Survivor: Worlds Apart - Spoilers

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Maybe just optimism but damn this cast looks good. Cagayan looked great oj paper too and they delivered so fingers crossed. Love that there is a ******** male and I'm hoping So is an Asian contestant that doesn't suck because Shii Ann, Brenda, Edna were pretty bad....

does anyone know who the hipster bearded guy is yet from blue collar?? i would die if it was kenny from BBCan2 haha

Maybe just optimism but damn this cast looks good. Cagayan looked great oj paper too and they delivered so fingers crossed. Love that there is a ******** male and I'm hoping So is an Asian contestant that doesn't suck because Shii Ann, Brenda, Edna were pretty bad....

Brenda made up for hey lack of screen time by being sexy as hell and good at challenges.
Also Nina confirmed on twitter she's Asian also so you get two chances to technicaly three because Shirin is Persian.

does anyone know who the hipster bearded guy is yet from blue collar?? i would die if it was kenny from BBCan2 haha

Max Dawson? Check out the first post.

does anyone know who the hipster bearded guy is yet from blue collar?? i would die if it was kenny from BBCan2 haha

Max Dawson? Check out the first post.

aw damn haha not as hot as kenny

Maybe just optimism but damn this cast looks good. Cagayan looked great oj paper too and they delivered so fingers crossed. Love that there is a ******** male and I'm hoping So is an Asian contestant that doesn't suck because Shii Ann, Brenda, Edna were pretty bad....

Brenda made up for hey lack of screen time by being sexy as hell and good at challenges.
Also Nina confirmed on twitter she's Asian also so you get two chances to technicaly three because Shirin is Persian.

I'm gay and challenge dominance is irrelevant to me (I love Sandra, Natalie W, Trish, Sugar). That's pretty awesome though!

I'm gay and challenge dominance is irrelevant to me (I love Sandra, Natalie W, Trish, Sugar). That's pretty awesome though!

Character is everything to me. I would love if we could get someone half as entertaining as Corinne.

Maybe just optimism but damn this cast looks good. Cagayan looked great oj paper too and they delivered so fingers crossed. Love that there is a ******** male and I'm hoping So is an Asian contestant that doesn't suck because Shii Ann, Brenda, Edna were pretty bad....

Brenda made up for hey lack of screen time by being sexy as hell and good at challenges.
Also Nina confirmed on twitter she's Asian also so you get two chances to technicaly three because Shirin is Persian.

I'm gay and challenge dominance is irrelevant to me (I love Sandra, Natalie W, Trish, Sugar). That's pretty awesome though!

I only understand how you'd like sugar. I cant stand Sandra, Natalie was no factor who got lucky Russ had horrible game play. And Trish I tried to like her because she's from Massachusetts but she creeped me out.

The diversity this season is big, we have a ******** man, three Asians, a lesbian, and a Hispanic man.

I'm gay and challenge dominance is irrelevant to me (I love Sandra, Natalie W, Trish, Sugar). That's pretty awesome though!
Character is everything to me. I would love if we could get someone half as entertaining as Corinne.

I think the closest one from recent seasons is Kass. 

The diversity this season is big, we have a ******** man, three Asians, a lesbian, and a Hispanic man.

I think Carolyn is hispanic too. 

The diversity this season is big, we have a ******** man, three Asians, a lesbian, and a Hispanic man.

Is Kelly the lesbian? But I agree, I love the diversity so far. Casting has really stepped up their game lately.

The diversity this season is big, we have a ******** man, three Asians, a lesbian, and a Hispanic man.

Is Kelly the lesbian? But I agree, I love the diversity so far. Casting has really stepped up their game lately.

Yeah she is.

The diversity this season is big, we have a ******** man, three Asians, a lesbian, and a Hispanic man.

I think Carolyn is hispanic too. 

Lol forgot about her for a minute.

Who's the ********?

Who's the ********?


Escameca? Nagarote? ***** those tribe names are so funny

Escameca? Nagarote? ***** those tribe names are so funny

I like Escameca lmao! Two are cities in Nicaragua, the other a beach.

Nagarote rolls off the tongue in a fun way (if I'm pronouncing it correctly, Naga-rō-tay). Definitely not pronouncing it correctly.

I'm surprised they've already been revealed and are ready to be purchased. Makes the gap between now and the end of February seem even longer...

Updated first post. Jenn Brown is ******* hot (noticeably so in the cat picture). I don't even like blondes lmao!

She's the "woman on a sailboat" Jeff mentioned. #WhatCollarRU #NoCollar

Updated first post. Jenn Brown is ******* hot (noticeably so in the cat picture). I don't even like blondes lmao!

She's the "woman on a sailboat" Jeff mentioned. #WhatCollarRU #NoCollar

Also Kelly is such a ****. 

Something to note about the cast is that a majority of them are from major "recruit shopping" cities/states. Does it mean they're recruits? No. But it is suspicious. I've been a fan of several recruits, nothing against them, but I'm always team applicants.

I am quite surprised that Joseph isn't from California though!

Updated first post. Jenn Brown is ******* hot (noticeably so in the cat picture). I don't even like blondes lmao!

She's the "woman on a sailboat" Jeff mentioned. #WhatCollarRU #NoCollar

Also Kelly is such a ****. 

She's a very classy looking lady.

White collar
Blonde girl

Blue collar
No collar
Guy in feathers

Something to note about the cast is that a majority of them are from major "recruit shopping" cities/states. Does it mean they're recruits? No. But it is suspicious. I've been a fan of several recruits, nothing against them, but I'm always team applicants.

I am quite surprised that Joseph isn't from California though!

A surfer from Arizona seems really weird to me lol

I was just on So kims instagram and she posted a picture of this guy that says "New yorkers again" and it looks like it could be joaquin.

I was wondering if it was is she allowed to post pictures before the cast has been announced?

I was just on So kims instagram and she posted a picture of this guy that says "New yorkers again" and it looks like it could be joaquin.

I was wondering if it was is she allowed to post pictures before the cast has been announced?

Yes, they're allowed to use social media. They attempted a social media ban with SJDS but I think they've since scrapped it. That's a long time to be silent online, especially for even numbered seasons, so now it's more monitoring what's posted.

Isn't the rule thy can't interact during their season? I think only superfans will be checking their accounts right now and yeah a bunch of the girls are interacting which is interesting. So and Joaquin seem friendly too haha.

Isn't the rule thy can't interact during their season? I think only superfans will be checking their accounts right now and yeah a bunch of the girls are interacting which is interesting. So and Joaquin seem friendly too haha.

Maybe it takes affect once the season starts airing? I have no clue on the specifics.

Actually, Dan is NOT ********, although he can fake it pretty well.  He's a chameleon and will do/be/say whatever it takes to get whatever he wants.  And he does it it all with a smile.  But he's really stabbing you in the back.  Could end up being the biggest snake ever.  I'll be surprised if he doesn't win it all.  Another poster somewhere who spent time with him in line at a casting call said he talked a good game but didn't really know as much as he thought he did.  I'm curious to see how he will portray himself on this show.  Perhaps he will receive a much needed dose of humility, although I'm not sure he knows what that looks like.
