The Challenge: World Championship - World Domination

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Does anyone  actually enjoys watching finals episodes for this show? 

I love the finals, usually my favorite episodes from old seasons. The show is called "the challenge" not "the drama and fights" after all. 

You'd rather watch people puking and running over moments like Katie cussing out Veronica? You and ***1977 needa stick to Ninja Warrior. Give me all the fights, tears, and meltdowns!

Ninja Warrior is all.sob stories.   It's horrific because they need to create pathetic storylines.  Finals were rarely great episodes but you complain abou any drama you do get. The drama should be organic not forced as you want. Gameplay naturally creates it. 



Tori literally CARRIED Danny a FOOTBALL PLAYER I mean he sucks ***!

If Tori wasn't such an idiot and actually worked towards getting Jordan out then it wouldn't have mattered how good or bad they were they win.

This is the worst logic. Protecting Jordan gave them a spot in the final without having to see an elimination.  Tori played the game correctly then Danny flopped 

She played the game she wanted, for Jordan to win and her to get 2nd place.

anytime anyone is voting for theirself and redskulls aren't available its not a good game. kvm has said this before so idk why hes trying to pretend like tori played a good game. she played a stupid game to get to the final and lose. lmao and he knows this.

If someone listens plz recap it- I can't listen to Derrick



Tori literally CARRIED Danny a FOOTBALL PLAYER I mean he sucks ***!

If Tori wasn't such an idiot and actually worked towards getting Jordan out then it wouldn't have mattered how good or bad they were they win.

This is the worst logic. Protecting Jordan gave them a spot in the final without having to see an elimination.  Tori played the game correctly then Danny flopped 

Tori knows well enough by now if she wants to win she can't have Jordan there with a competent partner. Danny's a pro athlete who can also do puzzles, basically a dream partner but still even he can't measure up to Jordan. She was playing for second the entire time

Bananas claims hes "shadow banned" by production because they barely showed him on ROD and because Theo is friends with Bananas, production "shadow banned" him on this season.  

tori also said he got a bad edit, how they made it seem like them quitting was because of his ankle, but it was because he was so far ahead of sarah who had food poisoning, that when he turned to look back at her, thats how he hurt it but they "put all the blame on him"

Theo claims he was going to put in jordan/kaz for the last elimination

bananas said there was a flirtation between troy and tori; that he was ready to risk it all for tori. Theo said troy was cockteasing tori and the moment she took the bait, he said he had a gf of 13 years. 
