The Challenge: Battle of The Eras- Season 40 - Spoilers Discussion

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my guess is devin and cara maria out

i'd honestly take a cara loss if it means we get a devin early boot

I feel like it's Devin/Josh and Rachel/Tina

Love: Darrell, Laurel, Nia, Tina, Aviv

Like: Cory, Rachel, CT, Averey, Jonna, Derek, Kyland

Indifferent: Michele, Tori, Nehemiah, Brad, Derrick, Jenny, Josh, Theo

Dislike: Cara, Jordan, Nutella

Worthless: Ryan, Botchlivia

Despise: Platano, Smelly, Lesbianaycee

Am I the only one that likes Olivia? She's messy and good for the show lol?

Yeah if Cara was thrown in right away, it's clear she's going to continue to be a target so her time is going to be short unless she pulls off a miraculous run. Part of me hopes that leads to her team falling apart, but then that might help the Vacation Alliance so ugh.

Hopefully it's Cara & Jordan so I can continue my day like nothing happened. Smile

Kyland, Josh, Nia, Jenny, Theo, Cory, Cara stay with me!

Well it's not Nia bc nobody seems to care about her much lmaooo but that's a good thing for us Nia stans Smile

Yeah if Cara was thrown in right away, it's clear she's going to continue to be a target so her time is going to be short unless she pulls off a miraculous run. Part of me hopes that leads to her team falling apart, but then that might help the Vacation Alliance so ugh.

Cara was always in serious trouble in this format, they had to have known that.

i'd honestly take a cara loss if it means we get a devin early boot

if pinkrose is sad over it maybe its jonna or tina 

Yeah if Cara was thrown in right away, it's clear she's going to continue to be a target so her time is going to be short unless she pulls off a miraculous run. Part of me hopes that leads to her team falling apart, but then that might help the Vacation Alliance so ugh.

Cara Maria loves pulling off miraculous runs! 

Streets saying it's CT omg I refuse to deal with another Platano/Jordan win


Update at some point today or tomorrow morning ❤️

Manifesting Kaycee/Josh!!!

if pinkrose is sad over it maybe its jonna or tina 


@CML, we officially hate Killahflop. That freak only has Tina on their "like" list.

if it's Josh i'll be lowkey disappointed Imaoo because i don't like him but at least he tries to bring some form of entertainment 

The OMFG tweet from yesterday + "bad name" would only be applicable for CT, Cara, and Laurel, let's be serious.

Gamer said next in an hour or so! 

Streets saying it's CT omg I refuse to deal with another Platano/Jordan win

All three need to go. 

The OMFG tweet from yesterday + "bad name" would only be applicable for CT, Cara, and Laurel, let's be serious.

gamer writes that every time means nothing 


The OMFG tweet from yesterday + "bad name" would only be applicable for CT, Cara, and Laurel, let's be serious.

gamer writes that every time means nothing 

Add "brace yourselves". It's one of the big three.

Come on DAT T! PLEASE!

@CML, we officially hate Killahflop. That freak only has Tina on their "like" list.

Oh God, I didn't wanna pick apart his list because I knew that I would proceed to projectile vomit all over my phone screen- so thank you for giving me this information. That is disgusting. 

Not the brace yourselves. I'm thinking it's Laurel or Cara.Hoping Aviv is still in the house. *giggles*

I thought Killa said they're a woman, you guys keep addressing them as a he lmao

if pinkrose is sad over it maybe its jonna or tina 

ive never heard pr express much opinions about either jonna or tina

Queen Aviv stay with us!


@CML, we officially hate Killahflop. That freak only has Tina on their "like" list.

Oh God, I didn't wanna pick apart his list because I knew that I would proceed to projectile vomit all over my phone screen- so thank you for giving me this information. That is disgusting. 

my list is great! Smile



The OMFG tweet from yesterday + "bad name" would only be applicable for CT, Cara, and Laurel, let's be serious.

gamer writes that every time means nothing 

Add "brace yourselves". It's one of the big three.

if it's not Cara or laurel never taking gamer seriously again 
