Survivor: Game Changers - The Tables Have Turned

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kvm1977 wrote:

muffins621 wrote:I hope Sandra leaves soon. I can't stand her. 

Sandra can be annoying at times but, man, she's amazing at this game.  I don'think people will let her get thta far this season but to be playing this hard after having already won twice is respectable and impressive

I can see that, and respect it. I just don't like her. Plus, wanting to kill the mom goat? That was sickening, and stupid. If they kept the mom goat and baby goat around (alive) they could of used the goat's milk. Which would of lasted a longer time than the meat would have. 

I love no issue with killing the goat.   IMO it's no different than buying meat.  It's food.  She wasn't going to kill it just to kill it.

I really have zero issue with her wanting to kill the goat. 

That ******* goat has been talked about more than half the cast. Queen Stays Queen.

what a monster actually KILLS a stingray? ******* disgusted. I can't watch this anymore.

I feel like Sierra, Sarah, Troyzan, and Brad are totally gonna steamroll this.

I can't believe the goat thing is an actual argument. I would've wanted to kill the goat also. It's not like when you buy meat at the store you know whether or not you're eating a mom or a baby. Hell, they hunt & kill fish on this show also. 

what a monster actually KILLS a stingray? ******* disgusted. I can't watch this anymore.

The goat thing made me sad but i cannot be hypocrytical. Mmm if there was a damn mama pig and baby pig id have no worries eatin bacon and ribs that night lol it was just a lil horrifying to feel like you might be about to see it happen. I like ignorance at times. 


Unpopular opinion but im a lil obsesssed with Varner lol Jeff calling him out and his dimples i smile whenever hes on screen lol looove #teamvarner 
