Squid Games The Challenge (Netflix)

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Knew they'd find a way to pair up for marbles. This is exactly what they wanted out of the mother son duo and glad they found a way to do it even though they all should have seen it coming

Knew they'd find a way to pair up for marbles. This is exactly what they wanted out of the mother son duo and glad they found a way to do it even though they all should have seen it coming

I love that duo. It's gonna be rough seeing them compete against each other.

Jada is very smart and observant i could see her going all the way 

Was she the one who took that cheeseburger from that guy?? I loved that she walked away like nothing happened. Lol

Knew they'd find a way to pair up for marbles. This is exactly what they wanted out of the mother son duo and glad they found a way to do it even though they all should have seen it coming

hope the mom dog walks him, she's much more interesting 

so we aren't doing a spoiler thread? 

so we aren't doing a spoiler thread? 

I could make one if there's enough traction. It's kind of like the Mole or Traitors threads did those have spoiler threads? 

starting Episode 3 and this might be reality competition show of the year idk

I don't think this was as rigged as the eliminated contestants say, Some of these results say otherwise 

I don't think this was as rigged as the eliminated contestants say, Some of these results say otherwise 

They probably mad cause they lost so they tryna make the show look bad.

I don't think this was as rigged as the eliminated contestants say, Some of these results say otherwise 

Agreed no way they'd let some of the big names go out in battleship like that if it was rigged. Very anticlimactic. 

229 is MY WINNER. I SCREAMED when she eliminated that onlyfans mullet tiktoker and his fake grandpa friend. Their storyline was so forced and fake. Producers pets she peeped that shit and ended it so fast. She's so stealthy.  Omg Vecepia could NEVER. The way she hugged the man that won the advantage only to eliminate him moments later... A WINNER EDIT IKDR. I need the corner alliance to flop they're anti black.  

Dash was a MORON to throw a black alliance utb to black women what did he think would happen! Also it appears that alliance was for the black gworls AND gays. They had his back and he turned on them for no reason. It's telling how BLACK folks working together will always be a bigger target over white bros. Thank God for 229 she's our only hope to end that shit.  

The biracial football player was also hell couldn't stand him I'm so glad he flopped but he will be on the challenge just know that. He was just cast for another Netflix dating show.  

the marbles challenge was SO obvious can't believe all those idiots paired up with their bestie.  

Also the Battleship game was the best and so unique. I was so upset Flick and Brownie or whatever her name was lost. I CACKLED when the captains lost and did the salute to their team LMAOOO


The episodes are really good i do think they lost too many big characters during battleship. My interest fleeted as soon as the bros got kicked for mullet guy and his alliance and that basketball player preaching.

Bryton truly was meant to be the main antagonist in a squid games environment. He also lost by luck because he had the skills to do well. He'll be a beast on The Challenge 

it was also weird for Figgy to finally get a role and then be kicked by luck of the draw. I will say Battleship would be better for the actual scripted series 

Bye how could you lose interest from that stupid biracial ***** going home? There are no main characters! They are giving people air time as they shine during the tasks. Throwing in red herrings and eliminating them to make viewers feel emotional attachment and wanting to see what happens next. There are a lot of interesting people left. 

Did any of yall take a psychology or sociology class? I would LOVE to watch this in a classroom setting and dissect each episode. This is my favorite part about reality competition shows.  

Off topic but in my marketing class in hs we watched the first season of the apprentice before Donald trump was president and I remember everyone in my class hated omarosa  and cheered when she got fired and I thought they were all racist Smile

Bye how could you lose interest from that stupid biracial ***** going home? There are no main characters! They are giving people air time as they shine during the tasks. Throwing in red herrings and eliminating them to make viewers feel emotional attachment and wanting to see what happens next. There are a lot of interesting people left. 

there's interesting people left i was being dramatic but yeah i enjoy real villians, that's a real villian 


Bye how could you lose interest from that stupid biracial ***** going home? There are no main characters! They are giving people air time as they shine during the tasks. Throwing in red herrings and eliminating them to make viewers feel emotional attachment and wanting to see what happens next. There are a lot of interesting people left. 

there's interesting people left i was being dramatic but yeah i enjoy real villians, that's a real villian 

and now that "villain" is 229. She's a different kind of villain but still one. The casuals hate her. The straight white men are praying for her downfall. Mullet is still bitter she eliminated him and he has to go back to scamming on onlyfans. She will do anything to win. That grandma better watch out!

Ugh. I don't need a new show to watch but yall sure are hyping this up.

Ugh. I don't need a new show to watch but yall sure are hyping this up.

turn it on NOW. NOW!!!!!!!


Ugh. I don't need a new show to watch but yall sure are hyping this up.

turn it on NOW. NOW!!!!!!!

Agreed anyone who likes reality tv competitions enough to be on this site should be watching 

Who ever cast this show needs to cast for Big Brother, The Challenge and Survivor

she used to cast survivor  

I don't think this was as rigged as the eliminated contestants say, Some of these results say otherwise 

scripted not rigged 

the only problem with tihs show is i dont really root for anyone left at all. too many people to start, but as someone who found squid game the show overrated tihs is pretty good. i will watch the rest of the season just to see how it plays out. 

229 getting hate for that move is crazy. My jaw dropped 


Who ever cast this show needs to cast for Big Brother, The Challenge and Survivor

she used to cast survivor  

And look at the casts we have been getting. They a snoozefest.

Poor Figgy tho lol she tried 

People big mad 229 sent those two guys home lol. Wow

At first I was cringing by how serious people were being but I def got hooked by episode 3 and was stressed watching. I wouldn't mind a season 2 but I feel like it will lose that magic for me similar to The Circle or AYTO?

Also I laughed when 161? Pretty much got eliminated because he refused the moms apples lol

At first I was cringing by how serious people were being but I def got hooked by episode 3 and was stressed watching. I wouldn't mind a season 2 but I feel like it will lose that magic for me similar to The Circle or AYTO?

Also I laughed when 161? Pretty much got eliminated because he refused the moms apples lol

he was rude as hell for that too like it's a social game lol

Tamara's Ex & Turbo's Rival is on this show?
