Survivor: Game Changers - The Stakes Have Been Raised

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When Sandra's name hasn't even come up as a target >>>>>

I love the location tbh. Fiji is beautiful 

We'll see if the girls are smart enough to take out a guy...

When Sandra's name hasn't even come up as a target >>>>>

When Sandra's name hasn't even come up as a target >>>>>

Im saying lmao

When Sandra's name hasn't even come up as a target >>>>>

People still don't see her as a threat...foolishly

Micheala is the strongest girl, ciera should see it coming. 

Well, I don't like Michaela's name coming up either

Welp. Makayla's gone.

Well, I don't like Michaela's name coming up either

Literally tuned in 2 mins ago and her name is thrown around -____-

I quit last season after she left, I'll do it again

If they vote off their strongest girl this early, that's idotic. 

I wish they would stop beating the audience over the head with the ******* name of the season. Okay, They're supposed to be game changers, It doesn't need to be said a thousand times.

I wish they would stop beating the audience over the head with the ******* name of the season. Okay, They're supposed to be game changers, It doesn't need to be said a thousand times.

they do it every season 

I thought Caleb was so anti Sandra and anti Tony but I see him on their laps all the time

Micheala better not go

Caleb has never been smart

yeah they did it so much with brains/brawns/beauty and the no collar season or whatever.

No matter which one goes I'm pissed

Bye Felicia


Bye Felicia


Welp at least it wasn't micheala.

sandra as likeable as ever.

Debut Album wrote:

I wish they would stop beating the audience over the head with the ******* name of the season. Okay, They're supposed to be game changers, It doesn't need to be said a thousand times.

they do it every season 

That's why I said I wish they would STOP doing that. 

IF tony doesnt chill, im afraid hes the next to go Sad

one wote got M on it but it was crossed omg

I'm surprised Makayla survived that vote.

I don't understand why people don't target Tony


Tony recognizing royalty.
