The Real World: Atlanta - Dondre Randolph

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The Real World: Atlanta - Dondre Randolph

Open to liking him but I pray he doesn’t turn out to be another Leroy/Derrick/Malcolm.

Kinda reminds me of Malcom in the top right pic

I think he is cute

His twitter is @_Drandolph. He’s liked quite a few Donald Trump tweets

he looks like Malcom 

His twitter is @_Drandolph. He’s liked quite a few Donald Trump tweets


He’s our gay/bi male 

You know what....

I KNOW HIM!!! Biggrin he’s definitely faking this republican thing if that’s how he got cast. But omg that’s crazy !!!

if you knew him why didn’t you tell us when cast spotting were posted with him very clearly in them lol



I KNOW HIM!!! Biggrin he’s definitely faking this republican thing if that’s how he got cast. But omg that’s crazy !!!

He has been liking stuff like that on Twitter since before casting.....

if you knew him why didn’t you tell us when cast spotting were posted with him very clearly in them lol

We never got good up close face pictures for me to tell because he looked like a Malcolm clone in each one. & second he’s a mutual friend of mine so we’re not best buddies but I know people that know him and I’ve seen him before. y i k e s 

LucciVee wrote:

I KNOW HIM!!! Biggrin he’s definitely faking this republican thing if that’s how he got cast. But omg that’s crazy !!!

He has been liking stuff like that on Twitter since before casting.....

oh wow I would assume based off the people he hang around that he’s not republican but shit weirder things have happened. I can still see people playing it up before casting but idk. Smile

I am calling it he is going to be the Jordan of this season the one that is going to be in the middle of drama, not scared to fight and the one that is going to rub the others the wrong way. I see him being great tv in that sense.

I think he’s a troll, this is also in his likes I expect him to play it up tho that’s how he got casted

He’s definitely Trade tho, idk if you can confirm Lucci but I’m getting trade vibes from this twitter lol.

edit: yeah we have a couple of mutuals on Instagram 

He’s definitely Trade tho, idk if you can confirm Lucci but I’m getting trade vibes from this twitter lol.edit: yeah we have a couple of mutuals on Instagram 

A LOT of my gay mutuals & friends follow him and he responds to them and seems friendly with them & follow them so I wouldn’t be surprised. I would personally assume he’s bi but that’s just me and I hate labels. ☕️

TuesDaze wrote:

He’s definitely Trade tho, idk if you can confirm Lucci but I’m getting trade vibes from this twitter lol.edit: yeah we have a couple of mutuals on Instagram 

A LOT of my gay mutuals & friends follow him and he responds to them and seems friendly with them & follow them so I wouldn’t be surprised. I would personally assume he’s bi but that’s just me and I hate labels. ☕️

yeah I’m scrolling and it just gives me that vibe. Outside the obvious fake liked trump tweets he actually seems like someone I’d like. I just think he’s gonna play that up because that’s how he tricked them to cast him lol 

Why cant we have anything nice

Why cant we have anything nice

Don’t hold your breath with this one, he could very well be using the Dan Gheesling strategy on production and lying saying he’s republican and support Donald Trump. 

Between him possibly being gay/bi, possibly Republican, possibly a shit-stirrer & having that top row of teef in general, this one has quite a lot going on. Lol Lol

So I asked for a majority Black cast but instead I’ll likely be getting a season where the only two Black people beefing...


So I asked for a majority Black cast but instead I’ll likely be getting a season where the only two Black people beefing... [IMG][/IMG]

Between him possibly being gay/bi, possibly Republican, possibly a *********** & having that top row of teef in general, this one has quite a lot going on. Lol Lol

If I was in the house he would’ve already fought me because I would had so many jokes about them teef! Lol

Ouuuu he fione

Why cant we have anything nice


Yeah, this ain't it...

I don't buy the republican thing, he only recently started that up and only in his likes almost as if to check off a resume. I know pink said he liked those tweets prior to casting which is true but that doesn't mean he didn't still like them because he was planning on auditioning for shows.

He can be interesting if he scams MTV and doesn't even play into that character. They'd be heated but id cackle, but if he shows up and actively plays that role I hope Justin knocks his *** out 
