The challenge: Total Madness - Aneesa Ferreira

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I like Aneesa but her acting like a relationship saver when she has done this on the show too:

She reminds of Mattie acting like she is better than Ashley like 3 episodes ago but forgetting her fingers aren't clean

Crazy how fans and cast members have turned on her in the span of 2 days. Nobody is safe lol 

Wack ***** - Debut Album 

Crazy how fans and cast members have turned on her in the span of 2 days. Nobody is safe lol 

Come for Marie & Nany, it's gonna cost ya! 

She really should've just waited for the episode to air.. so much other stuff would've been going on and taken up some of the spotlight.. 

What happened that they turned on her?

Crazy how fans and cast members have turned on her in the span of 2 days. Nobody is safe lol 

Stan Twitter & Two cast members ? Lol as if they have any impact. Based off the Instagram video they posted on the official page the casuals are siding with Aneesa and against Nany. She came out looking better than any one else involved 

She should have talked to Nany not Kaycee imo

Aneesa always been a jealous hypocrite

Stan twitter is the only fanbase for this show..... excluding the facebook soccer moms who probably dont like her anyways 

11 years ago it was Aneesa vs. Jenn (newfound spiritual lesbian) over Rachel on the Duel 2, now it’s Aneesa vs. Nany over Kaycee & the Sunshine Band

”Let it be trash bro, let it be trash”

Stan twitter is the only fanbase for this show..... excluding the facebook soccer moms who probably dont like her anyways 

Stan twitter and vevmo are a small percentage. The majority are all over there on facebo and under IG comments 

Maybe I need to see the whole episode but I feel like Aneesa should have talked to Nany her "friend" before talking to Kaycee. I did get some jealousy vibes like Nany was the hot girl that gets everyone so Aneesa wanted to be the nice friend that could have a chance even though their friendzoned lol 

Sorry but Nany was in the wrong on this argument. I kind of feel bad for Aneeaa.

I dont think aneesa should have approached kaycee in the beginning, but the whole rest of the argument was all nanys drunk *** showing out. Throwing soup was wrong too. And the stripper comments but then saying she doesnt think like that...but you did sis and you said it.

Anessa always think these young girls are her friends then acts surprised when they show their ***. They don't like you Grandma. 

I don't get why Aneesa would still be cool with Nany after that.. yea she was drunk but she was saying some really foul stuff. 

I hate when Aneesa is a hater but I feel bad for her from that low blow Nany thrown at her. 

Aneesa always have the same issue with this people since like Robin with that being say Idk why Marie wanted her to apologize? When Nany was in the wrong imo

I hate when Aneesa is a hater but I feel bad for her from that low blow Nany thrown at her. 

Yeah I was sad when Nany starting throwing lowblows. Aneesa was calling her trashy and I don't think Aneesa was 100% innocent but Nany took it too far. I'm glad they made up. 

Why does Aneesa bring out the worst in drunk ppl lmao

Robin, Trishelle, KellyAnne, Nany. Who else am I missing?

still my gurl tho

Sorry but Nany was in the wrong on this argument. I kind of feel bad for Aneeaa.

agreed. and I LOVE Nany, but I felt bad for Aneesa too.  There were a lot of low blows.  Reminded of Robin on Gauntlet 2, except Nany seemed legit sorry for her actions, but it still made Nany shine in a horrible light. 

Anessa always think these young girls are her friends then acts surprised when they show their ***. They don't like you Grandma. 

^ Ridiculouis post 

A hoe calling another person a hoe isnt really a low blow , at the point I would laugh at everything she says because it was dumb 

I would take the stripper cooment like nene leakes does "ok and ? I was a stripper and I liked it'' but it sucked that comment made her feel bad 


Anybody else annoyed when she kept calling Jordan "brother" during the elimination? Lol

Anybody else annoyed when she kept calling Jordan "brother" during the elimination? Lol

i wasn't annoyed but I did pick up on that lol. I was wondering if they are close or just meant in general.

She disappoints me so much smmfh Aneesa has literally been around since the days of Eric Nies, David Edwards, Puck, Ayanna, etc. but you surely couldn't tell with the way she moves on this show.

She was a part of the era that paved the way for these ************* yet she commands ZERO respect. She lets these people treat her any kind of way & all she does is accept their half-ass apology & calls them her "boo" and "brother" all over social media lawd

The way I cringed when she was calling jordan her brother during that elim. 

Its funny because she ragged on cara for saying cousin so much LOL.

and is it me,  but seems like every episode she talks about whatever castmember she loves so much? Like jay, kaycee, jordan, etc. 
