The Challenge: War of the Worlds - Morgan Willet

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Chile anyways... So

Would morgan still have won her season if there was a jury vote?

Would morgan still have won her season if there was a jury vote?

The house was split completely down the middle and people were most definitely only going to vote their own allies. The only questionable vote would be Wheatknee because she played for both sides. I think Morgan's alliance was bigger so she probably had more votes but I don't feel like looking at the cast to count. It was also a 13 person cast so this is assuming the first boot would get a vote as well. 10 jurors

Edit: it ties 5-5-0 or she wins 6-4-0. If it ties and 3rd place picks then she loses.


People really watched that bullshit season that didn't even air on tv lol

It was actually super fascinating to watch live if you're a big brother super fan. Everybody knows that this show is rigged but the way that this season was hosted it was very hard for production to rig because we got to watch all the competitions as they happen live so we know they didn't mess with the timer counts or interrupt and tell someone how to win the challenge over the speaker. They also switched it up and didn't play the same lame competitions that they do every season. It was very authentic and classic old school reality tv television. I have no idea how to edited TV show was because I only watched the live feeds but it was super super entertaining. Both sides of the house hated each other and tension grew every week. America would flip back and forth between giving power to each alliance because once one side got power they got too cocky lol. They also had live diaey room sessions where the fans could ask questions and the house guests would go in the diary road and tell us exactly what their game plan was, so there was not a fake edit like there is on the regular TV show.

Chile anyways... So

Facts are facts lol. You are obsessed with Jonna who is very similar to Morgan in terms of personality. They are both sweet, bubbly girls who dated losers and succeed in the game mainly due to their social ability. Although Morgan showed way more strategic ability. 


Chile anyways... So

Facts are facts lol. You are obsessed with Jonna who is very similar to Morgan in terms of personality. They are both sweet, bubbly girls who dated losers and succeed in the game mainly due to their social ability. Although Morgan showed way more strategic ability. 

Name 1 strategic thing Morgan did during BBOTT I'll wait.

Pinkrose please come wrap this up.

Lol...what is crying for PR going to do? I doubt she watched the season. Do you want her to ban me for calling out your hypocrisy? Do you need her to validate your opinion? Just cause she gets spoliers doesn't make her all-knowing. She has a lot of opinions I find again no idea what calling on PR accomplishes lol.

Lol...what is crying for PR going to do? I doubt she watched the season. Do you want her to ban me for calling out your hypocrisy? Do you need her to validate your opinion? Just cause she gets spoliers doesn't make her all-knowing. She has a lot of opinions I find again no idea what calling on PR accomplishes lol.

Because she usually pops in and ends you when you start getting messy which is funny to me. I know she didn't watch BBOTT. 

PR has never ended me lol. She shades me and makes fun of some or my trash opinions occassionally but she's never "ended me". Only Hardbitten (or maybe it was Graphik) have ended me lol.

PR has never ended me lol. She shades me and makes fun of some or my trash opinions occassionally but she's never "ended me". Only Hardbitten (or maybe it was Graphik) have ended me lol.

I would like to end you too. In bed. The tension between you and me has been strong since Allstars 1 ended. 

I thought you hated me before All-Stars when I was Jonna's number one hater and then liked me once I turned around on her.

I thought you hated me before All-Stars when I was Jonna's number one hater and then liked me once I turned around on her.

I don't hate anyone on this site. I think the only thing I didn't like was you complaining about the newer generation being apart of Allstars and repeating that complaint over and over again until the first episode. But besides that and a few other instances in my mind we are besties :). I never disagreed about your Jonna comments because they are valid.

Oh yeah, definitely whined about that a lot lol. Get ready cause I'll probably do it for season 3 too, I'll try to keep it limited though lol.

If Morgan wasn't a basic blonde, the same people would be praising her for great gameplay and entertainment.

I've seen it go both ways now. I love Kendal and it turned out she was a factor (by being an outcast). But before All Stars even aired, the same people attacking Jonna for being boring were contributing to countless pages massively stanning and hyping a girl who, up to that point, had only shown us that she was essentially the boring, basic, blonde girl on one season. Most of the time with castmembers, it would have been, "but they were so boring!" as opposed to pages of excitement.

Were you trying to say Kendal was boring on the Inferno? If so that is ridiculous. She's no Katie screaming and cussing people out, but a lot of the storyline was centered around her. That is impossible to argue. She had a charasmatic and bubbly personality. Vevmo just hates blonde girls lol...which makes me miss Hauserman calling them all trumpies lol.

Were you trying to say Kendal was boring on the Inferno? If so that is ridiculous. She's no Katie screaming and cussing people out, but a lot of the storyline was centered around her. That is impossible to argue. She had a charasmatic and bubbly personality. Vevmo just hates blonde girls lol...which makes me miss Hauserman calling them all trumpies lol.

Then why has Kendal been such a favorite since before AS 1 even aired if there is such an anti-blonde bias?

It's not ridiculous. lol. I think a lot of people would say on the Inferno she was just the cute, basic blonde who hooked up with Miz. I didn't see this charisma you speak of. No one would have guessed she would be a big storyline for All Stars, you have to admit that. 

However, I do like her and lots of castmembers who happen to be blonde... or anything. To like or dislike based on hair color would be silly. Question: Does Vevmo hate that English girl Melissa? I know Kailah fans probably would, but I like that chick. lol.

I find it kind of sexist to summarize her as the girl who just hooked up with Miz. Why is he not the guy who just hooked-up with Kendal? She had one less confessional than Veronica and more than CT, Abe, and Darrell. Her Inferno and the drama behind it was a big storyline. Her friendship with Katie played a role. She was definitely charasmatic on that season whether you like her or not. She was no Tori being extra and doing weirdass voices in her confessionals but she was definitely charming. You can live in denial all you want...but a lot of y'all just automatically hate most blondes, pretend they are boring Republicans who all act the same. False. The fact that it's Jonna stans calling her boring is the most hilarious part.

Kendal is whack. 

Kendal is wonderful. 

I find it kind of sexist to summarize her as the girl who just hooked up with Miz. Why is he not the guy who just hooked-up with Kendal? She had one less confessional than Veronica and more than CT, Abe, and Darrell. Her Inferno and the drama behind it was a big storyline. Her friendship with Katie played a role. She was definitely charasmatic on that season whether you like her or not. She was no Tori being extra and doing weirdass voices in her confessionals but she was definitely charming. You can live in denial all you want...but a lot of y'all just automatically hate most blondes, pretend they are boring Republicans who all act the same. False. The fact that it's Jonna stans calling her boring is the most hilarious part.

It has nothing to do with sexism. It had to do with Miz being the male face of the show at the time, for the record. 

You keep playing this anti-blonde victim card. Again, if the board is so anti-blonde as you're claiming, then why did Kendal receive such an outpouring of love pre-All Stars (whether you found her to be this exciting, big bundle of charisma or not on the Inferno, we'll put aside because we're not going to agree there) ? And it continues. 

Republicans? What are you even talking about? You're making a connection between a hair color bias and a political party. But these are things you are connecting in your mind. It doesn't mean they have any basis in reality. Not everyone has to see things the way you see them or the way you think they see them.

Kendal was a step above "supporting cast member" but a step below "star of the season" in the inferno. She's somewhere inbetween. Like Tori on d30. She wasnt the flashiest person but she left an impression & idk why Kendal didnt do more at the time

Kendal was definitely just supporting character - she was just shown a little more cause she was friends with or hooked up with the stars of the season aka Miz and Katie.

Kendal was a step above "supporting cast member" but a step below "star of the season" in the inferno. She's somewhere inbetween. Like Tori on d30. She wasnt the flashiest person but she left an impression & idk why Kendal didnt do more at the time

Kendal was a step above "supporting cast member" but a step below "star of the season" in the inferno. She's somewhere inbetween. Like Tori on d30. She wasnt the flashiest person but she left an impression & idk why Kendal didnt do more at the time

Kendal was definitely just supporting character - she was just shown a little more cause she was friends with or hooked up with the stars of the season aka Miz and Katie.

That's all. And take away the Miz hook up, would her personality alone have provided? I don't believe so. That's why it was a surprise that she was such a major part of All Stars because there was no hint that she was this interesting back then when she was young.

Either way, she was largely beloved before, during, and after All Stars by this board and there is no anti-blonde Vevmo bias is my original point. Not buying it.

Take away Zach from Jonna and she had no storyline for years. Take away the feud with Katie and what did Veronica add that season? Take away anyones big storyline and they aren't as exciting. That arguement is weak.

Take away Zach from Jonna and she had no storyline for years. Take away the feud with Katie and what did Veronica add that season? Take away anyones big storyline and they aren't as exciting. That arguement is weak.

Jonna had no big storyline for years. She was always just there, albeit, I liked her and enjoyed seeing her. 

But might point stays and you just stan boring Kendal. Which is cool, we all like who we like. 

I don't stan anyone. Kendal was not boring on Inferno, you can make the arguement on All-Stars though.

Take away Zach from Jonna and she had no storyline for years. Take away the feud with Katie and what did Veronica add that season? Take away anyones big storyline and they aren't as exciting. That arguement is weak.

No respectfully, what struck me as weak was your bizarre conclusion that we hate blonde women because we imagine them being Republicans. lol.

That wasn't my argument because even with The Miz showmance storyline, her personality wasn't exciting imo. lol. We were pointing out that it got her more camera time. 

Jonna was not always interesting on Challenges and Kendal was obviously more interesting than her on All Stars. But do you say Kendal was more interesting on her first challenge than (a pre-Zach) Jonna was on hers (Rivals 1)?

I don't stan anyone. Kendal was not boring on Inferno, you can make the arguement on All-Stars though.

I'm no one's stan either. Stans are blind fanatics. So you think Kendal was more interesting on the Inferno than All Stars?! That's definitely a hot take.
