The Challenge: World Championship - World Domination

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this is going around on the internet but the answer to this puzzle was definitely not "042" which is the answer Jordan and Tori gave and got a clear, every hint leds it to be "062"



congratulations to jordan and kaz - but this is jordans least impressive win by far.

i have never seen someone (not even ct) get such a cakewalk to the end of a show. tori, kaycee etc should be embarassed or got a cut of that money. 

a horrible season

Your constant tantrums are not going to change the outcome. Jordan wins are far more impressive than Darrell's.

I love when I make an accurate point people have nothing to say but mention Darrell.  

also the puzzle makes this a fake win. Kaycee and Troy the true winners 

cory and jordan fans always bringing up darrell lmao. he must be the standard.

cory and jordan fans always bringing up darrell lmao. he must be the standard.

The jealousy is crazy of the king. He doesn't need to have producer interference to win.

this is going around on the internet but the answer to this puzzle was definitely not "042" which is the answer Jordan and Tori gave and got a clear, every hint leds it to be "062"


it could've been edited as such, but they might have eventually gotten it correctly. idk.

this is going around on the internet but the answer to this puzzle was definitely not "042" which is the answer Jordan and Tori gave and got a clear, every hint leds it to be "062"



it may be editing but it looked like tori and danny already had the last two numbers when they started because jordan and kaz didn't erase it, did anyone else see that? 

Oh no they rigged it so Kaycee didn't get another win and more guaranteed callbacks. Oh well


LOL the shady tweets continue

I really wish the final was individuals so Danny could have saw he wouldn't have beaten Jordan or Troy lol

Danny's point is that Jordan shouldn't have been in the final to begin with. If it was individual he'd have made more of an effort to make that happen


LOL the shady tweets continue

I really wish the final was individuals so Danny could have saw he wouldn't have beaten Jordan or Troy lol

Isn't that the point of not wanting Jordan in the final?


LOL the shady tweets continue

I really wish the final was individuals so Danny could have saw he wouldn't have beaten Jordan or Troy lol

did you actually watch this season or were you too busy eating Jordan's ***? Danny didn't want to run a final against them but Tori did and look what happened.



LOL the shady tweets continue

I really wish the final was individuals so Danny could have saw he wouldn't have beaten Jordan or Troy lol

Danny's point is that Jordan shouldn't have been in the final to begin with. If it was individual he'd have made more of an effort to make that happen

This final made me a fan of Troy and Kaz 

Once again y'all overhype Kayzzz. One thing that man is gonna do is get injured and have no endurance. I'm mad production didn't make her wear a dress. She's a lesbian not a man why does she get a suit and tie? I almost feel like Tori and Kaycee threw it to get Jordan his first win years since they just won. Sarah is amazing she was so sweet to Theo. Im glad this final wasn't timed, we need more of this!!! I also loved the theme and I think it would've been fun for teams to be purged throughout and go on the train when they finish and are surprised to see who was out as teams enter the train idk. It felt like squid games when they found out Sarah and Theo were out and then they had to dress up and eat a fancy dinner lol.  

I also think this was an easy final. Actually seemed fun? No ridiculous eating just a smoothie. No ridiculous puzzles no swimming. I would've won this. 

Final looked hard and long af, apparently there was some canoeing and puzzle portion that wasn't aired. Very strong showing from my goat Jordan getting his 4th dub and avenging his loss to Bananas in elimination. My baby Kaz MVP getting her 2nd dub 2/2 can also not be overlooked, she impressed me in the final no doubt. 

Love Jordan not splitting any money with Tori & Kaycee, they really thought they were starting a tradition that would keep them all from voting each other in in the future

speaking of that I had to turn off the podcast last week with Sarah. Sarah said the vacation alliance is up each others *** and would rather lose to each other and split money winnings than lose to her or an easier to beat team (not apart of vacation) win. Which is TRUE. Aneesa got butthurt and DEVYN was trying to say it isn't true and made excuses for vacation alliance and that they're there to win not to split money with friends. I told y'all Devyn was garbage YEARS ago but y'all were so up her *** begging her to be a reunion host. I can't stand her. She's worse than Aneesa actually. Aneesa at least sorta understood what Sarah w***aying while also defending her friends boring gameplay. devyn was just playing devils advocate and gas lighting Sarah and didn't even let her finish. I had to turn it off I was getting so mad


Love Jordan not splitting any money with Tori & Kaycee, they really thought they were starting a tradition that would keep them all from voting each other in in the future

speaking of that I had to turn off the podcast last week with Sarah. Sarah said the vacation alliance is up each others *** and would rather lose to each other and split money winnings than lose to her or an easier to beat team (not apart of vacation) win. Which is TRUE. Aneesa got butthurt and DEVYN was trying to say it isn't true and made excuses for vacation alliance and that they're there to win not to split money with friends. I told y'all Devyn was garbage YEARS ago but y'all were so up her *** begging her to be a reunion host. I can't stand her. She's worse than Aneesa actually. Aneesa at least sorta understood what Sarah w***aying while also defending her friends boring gameplay. devyn was just playing devils advocate and gas lighting Sarah and didn't even let her finish. I had to turn it off I was getting so mad

I loved Sarah calling out the Vacation Alliance for not caring about winning.

I aint gonna lie, I liked Devyn as a reunion host but the way she handled herself all season on the podcast made me dislike her. Shes a production puppet. 

this is going around on the internet but the answer to this puzzle was definitely not "042" which is the answer Jordan and Tori gave and got a clear, every hint leds it to be "062"


Yup, 0-6-2. From Box #4, it's not 7, 3, or 8. Which means from Box #5, 0 is in the combo but can't go last. And from Box #3, 0 is first (because it can't be last or middle) and either 2 or 4 is in the combo. But Box #1 has 4 as first and right, which we already know 0 is first, so 4's eliminated. That give us 2 is correct and last because 4 and 8 are eliminated. So you've got 0-blank-2. So Box #2 has 4 (already eliminated), 1 in the middle (which means it can't be it/wrongly placed because we already know 0-blank-2) and 6. 6 is the middle number. 0-6-2. 

Once again y'all overhype Kayzzz. One thing that man is gonna do is get injured and have no endurance. I'm mad production didn't make her wear a dress. She's a lesbian not a man why does she get a suit and tie? I almost feel like Tori and Kaycee threw it to get Jordan his first win years since they just won. Sarah is amazing she was so sweet to Theo. Im glad this final wasn't timed, we need more of this!!! I also loved the theme and I think it would've been fun for teams to be purged throughout and go on the train when they finish and are surprised to see who was out as teams enter the train idk. It felt like squid games when they found out Sarah and Theo were out and then they had to dress up and eat a fancy dinner lol.  

I also think this was an easy final. Actually seemed fun? No ridiculous eating just a smoothie. No ridiculous puzzles no swimming. I would've won this. 

getting mad over the fact they probably asked Kaycee if she preferred a dress or suit is crazy. Would Kayzzz being in a dress have made this final any better for you?

The way they kept making the final seem like a nightmare when all they really had to do was shit like riding bicycles, staying awake on a train, doing some puzzle checkpoints etc like

A poor man's War of the Worlds 1 final.


Once again y'all overhype Kayzzz. One thing that man is gonna do is get injured and have no endurance. I'm mad production didn't make her wear a dress. She's a lesbian not a man why does she get a suit and tie? I almost feel like Tori and Kaycee threw it to get Jordan his first win years since they just won. Sarah is amazing she was so sweet to Theo. Im glad this final wasn't timed, we need more of this!!! I also loved the theme and I think it would've been fun for teams to be purged throughout and go on the train when they finish and are surprised to see who was out as teams enter the train idk. It felt like squid games when they found out Sarah and Theo were out and then they had to dress up and eat a fancy dinner lol.  

I also think this was an easy final. Actually seemed fun? No ridiculous eating just a smoothie. No ridiculous puzzles no swimming. I would've won this. 

getting mad over the fact they probably asked Kaycee if she preferred a dress or suit is crazy. Would Kayzzz being in a dress have made this final any better for you?

yes it would've become my profile pic

Possibly one of the worst seasons I've ever watched. May be in territory with The Island. On paper the cast was great, but did not deliver. No proper soundtrack of music all season. No drama. Competitions and eliminations were underwhelming. And we had to suffer through the Jordan/Tori/Kaycee snoozefest the entire way.

this final did reveal ... kaycee>tori

this final did reveal ... kaycee>tori

it's literally the opposite? Are you dumb?


this final did reveal ... kaycee>tori

it's literally the opposite? Are you dumb?

Possibly one of the worst seasons I've ever watched. May be in territory with The Island. On paper the cast was great, but did not deliver. No proper soundtrack of music all season. No drama. Competitions and eliminations were underwhelming. And we had to suffer through the Jordan/Tori/Kaycee snoozefest the entire way.

I REALLY wanted to love this season but agreed on all points here (not the worst to me by any means though). I still enjoyed up until about epiosde 5 or so for the most part.  I was thinking well at least I get to see theo perform in the final but yeahhhh.

kaycee was ahead of tori majority of the final .. lmaoo



this final did reveal ... kaycee>tori

it's literally the opposite? Are you dumb?

kaycee was ahead of tori majority of the final .. lmaoo

not true. also Danny held Tori back.

I refuse to watch again because it was boring af, but I did see someone say it was a weird edit and that when kaycee/troy got their final keys, danny/toris was still there but the edit had placed danny and tori ahead of them already. Feel free to rewatch and tell us if thats true or not lol
