Real World Seattle: Bad Blood - Peter Romeo

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This guy is hot.

Here's my thoughts on him and Mike. Both of them being on the show can be really good or really bad. This is Mike's second show and this is Peter's third show so clearly they looking for a come up. This could mean we'll get fake drama from them or they could be the type of fame ****** willing to throw out every secret they know about each other for camera time. 

I hope it's the latter. More interesting.

Mmmm the friend is sexy as ****

Dammm such a babe!

He looks exactly like Bruno in that picture with him and Anna

he looks so generic real world... Cute but blah. Wish he had lips too.

I ain't feeling him... Never watched whatever he's been on but hopefully he's entertaining. He just gives me Kiki vibes and how she tried so many sources at MTV, with Pratt from AYTO2 and some guy from teen mom I think. But this case he's been on 2 other shows...

Wash your damn feet

Like robbie and Jennifer he tried for go big didnt made it

He looks exactly like Bruno in that picture with him and Anna

Not really no.

He makes Nate from ayto looks manly...Who throws a tantrum over a dumb "your momma" joke smh

He makes Nate from ayto looks manly...Who throws a tantrum over a dumb "your momma" joke smh

that's stretching a bit...

He makes Nate from ayto looks manly...Who throws a tantrum over a dumb "your momma" joke smh

First part I disagree with, Peter has ALWAYS looked manly and kept his composure; as for the momma joke it was because his mom is sick and anybody outside of the 3rd grade would find it inappropriate. Dumb or not.

Peter can do far better than Jen. I don't even like his pubescent *** but foreal. 

Peter can do far better than Jen. I don't even like his pubescent *** but foreal. 

Why yall sleeping on Jennifer? LOL. 

He's harmless.

Oh and I remember peter posting this on insta. I know everyone probably has googled themselves before but with peter I feel the need to take his caption seriously. He's THAT type to think he's a A list. Excuse the mobile glitch 

So he was hanging with Mike again last night even after all the shit he's done to him? Some people never learn.....

So he was hanging with Mike again last night even after all the shit he's done to him? Some people never learn.....

Agreed Graphik, Agreed. Hopefully Peter got paid for the session AND that check he's owed

He dresses like a 25 year old girl who writes for a fashion column in new york

Peter can do far better than Jen. I don't even like his pubescent *** but foreal. 

Other way around

He seems pretty crazy, wouldn't be suprised if production put him on the next challenge. Coming from his last show he probably wouldn't do too bad 

peter is the type to call the paparazzi himself to come and take pics and then act like they were off guard pics 

PinkRose wrote:

He makes Nate from ayto looks manly...Who throws a tantrum over a dumb "your momma" joke smh

First part I disagree with, Peter has ALWAYS looked manly and kept his composure; as for the momma joke it was because his mom is sick and anybody outside of the 3rd grade would find it inappropriate. Dumb or not.

PinkRose wrote:

He makes Nate from ayto looks manly...Who throws a tantrum over a dumb "your momma" joke smh

First part I disagree with, Peter has ALWAYS looked manly and kept his composure; as for the momma joke it was because his mom is sick and anybody outside of the 3rd grade would find it inappropriate. Dumb or not.

His mother isn't well? If that's so, then that's a really inappropriate comment to make towards him from Katrina,who seems to like making those little smartass comments,thinking she's being funny. 

Nostalgic wrote:

PinkRose wrote:He makes Nate from ayto looks manly...Who throws a tantrum over a dumb "your momma" joke smh

First part I disagree with, Peter has ALWAYS looked manly and kept his composure; as for the momma joke it was because his mom is sick and anybody outside of the 3rd grade would find it inappropriate. Dumb or not.

His mother isn't well? If that's so, then that's a really inappropriate comment to make towards him from Katrina,who seems to like making those little smartass comments,thinking she's being funny. 

Yeah he mentioned it to Wesley in the AC Video which is on Youtube

Nostalgic wrote:

PinkRose wrote:He makes Nate from ayto looks manly...Who throws a tantrum over a dumb "your momma" joke smh

First part I disagree with, Peter has ALWAYS looked manly and kept his composure; as for the momma joke it was because his mom is sick and anybody outside of the 3rd grade would find it inappropriate. Dumb or not.

His mother isn't well? If that's so, then that's a really inappropriate comment to make towards him from Katrina,who seems to like making those little smartass comments,thinking she's being funny. 

It was actually Anna o said Yo Momma. but Katrina stepped in the convo as well.

the worst part is they didn't even apologize for it. they just told him to not make a big deal or what not. 

Katrina is the definition of a girl who can dish it but can't take it. whenever people joke around with her she gets super defensive. 

This guy sucks so much


Yall know all the shows he was on was cancelled. Don't let this be the next one...#SIP

Could this have been a warning from the future...

I hate his guy more than Jenna T, Chris, and Dione combined
