The Real World: Atlanta - Clint Wright

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Another episode of him putting his nose in Meagan business and then going off. I cant stand his *** 

Another episode of him putting his nose in Meagan business and then going off. I cant stand his *** 

Right is he jealous of her or something? I can do without him, he needs to go. Fake *** masc DL top *****

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Good thing he shook Justin's hand telling him he would use his white privilege to speak up yet has posted nothing but selfies and bar videos.

Yeesh. I like how it also is an ad for his onlyfans account.

Yeesh. I like how it also is an ad for his onlyfans account.

it was such a weird, jarring, mention. I laughed.

who's betty spaghetti


Yeesh. I like how it also is an ad for his onlyfans account.

it was such a weird, jarring, mention. I laughed.

The URL to it was not needed. lmao

Am i the only one getting gsy vibes from him? He looks like he'd do some gay for pay videos

Relax Betty Spaghetti you'll get your trailer back soon. He was just having some fun with his cousins.


What a headline 

Figaretti Spaggetti is beating him up again

Figaretti Spaggetti is beating him up again

Yikes! Hopefully they stay away from each other this can end in a terrible way


Figaretti Spaggetti is beating him up again

I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't racist....

What happened to the black girl he dated on rw

If you have experience domestic violence and get trigger please don't look below this post













Wait. Are they both bleeding? I am confused. 

Hopefully he gets away from her.

I'll never understand straight people

Wait. Are they both bleeding? I am confused. 

Hopefully he gets away from her.

Murder in the making. Don't know why you'd stay around this.

I don't see this ending well. Praying they both get the help they need.  

They both need help

They both need help



Wait. Are they both bleeding? I am confused. 

Hopefully he gets away from her.

So this guy is basically a manipulative psichopath who lives off his girlfriend and cries victim when she gets mad at him for cheating, and on top of that they beat eachother up? That's what i got from it... 
