Survivor: Game Changers - The Tables Have Turned

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can we talk about how sandra went to 3 tribals and still got  Z E R O votes? This is what you get.

sandra is not a threat. and no one is dumb enough to take her far, especially since the winners are slim.


That was some stellar editing once again! I feel like they're making it seem like Sandra's going home every single episode. The one time she feels the most safe is when she'll get voted out. Idk I'm on the edge of my seat with this season. Every single episode has ****** me up completely so far. 

schaboszczak wrote:

can we talk about how sandra went to 3 tribals and still got  Z E R O votes? This is what you get.

sandra is not a threat. and no one is dumb enough to take her far, especially since the winners are slim.

I saw troyzan talking about taking Sandra to the end. Lol.

infamous wrote:

schaboszczak wrote:can we talk about how sandra went to 3 tribals and still got  Z E R O votes? This is what you get.

sandra is not a threat. and no one is dumb enough to take her far, especially since the winners are slim.

I saw troyzan talking about taking Sandra to the end. Lol.

I think some people are mistakenly thinking no one would give her another million. But if she reaches there she will deserve it. I still don't see her lasting long but i'd love for her to at least reach merge. 

Idk y'all. Something is telling me Sandra goes deep in this game. I'm feeling like its gonna be Sandra vs JT/Cirie later on. Sandra gets JT out and then finally Cirie slays the dragon. Cirie is my winner pick rn. But I could see Cirie/Sandra/JT making at least F7/8.

Ehhh I don't see them making it that far, maybe Sandra, but I think the others will be done soon. 

I see Sierra, Brad, Michaela, Zeke all making it far. 

True, it's still early in the season. There's just so much buildup. I feel like our winner is already a central character. Who knows tho.

Legit forgot about Zeke. Was he in this episode at all? If he goes far I see him being like the Brett but without the late season storyline.


****** I don't remember him getting more than 5 seconds of screentime but tbf that entire tribe was underedited because of not going to tribal. I've seen some of his secret scenes on youtube and he seems to be in a good spot and he doesn't really scream "threat"

Also I ******* LIVED for Hali at that TC

Also I ******* LIVED for Hali at that TC

I haven't seen her OG season, but she's one of my faves after the last two TCs. Love that *****.

"If that's how we're playing it..."

"I didn't consent..."

"I didn't consent""No, we're good to vote""Ok, well you're going to regret it"


Also I ******* LIVED for Hali at that TC

"Uh...I didn't consent."

nevidcm wrote:

Also I ******* LIVED for Hali at that TC

"Uh...I didn't consent."

i died ahaha i was like 'the **** did she just say to jeff??' gurl plea lool

Just caught up, HOLY SHIT. I liked Malcom and but that was awesome. Brad is killing it, I knew he had a lot ofpotential. He made himself look like a hero, flushed the idol, and made the other tribe see JT was a snake.  

Also I ******* LIVED for Hali at that TC

Just caught up, HOLY SHIT. I liked Malcom and but that was awesome. Brad is killing it, I knew he had a lot ofpotential. He made himself look like a hero, flushed the idol, and made the other tribe see JT was a snake.  

JT knows how to **** himself over big time. lolz. making the same mistakes he made in HvV.... 

yeah if i were JT i would just stop playing survivor after this. period.

Hali's consent line was amazing...I'd like to see her go far.  The twist was good because, to be honest, the tribals would have been predictable least Hail would have gone home.  Now everything is open but i have no clue why Debbie is mad at just doesn't make any sense. 

GAIS I can't Stahp watching this tribal

Just caught up, HOLY SHIT. I liked Malcom and but that was awesome. Brad is killing it, I knew he had a lot ofpotential. He made himself look like a hero, flushed the idol, and made the other tribe see JT was a snake.  

i honestly feel like brad did not plan that at all... like did we all forget how much of an idiot he was on his original season? he was just lucky to be in a good position on his tribe and still have JT's trust. it wasn't that shocking tbh

Brad/Hali/Sierra along with Sandra are the best things about this season so far.

Hali's consent line was amazing...I'd like to see her go far.  The twist was good because, to be honest, the tribals would have been predictable least Hail would have gone home.  Now everything is open but i have no clue why Debbie is mad at just doesn't make any sense. 

I'm LIVING for Debbie's meltdown.

Brad/Hali/Sierra along with Sandra are the best things about this season so far.

Challenge 17 wrote:

Just caught up, HOLY SHIT. I liked Malcom and but that was awesome. Brad is killing it, I knew he had a lot ofpotential. He made himself look like a hero, flushed the idol, and made the other tribe see JT was a snake.  

i honestly feel like brad did not plan that at all... like did we all forget how much of an idiot he was on his original season? he was just lucky to be in a good position on his tribe and still have JT's trust. it wasn't that shocking tbh

Don't dicret Brad buddy. He's human, and has the capabilities of learnin from his mistakes. People usually don't stay stagnant. He not only read the room correctly, managed to vote out a strong person, got hali to stick with their team, he also had the social prowness to have JT still trust him, and Tai to use his idol on not himself and brad, but on Sierra. This is not to discret anyone else's influence on the TC turnout. Simply pointing out that Brad maybe have gotten lucky, but it was not all just luck.

I hope Sandra leaves soon. I can't stand her. 

I hope Sandra leaves soon. I can't stand her. 

The Queen will stay Queen.

I hope Sandra leaves soon. I can't stand her. 

The Queen will stay Queen.

muffins621 wrote:

I hope Sandra leaves soon. I can't stand her. 

The Queen will stay Queen.

I like Sandra but when she said it after Tony was voted out, it made me cringe. 

I hope Sandra leaves soon. I can't stand her. 

Sandra can be annoying at times but, man, she's amazing at this game.  I don'think people will let her get thta far this season but to be playing this hard after having already won twice is respectable and impressive

muffins621 wrote:

I hope Sandra leaves soon. I can't stand her. 

Sandra can be annoying at times but, man, she's amazing at this game.  I don'think people will let her get thta far this season but to be playing this hard after having already won twice is respectable and impressive

I can see that, and respect it. I just don't like her. Plus, wanting to kill the mom goat? That was sickening, and stupid. If they kept the mom goat and baby goat around (alive) they could of used the goat's milk. Which would of lasted a longer time than the meat would have. 
