anyway cory is a boring idiot & hearing the rookies are boring from aneesa (who is 16-22 years older than all 16 of them, having probably very little in common) or bananas (who was targeted all four eps he was there) holds no weight to me. i'm very excited about this rookie class & this season
I cannot definitively say whether they are the most boring people or the most entertaining. I've heard a mix of opinions on this, and after so many seasons, it really comes down to our individual perceptions formed while watching. All I am going to say I am just glad we are getting fresh ppl and not the same vets over and over again
I cannot definitively say whether they are the most boring people or the most entertaining. I've heard a mix of opinions on this, and after so many seasons, it really comes down to our individual perceptions formed while watching. All I am going to say I am just glad we are getting fresh ppl and not the same vets over and over again
exactly so every can stop dragging Cory bc he's just playing telephone!
I cannot definitively say whether they are the most boring people or the most entertaining. I've heard a mix of opinions on this, and after so many seasons, it really comes down to our individual perceptions formed while watching. All I am going to say I am just glad we are getting fresh ppl and not the same vets over and over again
lol at pr just disregarding my Theo rant vs killas Cory obsession
I cannot definitively say whether they are the most boring people or the most entertaining. I've heard a mix of opinions on this, and after so many seasons, it really comes down to our individual perceptions formed while watching. All I am going to say I am just glad we are getting fresh ppl and not the same vets over and over again
as long as they aren't doormats and actually hold strong against the vets. certain eras of the show like the JEK era had vets that were 10x more threatening and intimidating and they still had a lot of rookies that stood up to them. this vacation alliance vet cl*** is one of the most tame, boring, and watered down yet all the recent rookie cl***es get on their knees and kiss their ***.
anyway cory is a boring idiot & hearing the rookies are boring from aneesa (who is 16-22 years older than all 16 of them, having probably very little in common) or bananas (who was targeted all four eps he was there) holds no weight to me. i'm very excited about this rookie class & this season
Olivia has said anti black comments. Cory wins kinda.
Taylor is friends with Kam. Cory wins!
Mind you Olviia is notorious for using black men for clout.
I'm not gonna sit here and argue with yall. That's what I'm NOT gonna do.
Gamer said the same thing
olivia is friends with Nia. A bigger icon!
cory would destroy theo in an elimination.. plus he is so much hotter
shut up. Cory lost to Derek.
Gamer stays being a hater tho
nia is such a flop lmaooo please
uh uh killa keep Kam name out of whatever yall got going on
and theo lost to both cory AND Derek in the mini final so what does that say about him?
nia revived mtv when they were getting eaten up by Oxygen.
Theo lost a hammer competition to a one handed man.
boo that's my mother down. Production wanted her on this so imma keep her relevant
Oh he ate right here.
Will Theo even win this season? *giggles* If so I'll shut up about him
Theo was tired. He just won 2nd place on Wotw1 and faced many eliminations on Wotw2
production rigged it and told Theo to go home
Cory got 2nd place on bloodlines and double agents. He's 11-5 in eliminations. Cory wins!
Theo is probably working against Michaela while Cory worked WITH michaela so again that puts Cory over Theo...
Killa I like you. Can you apologize to me for what you did?
I like you too but I'm not apologizing for thinking that Cory clears Theo in every category <3
I cannot definitively say whether they are the most boring people or the most entertaining. I've heard a mix of opinions on this, and after so many seasons, it really comes down to our individual perceptions formed while watching. All I am going to say I am just glad we are getting fresh ppl and not the same vets over and over again
exactly so every can stop dragging Cory bc he's just playing telephone!
Then I'm gonna have to stand on business. Theo is the best black Brit to come through and he always clears with his cast pictures
lol at pr just disregarding my Theo rant vs killas Cory obsession
as long as they aren't doormats and actually hold strong against the vets. certain eras of the show like the JEK era had vets that were 10x more threatening and intimidating and they still had a lot of rookies that stood up to them. this vacation alliance vet cl*** is one of the most tame, boring, and watered down yet all the recent rookie cl***es get on their knees and kiss their ***.