The Endurance reboot titled Karma is coming to HBO Max this spring:
Production is currently underway on Karma,an hour-long adventure competition series hosted by extreme lifestyle enthusiast Khare. It takes sixteen contestants, ranging in age from 12 to 15, completely off the grid to solve puzzles and overcome physical challenges, with the laws of karma setting the rules. The series will test the mental and physical stamina of its young contestants as they unravel how their social actions impact their success in the game. Focus, giving, humility, growth, connection, change and patience are the path to becoming the “Karma Champion.” But more importantly, the players learn one of life’s most profound lessons: “What you give out, you get back.”
Queen Jonna Impact ❤
Okay then.
Lets see how this goes lol.
I'm pressed I watched endurance when I was little and wanted to be on when I was old enough but it was canceled. Now I'm too grown and it gets a reboot.
we do love teenage Survivor
Endurance was my dream as a kid. Ugh. It was such a great show!
I also love LaurDIY and may have to watch the other show the article talks about.
I just knew I was gonna eat the girls up when I was old enough. Lol
I made it to casting finals for this show xx. feel free to ask questions because I know how the show works in a way.
HOWEVER I’ll let yall know this - ALOT of the cast is from YouTube or they are Child Actors. So people, especially kids, are very very wary as to what they say or what they do, because they don’t want to ruin their career.
For those curious like myself here is the cast
Either they look really young or I have reach the age that I start seeing ppl younger than 20 like babies.
I'm so scared the twitter community will go hard on the people they don't like. Youngest girl on here is 12, oldest is 15
Hopefully knowing that it's a kid show they wouldn't be cyberbullying them.
I wish I could say "they wod never do that" but knowing who is in this community..
The final teams were already leaked by the production company themselves so ******
this looks cute! So this show is basically The Challenge for kids?
think more survivor. Their "eliminations" atleast in the old show were completely luck based / strategy
The eliminations were rock paper scissors lol
forgot about that lfmajhndngnsnd
the same as the last vevmo endurance game
Ahhh going to be living vicariously through this cast. I wanted to do this show so bad but like others said, they cancelled it by the time I was able to :(
I mean that's how it's always been lmao you want 14 year olds to do Hall Brawl?
more Survivor than the challenge tbh
also looks sort of diverse, just hope the kids know about the cursed colors lmao
nah my comment was directed at the person saying the eliminations were strategy when it's just rock paper scissors.
oh lmao I mean there's kind of a strategy but really the name of the game is just to not go.
Yes. I want see their grit. Gimme Hawl Brawl, pole wrestle, balls in, etc. Gimme bloodbath type eliminations. It's a dog eat dog world and just cause you're 14, don't mean we gonna give you some patty cake elimination. Blood. Sweat. Tears.
Wonder if they’ll let them cuss lol
You're probably right.
I can only imagine being their age (12-16) again and people dragging me all over social media over my behavior.
difference is since I'm in the Stan community I'd drag back
Endurance was very wholesome so I don't think so.
fun fact: Lilly from High Sierras (who is also Jenna from AYTO8's sister) is a story producer on Karma.
You're welcome for spoiling the cast
Just call me BlueRose
By the way - I'm not particularly worried about most of the cast being models/actors. Endurance has also relied heavily on that scene for its casts. Pretty much everyone on the first season (except Lana and Chelsea) were aspiring models/actors (yes, even Jonna). So it just depends on if they cast some good personalities. It seems Avon and Illya are the two that don't come from a model/actor background.