The Challenge: USA 2 - Ratings

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The Challenge: USA 2 - Ratings

Episode 1: 1.741 million viewers and a 0.31 in the 18-49 demo

Episode 2: 1.757 million viewers and a 0.29 in the 18-49 demo

Episode 3: 1.421 million viewers and a 0.28 in the 18-49 demo

Episode 4: 1.750 million viewers and a 0.32 in the 18-49 demo

Episode 5: 1.459 million viewers and a 0.33 in the 18-49 demo

Episode 6: 1.689 million viewers and a 0.30 in the 18-49 demo

Episode 7: 1.544 million viewers and a 0.29 in the 18-49 demo

Episode 8: 1.492 million viewers and a 0.33 in the 18-49 demo

Episode 9: 1.447 million viewers and a 0.28 in the 18-49 demo

is that good or not

is that good or not

for a 10pm dead slot it's not bad at all. I was expecting 1.3 and a .2 demo share.

The carryover from eviction episodes of Big Brother should keep it a float. Sunday episodes are a wash tho 

Did it beat season 1's premiere?


is that good or not

for a 10pm dead slot it's not bad at all. I was expecting 1.3 and a .2 demo share.

The carryover from eviction episodes of Big Brother should keep it a float. Sunday episodes are a wash tho 

same I posted in the big brother thread after the premiere what the numbers were like for cbs shows following the premiere. I expected way worse. This is pretty good. But will sadly go down as time goes on

Did it beat season 1's premiere?

USA 1 did 2.326 but had a .41 demo to be fair  i think that premier was at 9pm or something 



is that good or not

for a 10pm dead slot it's not bad at all. I was expecting 1.3 and a .2 demo share.

The carryover from eviction episodes of Big Brother should keep it a float. Sunday episodes are a wash tho 

same I posted in the big brother thread after the premiere what the numbers were like for cbs shows following the premiere. I expected way worse. This is pretty good. But will sadly go down as time goes on

it was a shit premier but i'll give them their 5's when it's due 

The Sunday episodes will be very telling...

Lol. John did an interview with People saying how the first one failed cause they didn't cast vets and they brought in the same tired vets and it did WORSE. Haha once again he looks stupid.

I don't know what show could go after BB in summer and do as well as this did. tough as nails? Some game show? #1 trending on Twitter and prettt decent ratings. Good for them.  

Lol. John did an interview with People saying how the first one failed cause they didn't cast vets and they brought in the same tired vets and it did WORSE. Haha once again he looks stupid.

If the other one was at 9 it's not worse 

The ratings are gonna be awful this season without Kaycee.


Lol. John did an interview with People saying how the first one failed cause they didn't cast vets and they brought in the same tired vets and it did WORSE. Haha once again he looks stupid.

If the other one was at 9 it's not worse 

It's worse, it's over a 20% decrease. John did not bring the numbers to this nor to his return on RoD. His ego is wild when everything he's on FLOPS.

Lol. John did an interview with People saying how the first one failed cause they didn't cast vets and they brought in the same tired vets and it did WORSE. Haha once again he looks stupid.

If the other one was at 9 it's not worse 

It's worse, it's over a 20% decrease. John did not bring the numbers to this nor to his return on RoD. His ego is wild when everything he's on FLOPS.

If it's at a later time it's not worse--it's not a difficult concept.  Shows are judge with timeslots.  Hate John all you want but you're wrong.

Vets killed the numbers. That's all I see.

Vets killed the numbers. That's all I see.

Of course it is

Old schooler if you were put in charge of casting you would have this show cancelled. 

Old schooler if you were put in charge of casting you would have this show cancelled. 

A lot of the abuse I get here is well-deserved but this is literally the dumbest thing I've EVER read here and this is Vevmo...there's a lot of dumb shïz on here daily lol.


Old schooler if you were put in charge of casting you would have this show cancelled. 

A lot of the abuse I get here is well-deserved but this is literally the dumbest thing I've EVER read here and this is Vevmo...there's a lot of dumb shïz on here daily lol.

You'd absolutely get the show canceled.  You'd only cast people you want to see. All 6 of this options made sense and we know how I feel about Cory and Amanda. 

You'd absolutely get the show canceled.  You'd only cast people you want to see. All 6 of this options made sense and we know how I feel about Cory and Amanda. 

Mostly who I want to see DELIVERS in some aspect. I'd have quite a few people on I don't like to appease a variety of fans. I'd want to appeal to a variety of audiences. MTV vets on the CBS Challenge make no we saw in the ratings. And if they run the show, it'll turn even more into a snooze fest. My cast and product is ENTERTAINING.



Old schooler if you were put in charge of casting you would have this show cancelled. 

A lot of the abuse I get here is well-deserved but this is literally the dumbest thing I've EVER read here and this is Vevmo...there's a lot of dumb shïz on here daily lol.

You'd absolutely get the show canceled.  You'd only cast people you want to see. All 6 of this options made sense and we know how I feel about Cory and Amanda. 

thanks exactly. oldschooler would be terrible and have this show cancelled in one season. 

  • Angela BB20
  • Abi S25
  • Alyssa BB23
  • Angelina S37
  • Cayla AR33
  • Cydney S32
  • Desi S35
  • Janelle BB6
  • Kelley S29
  • Marna AR5
  • Michaela S33
  • Michele S32
  • Naonka S21
  • Natalie S29
  • Parvati S13
  • Rachel BB12
  • Sarah S28
  • Sydney S41
  • Aaron S29
  • Brett BB20
  • Chris Noble S36
  • Cole S35
  • Dean S39
  • Deangelo AR32
  • Derek BB23
  • Devin BB16
  • Drew S29
  • Fessy BB20
  • Paulie BB18
  • Pete S25
  • Jeremy S29
  • Joaquin S30
  • Joseph BB24
  • Ray AR33
  • Tyler BB20
  • Wendell S36
  • My cast would be fun, iconic, dramatic, strategic, messy, diverse, good-looking, and competitive while catering to all fan bases. There's a lot of dumb and annoying things about me, but I could easily produce an amazing show with a great cast EVERY TIME.

  • Angela BB20
  • Abi S25
  • Alyssa BB23
  • Angelina S37
  • Cayla AR33
  • Cydney S32
  • Desi S35
  • Janelle BB6
  • Kelley S29
  • Marna AR5
  • Michaela S33
  • Michele S32
  • Naonka S21
  • Natalie S29
  • Parvati S13
  • Rachel BB12
  • Sarah S28
  • Sydney S41
  • Aaron S29
  • Brett BB20
  • Chris Noble S36
  • Cole S35
  • Dean S39
  • Deangelo AR32
  • Derek BB23
  • Devin BB16
  • Drew S29
  • Fessy BB20
  • Paulie BB18
  • Pete S25
  • Jeremy S29
  • Joaquin S30
  • Joseph BB24
  • Ray AR33
  • Tyler BB20
  • Wendell S36
  • My cast would be fun, iconic, dramatic, strategic, messy, diverse, good-looking, and competitive while catering to all fan bases. There's a lot of dumb and annoying things about me, but I could easily produce an amazing show with a great cast EVERY TIME.

    now think about who would actually say yes from that list.. cuts it in at LEAST half. that's def an issue production runs into is they can't force anyone to say yes 

  • Angela BB20
  • Abi S25
  • Alyssa BB23
  • Angelina S37
  • Cayla AR33
  • Cydney S32
  • Desi S35
  • Janelle BB6
  • Kelley S29
  • Marna AR5
  • Michaela S33
  • Michele S32
  • Naonka S21
  • Natalie S29
  • Parvati S13
  • Rachel BB12
  • Sarah S28
  • Sydney S41
  • Aaron S29
  • Brett BB20
  • Chris Noble S36
  • Cole S35
  • Dean S39
  • Deangelo AR32
  • Derek BB23
  • Devin BB16
  • Drew S29
  • Fessy BB20
  • Paulie BB18
  • Pete S25
  • Jeremy S29
  • Joaquin S30
  • Joseph BB24
  • Ray AR33
  • Tyler BB20
  • Wendell S36
  • helped you out now recast with the people that will obviously say no....Is Devin from Big Brother even alive??

    Hasn't brett declined the show many times? Cyndey as well. And where is Pete from survivor? So many no's on that list you are down to like 10 ppl.  

    The ratings are gonna be awful this season without Kaycee.



    You'd absolutely get the show canceled.  You'd only cast people you want to see. All 6 of this options made sense and we know how I feel about Cory and Amanda. 

    Mostly who I want to see DELIVERS in some aspect. I'd have quite a few people on I don't like to appease a variety of fans. I'd want to appeal to a variety of audiences. MTV vets on the CBS Challenge make no we saw in the ratings. And if they run the show, it'll turn even more into a snooze fest. My cast and product is ENTERTAINING.

    Your first line is an opinion not fact.  You also don't care about competition which would ruin it for many. 

    I thought big brother was still getting 5 or 6 million viewers but its like almost half that so for it getting almost 2 million at 10pm is great. They should put it at 9pm if they can.

    Your first line is an opinion not fact.  You also don't care about competition which would ruin it for many. 

    Look at my list idiot, it's extremely competitive.

    now think about who would actually say yes from that list.. cuts it in at LEAST half. that's def an issue production runs into is they can't force anyone to say yes 

    I put 36 cause obviously they all aren't saying yes. However, if I'm producing this I'm treating my cast right. The living conditions will be nice. They will have daily access to talk to their family and manage business. They have more freedom and if they have kids, they are allowed to come visit. Rules would be consistent and fair. That entices a lot of people who would say no to Skye. Obviously it's impossible to make a cast without knowing who says yes, but that's just the direction I would go and it's a great direction. Y'all can just give me my props.


    Your first line is an opinion not fact.  You also don't care about competition which would ruin it for many. 

    Look at my list idiot, it's extremely competitive.

    It's not nor is it realistic
