Survivor: Game Changers - The Stakes Have Been Raised

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While I wanted Tony and Sandra to work together, I must say that watching this Winner vs Winner thing going on is cool to watch.

Ugh forgot troy was there 

Morris1721 wrote:

kvm1977 wrote:

Morris1721 wrote:
MalikOnFleek wrote:
brett wrote:caleb the only hot guy in the entire show

Brad and Malcolm says hi



I know who he is. I'm shocked anyone finds him attractive.

werent you saying nicole from your avi is cute? 

No I said she wasn't as ugly as people make her out to be. I'm gay so it doesn't matter.

Trish did smh she never gets credit 

If Sandra goes everyone that votes her off is cancelled.

Trish did smh she never gets credit 

think we all heard you the first time.

wtf why sandra voting for aubry, thought she hated tony

Challenge 17 wrote:

Trish did smh she never gets credit 

think we all heard you the first time.

I'll say it everytime Tony's game play is brought up. 



wtf why sandra voting for aubry, thought she hated tony

incase of an idol. 

wtf they never talked about aubry this episode, why were ppl voting for her

Sandra is savage 

Ok but let's talk about Sandra not even getting one single vote lmaoooo

Wish it was useless Varner though

RIP Tony </3


wtf they never talked about aubry this episode, why were ppl voting for her

yes they did, they even told Tony to vote for her. 

Holy shit Sandra is in a whole league of her own.

All that talk about taking out Sandra and did Tony vote out

While I wanted Tony and Sandra to work together, I must say that watching this Winner vs Winner thing going on is cool to watch.

This premiere was amazing

Okay, Sandra is my favorite right now. ******.

Props to sandra though. If anyone was gonna beat Tony, im glad it was her. Smile

wtf they never talked about aubry this episode, why were ppl voting for her

Someone isn't paying attention because they're busy posting spoilers

did they just show sandra on blue tribe? lol

Yeahhh, RIP JT next week

Ok y'all what we rating this episode 1-10

I love Sandra so much. I know she won't win, but...

I love Sandra so much. I know she won't win, but...

But idk about thaaaaaat

Lol when even tony's allies voted for him. 

This is why I like all returning players or no ne
