is to give the money to the most deserving person. Susie vs. Bob was not even close.
I was a bit surprised that Sugar did not get any votes, but from the after action interviews it was clear the cast felt Sugar got a better edit than she deserved. I was hoping that she would at least win the $100,000 for her efforts, but I guess in the end she got the fame that she wanted and that will pay dividends in the future.
I did appreciate the fact that she did not give in during the final tribal council and try to get votes. It was clear she knew she had lost and was going to uphold her stance throughout the game.
Overall, the last two episode did make up some ground on what was a generally bland season. As a true Survivor fan, I am already salivating at the thought of the next edition in February![/QUOTE]
I can't believe Susie got THREE VOTES!?!? What was that jury thinking?? Sugar's game, out of all 3, was by far the best. I get the fact that she didnt want to kiss everybody's *** for votes and I dig that...but there were definitely a few questions she could've answered better and she could've played up her awesome moves more. If she wasn't there solely to win, fine. But you're in the final 3 man! At least make some attempt to win it!
I almost feel like rooting for her all season was a waste. [I]Almost[/I].
That said, I still believe that she should've won. I'm shocked that she received 0 votes.
I was surprised with all 3 of the finalists and their pathetic jury performances. I thought after Amanda lost two seasons in a row, at least in part due to her failure to captivate the jury with a strong argument, we would see something better from the final 3. I respect how Sugar didn't fold her cards but she could have defended them better.
I'll not be surprised to read soon that Sugar deliberately did not fight for jury votes, believing that any vote she won would come at Bob's expense and not Susie's. I think that will explain her jury performance, if she answers honestly. It is what I'm hearing today from people were were at the Survivor after parties in LA last night.
[QUOTE=V1man;41751]I'll not be surprised to read soon that Sugar deliberately did not fight for jury votes, believing that any vote she won would come at Bob's expense and not Susie's. I think that will explain her jury performance, if she answers honestly. It is what I'm hearing today from people were were at the Survivor after parties in LA last night.[/QUOTE]
Yeah...that's cool of her, but Bob didn't really need his pity votes, idk. Do you guys think there was any possible way Sugar could've won it had she rockin' the final Tribal? I can't help but think she had many cards she could've played, but didn't.
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;41762]Yeah...that's cool of her, but Bob didn't really need his pity votes, idk. Do you guys think there was any possible way Sugar could've won it had she rockin' the final Tribal? I can't help but think she had many cards she could've played, but didn't.[/quote]
How are you going to beat the nice guy that won 5 individual immunities, not to mention a few reward challenges - AND pushed his team to victory on numerous other occasions. He actually DOMINATED the game in a physical way much like Terry did in Panama - albeit much more quietly. Looking back it is hard to believe how successful he was!
I don't care what Sugar said, she would not have won. It was better to keep her dignity rather than beg and throw people under the bus...
At best should would have maybe taken a vote or two away from Bob, forcing a tie or pushing Susie to victory. Kenny, Crystal and Matty were not going to vote for her no matter what. The knives could still be seen sticking out of their freshly stabbed backs at the final tribal council. ;)
[QUOTE=RockSteadyVybes;41786]QUESTION - what do they do in case of a tie? Or have they not spilled the beans on that yet because its never happened....?[/QUOTE]
During the last Survivor finale in NY, Jeff was asked that question from the audience. He said they have a plan and thus could not say what it was. It is considered a closely guarded production secret.
[QUOTE=V1man;41788]During the last Survivor finale in NY, Jeff was asked that question from the audience. He said they have a plan and thus could not say what it was. It is considered a closely guarded production secret.[/QUOTE]
Cool. It'd be crazy to actually see a tie go down live!
[quote=RockSteadyVybes;41801]Cool. It'd be crazy to actually see a tie go down live![/quote]
I bet it would be a puzzle. I doubt they'd bust out the flint and steel in a studio, lol (but you never know.)
[quote=Bacchus;41804]I bet it would be a puzzle. I doubt they'd bust out the flint and steel in a studio, lol (but you never know.)[/quote]
Who can set everyone in the first row on fire the fastest? Or who can set Kenny on fire the fastest? haha I kidd. As for the jury, bitterness pretty much controlled them and it might as well have been the final 2 as Sugar clearly was not an opinion in nearly everyone's minds. But Bob...well he really did an awesome job staying in the game when it looked like it was hopeless to even try. Nothing against Susie at all....okaay maybe a little :P
[URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/survivor_gabon/2008_Dec_17_sugar_susie_finale"][via reality blurred][/URL]
[quote]Sugar said that during her final speech, she actually told the jury, “I’ve been an actor for 10 years; thanks for playing."[/quote]Now that would have been awesome to hear! Oh, why did CBS have to be a spoil sport and edit it out...
Oh, and the article also says Sugar is free to start acting immediately (unlike some other reality cast members who got stuck in bad long term contracts and were forced to decline other shows.) *cough* Brooke *cough*
[QUOTE=Bacchus;41957][URL="http://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/archives/survivor_gabon/2008_Dec_17_sugar_susie_finale"][via reality blurred][/URL]
Now that would have been awesome to hear! Oh, why did CBS have to be a spoil sport and edit it out...
Oh, and the article also says Sugar is free to start acting immediately (unlike some other reality cast members who got stuck in bad long term contracts and were forced to decline other shows.) *cough* Brooke *cough*[/QUOTE]
You have pointed out the precise reason why people need to have their contracts vetted by a professional before they sign their rights away for peanuts. Every contract is negotiable, no matter what BS some casting person tells you behind closed doors.
[QUOTE=V1man;41968]You have pointed out the precise reason why people need to have their contracts vetted by a professional before they sign their rights away for peanuts. Every contract is negotiable, no matter what BS some casting person tells you behind closed doors.[/QUOTE]
I'm glad Sugar's contract allows her to be free. Can't wait to see if she'll do anything major in the months/years to come.
IMDB says she was in the Angel episode "Ground State". I have it on DVD, will have to check it out again.
[quote=V1man;41968]You have pointed out the precise reason why people need to have their contracts vetted by a professional before they sign their rights away for peanuts. Every contract is negotiable, no matter what BS some casting person tells you behind closed doors.[/quote]
I can understand why many reality cast members fall into the trap of just signing the tome that is sent to them no questions asked. We are in a contract society where it is just second nature. Heck, I sign 3-4 contracts a day, digitally. Although in most cases Digg.com, Adobe or whomever is only trying to indemnify themselves in extreme cases and that is much different than signing a contract for a reality show where you are the talent.
Still this makes a very good case study for perspective contestants as signing on the dotted line could cost you a future in the very business you are trying to break into.
As for Sugar, I also look forward to seeing where she ends up next. I personally recommend more topless cameos. ;)
As for Sugar, I also look forward to seeing where she ends up next. I personally recommend more topless cameos. ;)[/QUOTE]
I just added her to the prospective talent pool for a 2010 film we are currently working on. There is a substantive supporting actress role for which she is perfect -- as best friend and major love interest in a romantic comedy.
[quote=V1man;41977]I just added her to the prospective talent pool for a 2010 film we are currently working on. There is a substantive supporting actress role for which she is perfect -- as best friend and major love interest in a romantic comedy.[/quote]
Hey there good for her. It's good that Sugar can go back to her career despite having lucked out on Survivor while hopefully we've seen the last of Corinne for a while now.