Yall pick and choose when to say it's the "edit" bc when it's my faves it's "nooo they're just boring" but for others it's "nooo it's the edit" hmmm interesting
Yall pick and choose when to say it's the "edit" bc when it's my faves it's "nooo they're just boring" but for others it's "nooo it's the edit" hmmm interesting
I love amber so idk who you talking too but truly big t has had more editing favoring her than Theo ever, but we know theos had his fair share of stuff they ain't show for some reason...makes no sense so yes it's the edit in this instance.
I love amber so idk who you talking too but truly big t has had more editing favoring her than Theo ever, but we know theos had his fair share of stuff they ain't show for some reason...makes no sense so yes it's the edit in this instance.
my bad boo but other ppl like pulling that excuse while calling amber boring but I see what you mean
I love amber so idk who you talking too but truly big t has had more editing favoring her than Theo ever, but we know theos had his fair share of stuff they ain't show for some reason...makes no sense so yes it's the edit in this instance.
my bad boo but other ppl like pulling that excuse while calling amber boring but I see what you mean
Pinkrose knows what goes on during filming and basically confirms Amber B is boring. What do you want us to do? That white lady is boring, it is what it is. Stop trying to make us think she's some baddie.
#WillsWarriors make some noise!
the f27 of the challenge 41 (i'll update the guys one when the guy booted tuesday is revealed). who are yall rooting for?
my top three guys & girls: ashley dee michaela justin derek cedric
Top 3 guys and girls: Will, Turbo, Cedric, Michaela, Dee, Sydney/Jonna/Ashley can battle for the 3rd spot
**** you and your top 3!
Top 3 Girls: Ashley, Michaela, Ayoleka
Top 3 Guys: Turbo, Leonardo, Cedric
The disrespect for Theo Campbell is disgusting.
ew I already don't like em
Pages on pages of nonsense arguing. Could never be me.
But team Theo. Foh
Theo kinda fell off after WOTW2 no shade I say this with love <3
i do appreciate him for taking out paulie tho
that's the edit
Yall pick and choose when to say it's the "edit" bc when it's my faves it's "nooo they're just boring" but for others it's "nooo it's the edit" hmmm interesting
theo >>>> you
Cory >>>>> you & theo
I love amber so idk who you talking too but truly big t has had more editing favoring her than Theo ever, but we know theos had his fair share of stuff they ain't show for some reason...makes no sense so yes it's the edit in this instance.
Top 3 men: Turbo, Derek C, Leroy.
Top 3 women: Michaela, Ashley, Dee.
my bad boo but other ppl like pulling that excuse while calling amber boring but I see what you mean
3 weeks looking for a Ben in a Uk and Australian reality show....& he was on my replies before departure didn't realized it lmao
Oh Benjamin Davison the father that you are...
witcha fake ***
I love that Ben's a fan of the show!
faker than theo's left eye?
he won't ever look in your direction babygirl. Wit ya faux self confidence and arrogance rating yourself 100/10
confidence is key! Period.
If you had to name your kids after icons what would they be? I would name my daughters Jennai & Amber B
Pinkrose knows what goes on during filming and basically confirms Amber B is boring. What do you want us to do? That white lady is boring, it is what it is. Stop trying to make us think she's some baddie.
Amber is creole babe. Try again
Right? Our 7 page fights over Britney's ex at least have substance.
Cory would look better covered in oil than theo will so for that, Cory > Theo