Survivor: Worlds Apart - Spoilers

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I'm in love.


So doesn't look too bad either, though I found Doo to be much prettier.

This is a pretty athletic cast.
Lol Dan & Mike are going to bond over disk golf


When does this start? 


Edit: and I'm still mad they have one black person this season. I may not watch for that reason alone. 

This is a pretty athletic cast.

Athleticism only can take you so far in Survivor though.

I'm hoping we get some seriously big characters. With all the hype, there should be at least somebody who is worthwhile.

All these ****** comparing themselves to Parvati, Ozzy, Boston Rob, etc... either be original or have several seats.

I would say I that I have the potential to be an underdog like Spencer or Brett, but I love being vile, abrasive, and wicked like Corinne.

This is a pretty athletic cast.

Athleticism only can take you so far in Survivor though.

I'm hoping we get some seriously big characters. With all the hype, there should be at least somebody who is worthwhile.

I can see Shirin being a big one especially how she said she has no probably using people.
Vince is probably going to be the Phillip/Tarzan extremely weird person.

I can see Shirin being a big one especially how she said she has no probably using people.
Vince is probably going to be the Phillip/Tarzan extremely weird person.

Are the cast videos up yet? I'll watch them when I get home.

I'm not sold on Shirin yet. She's funny on social media, I'll give her that.

When does this start? 


Edit: and I'm still mad they have one black person this season. I may not watch for that reason alone. 

Why? Blacks aren't the only minority and they have a few Asians and even a Persian.

Also, to be fair, a lot of the castaways are told to pick someone big like Parvati haha. Also hoping Vince is like Coach/Shane and not Phillip, ew.

I can see Shirin being a big one especially how she said she has no probably using people.
Vince is probably going to be the Phillip/Tarzan extremely weird person.

Are the cast videos up yet? I'll watch them when I get home.

I'm not sold on Shirin yet. She's funny on social media, I'll give her that.

I don't know about videos, she said that under the why do you think you will be soul survivor.

I don't know about videos, she said that under the why do you think you will be soul survivor.

Gotcha. I haven't read through them all yet. Just skimming here and there.

When does this start? 


Edit: and I'm still mad they have one black person this season. I may not watch for that reason alone. 

Why? Blacks aren't the only minority and they have a few Asians and even a Persian. Also, to be fair, a lot of the castaways are told to pick someone big like Parvati haha. Also hoping Vince is like Coach/Shane and not Phillip, ew.

No. They could have still cast a black female. It's the 30th season a milestone season and they don't have a black women. I don't think thats right. One black person out of 18 people? Something doesn't sound right. 

So they'll be losing a viewer this season. And I hope other black people follow suit. Many have discussed disappointment about it on twitter. Its like first the oscars and now this. So I'm boycotting. You don't have to agree with my opinion because its my opinion and I stand by it. 

No. They could have still cast a black female. It's the 30th season a milestone season and they don't have a black women. I don't think thats right. One black person out of 18 people? Something doesn't sound right. 

So they'll be losing a viewer this season. And I hope other black people follow suit. Many have discussed disappointment about it on twitter. Its like first the oscars and now this. So I'm boycotting. You don't have to agree with my opinion because its my opinion and I stand by it. 

I don't think it's a huge issue. I'd rather have an entertaining cast over a racially diverse one. Every woman this season looks to bring something to the table. Maybe there just wasn't room. I would not complain about a cast with few or even no white individuals as long as they are entertaining. Character is the most important element.

When does this start? 


Edit: and I'm still mad they have one black person this season. I may not watch for that reason alone. 

Why? Blacks aren't the only minority and they have a few Asians and even a Persian. Also, to be fair, a lot of the castaways are told to pick someone big like Parvati haha. Also hoping Vince is like Coach/Shane and not Phillip, ew.

No. They could have still cast a black female. It's the 30th season a milestone season and they don't have a black women. I don't think thats right. One black person out of 18 people? Something doesn't sound right. 

So they'll be losing a viewer this season. And I hope other black people follow suit. Many have discussed disappointment about it on twitter. Its like first the oscars and now this. So I'm boycotting. You don't have to agree with my opinion because its my opinion and I stand by it. 

I don't get it why do they need to have a black female because it's a milestone? Why would 2/18 make much of a difference? It's not like the rest of the cast is white, there's 3 Asians and two Hispanics.

Wow that's petty. I'm Mexican and I'm not throwing a tantrum because There were none cast. There is no reason they should feel obligated to cast a black female just because as we then get a contestant not nearly as interesting. It's not like they don't have other ethnicities cast as well.

Also, finished the videos and I LOVED So, Shirin, Max, Nina, Dan, and Jenn. I also like Kelly and Hali. Great cast!

Exactly , just look at Fiji, they tried for a specific amount of people per race and ended up recruiting 19 out of 20 people.

9/18 are from California... not liking that. That's not including people like Joaquin who are obvious recruits.

Woohoo Cali people!!!! Lol

Lindsey comparing herself to Ciera. <3

And Mike just dropped a little on the sexiness scale after comparing himself to Cochroach...

I don't really care where this people are from or which race are them, it they are entertaining I don't see what's the problem. 

I don't really care where this people are from or which race are them, it they are entertaining I don't see what's the problem. 

This! Sure its cool to have a diverse cast from random states like Alaska or Wyoming but what does it really matter?

9/18 are from California... not liking that. That's not including people like Joaquin who are obvious recruits.

Joaquin is pretty epic so it doesn't really matter imo.

9/18 are from California... not liking that. That's not including people like Joaquin who are obvious recruits.

Joaquin is pretty epic so it doesn't really matter imo.

I'm kind of talking out of my ***, hahaha! I haven't watched the videos yet. This cast is full of fans and superfans.

As for the California thing? Ehhh... whatever, could be a hell of a lot worse. If they're entertaining, they're entertaining.

Watch them! Haha I only found myself bored with Will's. Pretty vibrant cast!

I'm finding myself really liking some of these people and really not lol - not many in betweens. Based on the cast videos:



So, Joaquin, Max, Shirin, Carolyn, Rodney, Mike, Kelly, Sierra

Really Disliking:

Tyler, Lindsey, Jenn, Hali, Joe, Vince, Dan, Nina, Will


Dan is trying way too hard and is reminding me of a love child between Mike Borassi and Adam from BB13 - Shoot me now. Lindsey claiming she's going to flirt her way to the million...good luck with that, she's certainly no Parvati. Vince is going to be a cult leader - He'll have his entire tribe wrapped around his finger (maybe not Will or Joe) but the three girls for sure. He'll make the merge and then get canned.

Does anyone know any spoilers? If so, can you please PM them to me?

Why dislike Nina?

Dan is awesome and lovable and his story of applying so many times and finally making it is awesome. Don't compare him to gross Adam. And yeah Nina is pretty great.

Watch them! Haha I only found myself bored with Will's. Pretty vibrant cast!

Just watched them and I thought the same thing about Will!

Based on the videos, I'm really liking Shirin, Sierra, Kelly, Lindsey, Mike, Rodney, and Nina. Max isn't that bad either nor is Vince. And So is ridiculously beautiful. 

Rodney's "I'mma use my chahm..." killed me. Like it's hard to dislike him from that accent alone, hahaha! Hali is the like the most intelligent idiot I've ever seen. Great cast overall.

Ok so, So is my winner pick, Shirin is my breakout star/villain pick, and for one stands out yet? How about you guys?
