Survivor 44 - Episode Discussion (No Spoilers)

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as usual didnt love the advantage island, but this cast is bonkers. that tribal council was fantastic 

im believing the hype that this will end up as a top 5 survivor season, 

Ok, Probst looked way better at tribal than in the beginning. I take back my pettiness. I overall enjoyed the episode, light years better than 43. I am a Carolyn stan, I love my unhinged older ladies. I like Brandon too. No one I hate. Yam can be too much but at times can be endearing if he doesn't do too much all season. Maddy was a good first boot, happy with that. I am sad about Bruce, that sucks. The guy falling was so embarrassing for him. Not too much inspiring stuff, besides the YMCA mom moment. What was the dramatic edit with that? Still hate all the advantages, but did like the bird cage twist. 

Not Carolyn being lumped into the old lady category! lol

LMAO jaime is so bad.. im glad brandon voted maddy instead of lauren. 

i'm rooting for lauren, claire, heidi, danny, and connor 

Random but so many old lady sounding names: Frannie, Helen, Claire, Carolyn and Heidi it sounds like an episode of the golden girls

Helen had so much potential, really liked her but sooooo happy Carolyn survived another day! She is a legend!!

How in everything that is unholy did Carolyn actually pass the psych test required to even be considered for a castaway on Survivor?!

No way can I even tolerate her buffoonery!

How in everything that is unholy did Carolyn actually pass the psych test required to even be considered for a castaway on Survivor?!

No way can I even tolerate her buffoonery!

How in everything that is unholy did Carolyn actually pass the psych test required to even be considered for a castaway on Survivor?!

No way can I even tolerate her buffoonery!

Carolyn is self-aware. She realizes she is a little looney. She does remind me of Micronesia Kathy though. Love her.

Also, if it wasn't for the fact that we are both Puerto Ricans then I would have despised Yam Yam but I do not really hate him at all since Carolyn shields him due to everyone else concentrating on her personality.

Cosmic the other Cosmic said he ran you off after you sent disturbing pics. Glad you are still here!

Thank you!I don't remember sending the other Cosmic a disturbing picture but maybe it's for the better if he meant it thinking I wanted to get with him romantically.  Especially considering that at this point in my life I am better off staying single since relationships in my POV are overrated in some aspects

Well, I do think I first put the selfie in the message but then almost immediately erased it so that explains the confusion at least to me.

i enjoyed ep 2 more than the premiere, carolyn is a great casting choice 

Bruce deserves his second chance that I think even Probst said to him sometime in the future.

Helen was PUSHED! **** that twink I'm over it!

am i the only one annoyed by carolyn? she's basically debbie enough 

i like yam yam though 

Carolyn's terrible

Carolyn's terrible

Carolyn isn't a Debbie. She's a Kathy, she is naturally a little off and self-aware of it. Debbie was forced and performative. If she settles down a bit I can see her having a Holly  (Nicaragua) story arch. She's carrying the sesson for me.

Watching someone act like a homeless drug addict isn't entertaining. If she passed the psych eval, they need to change the standards for passing

Watching someone act like a homeless drug addict isn't entertaining. If she passed the psych eval, they need to change the standards for passing

I don't think she is acting like that. She is quirky but she is aware she is a little off. Your comments seem a little harsh and rude. She is in recovery.


Watching someone act like a homeless drug addict isn't entertaining. If she passed the psych eval, they need to change the standards for passing

She is in recovery.

Then why's she on Survivor?

Last season was a complete bore... so I cant complain with carolyn 

y'all want to talk about Challenge Burnout im absolutely tired of this Survivor machine. I feel like i've watched the same exact thing so many times in a row.

42 was a shining light but i feel like they got lucky with the cast more than they intentionally tried to put on a good show 

Then why's she on Survivor?

People that once battled addiciton can't have a life once clean?

Sometimes it may depend on connections by family.  Brandon Hantz was so crazy yet because Russell is his notorious uncle so he is in like it or not.

I like Carolyn's quirky personality her and Yam Yam are the best duo 


Then why's she on Survivor?

People that once battled addiciton can't have a life once clean?

the fact that yall really think someone cant be on survivor (or do anything for that matter) just bc they used to be an addict is.... telling

anyway, just watched

- yam yam sliding down the slide was funny

- danny can rearrange my guts 

- mike may have made himself a target talking about how he built replicas and practiced all these games

- yall complain about boring seasons and when we finally have entertaining people aka carolyn yall complain. what do you want?????? 

- i really like carson
