Drunk as hell lmao, not gonna lie I thought it’d be more deep than it was I really thought something drastic was going to be said but it’s just regular drunk shit
What the hell is this ash character talking about? Didn't you & your overrated partner vote in Josh & Amanda early on? What goes around comes around, dumb ***.
With all of the eliminations being "man in the sand" (call your shot) I'm surprised that Josh and Amanda (being consistently one of the weakest teams) haven't been called in to a single elimination yet.
With all of the eliminations being "man in the sand" (call your shot) I'm surprised that Josh and Amanda (being consistently one of the weakest teams) haven't been called in to a single elimination yet.
What the hell is this ash character talking about? Didn't you & your overrated partner vote in Josh & Amanda early on? What goes around comes around, dumb ***.
even when she did nothing y’all still find a way to make Kam the center of attention. Not every one has that power we love an empress
Lmao watching BB18 you never would have thought you be here watching Davonne cry over Paulie.
That’s just so crazy to see lol
I didn't say otherwise?
Oh wow Dee snapping.
Trillmanda >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Please roast that ***** *** team in the Tribunal.
ok bear is on a role tonight "i am always right because i am a winner" "its my vote and thats it"
jenna and gus put me to zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzleeeeeep
Amanda spitting facts! Jenna being dumb af as usual
Ok, he's an idiot for sending in th strongest team? Shut up, Dee.
Bro idk WHO tf is getting voted in and i love it
Dee ain't laughing this week lmaooooo
Lol Kash wasn’t with the shits and giggles
Hunter, Zach, Jenna... poor Amanda having to argue with morons.
Amanda is typically right with all the shit she says so they're not an idiot for listening to Amanda, Cara.
Kam & Theo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Leroy
Look at Nana being the peacemaker! Unfortunately Plank is a ******* idiot & Gus is a *****.
Shut the **** up Cara Maria.
Jenna and Amanda will link up one of these seasons I’m holding onto hope!!
Josh white knighting like a **** out there.
I'm assuming Ashley is drunk as shit because he's not making any sense rn lol
HAMMERED lmaoooo
Drunk as hell lmao, not gonna lie I thought it’d be more deep than it was I really thought something drastic was going to be said but it’s just regular drunk shit
What the hell is this ash character talking about? Didn't you & your overrated partner vote in Josh & Amanda early on? What goes around comes around, dumb ***.
I was thinking that too lmao.
With all of the eliminations being "man in the sand" (call your shot) I'm surprised that Josh and Amanda (being consistently one of the weakest teams) haven't been called in to a single elimination yet.
Ash was slurring like he was hella blazed.
they know amanda is the 1
even when she did nothing y’all still find a way to make Kam the center of attention. Not every one has that power we love an empress
Kam unbothered as usual.
Ninja there is no such thing as a right/wrong time to target someone.
Oh shit that one had me shook lmao