The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30 - Dario Medrano

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He can stay gone forever actually. Always had a negative (and boring) energy about him. He was only hype on Bloodlines when his brother was on with him

CT wife doing Dario wrong lmaoo

Why didn't she just crop him?

lol two years ago she was already showing what a mean bitter b!tch she was

Does he look the same? 

Does he look the same? 

Better. Raphy is the one looking kinda rough. He's gotten too skinny. 


Does he look the same? 

Better. Raphy is the one looking kinda rough. He's gotten too skinny. 

Trust and believe Ralph is welcome inside at any time ❤️

So fineeee 

Methinks Ralphy would've been a better contestant than Dario
