Survevmo: Cloud Forest - Official Thread

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I tried :/

Hey yo

Rana has possession of all idols

6 hours and 5 minutes until the challenge is over.

Hey yo


Johnathan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Jeff

Watching the idols

Rana has all idols still. 

RLK is Eliminated.

3.5 hours to go.

Rana has all idols still. 

RLK is Eliminated.

3.5 hours to go.


man our water smell bad

Rana still has all idols. Daddy DAF is Eliminated.

Just under 2 more hours.

ok dscott expert defender  today

ok dscott expert defender  today

Most Valuable David. 

Haha thanks guys. Dying for it to be 10 pm 


Hahha gotta do it for Yonkers. DBlock lol

Rana has all idols. Only Velocithot remains for mono. 1 hour left.

Yeah and Velocithot ain't doing shit because there's a ***** on my tribe that's gotta go.

Rancid wins immunity

Sounds like a quit to me, make it official Jeff!

Rancid wins immunity

I hate this musky ***** lmaoooo

Alright y’all start fighting. I just got back from a workout and I need to shower. Be right with you ❤️

Alright y’all start fighting. I just got back from a workout and I need to shower. Be right with you ❤️

::Tries to shower with the host::

“Alright y’all start fighting.” dead.


Alright y’all start fighting. I just got back from a workout and I need to shower. Be right with you ❤️


::Tries to shower with the host::


Alright if that’s it then everyone can gather back up on the challenge grounds beach. Let me stretch and I’ll put the results out into the universe and we can commence.

*patiently waits for results*

Alright, great challenge everyone! Very interesting to see the different strategies. Mono took the lead early on, but couldn’t hold it for long. In the end, Rana walks away with their first win since the very first round of the game. Rana managed to claim all of the Green idol, the Brown Idol, and the Reward Idol.

Let’s trade. For the Green Idol, I give Rana...

Rana, sage from the first of tonight’s Tribal Councils!

And for the Brown Idol, Rana receives...

Rana also safe from the second of tonight’s Tribal Councils.

In addition, a big reward in the form of Burgers, hotdogs, fries, large pops, and all the fixins. Who will be carrying which item back to camp? (One per person, first come first serve.)

Mono, I’ll see you tonight at Tribal Council where two people will be the 7th and eighth people voted out of this game. Got nothing else for you. Grab your stuff, head back to camp.

I’ll carry the burgers. Yayyy we won, finally yayyy

Is "fixins" an item? Because I'll take that.. if not, I'll take the fries lol
