Am I the only one itching for an early Laurel blindside? Like I don't want her out this early, but like a 18th through 22nd place blindside to humble her might be fun...
So far the boot order hasn't been that tragic for me. Losing Amanda was horrible, but expected. I think the good name we lost is Tina/Darrell (god forbid) and the bad name is Smelly or Jawsh/Lesbianaycee or Nutella
weren't you just talking shit about Nia last week? Ummmm
Correct. I like her, I hate how she moves in the game and brings nothing but an obsession with Jordan. However, I'm always gonna root for my MHS 07 alum!
It's an issue when there's only like 4 people you care are safe and 18 that you are all hoping are next.
I think it's a girl we hate and Kyland
i'm the opposite. there's 21 i like and only 7 i want out
Josh needs to use his charisma, kindness, ambition and social game to win this season.
<3 Averey, Aviv, Cara, Cory, CT, Darrell, Jonna, Kyland, Nia, Theo (hopefully), Tina <3
I'll be very happy if Kaycee, Josh, Emily, Bananas, Tori, and Devin are the next six out.
That little munchkin hurt him? Time to hang it up, Godfather.
*there are. Also it's not an issue in your case because your taste is EXTREMELY random.
*there are. But anyways, I feel the same way, which is actually what I inspired me to read that ***** OldSchooler for filth
I tend to agree. Like...I definitely get when OS likes someone, but the hatred is so chaotic and random lol.
His taste blindsides me ALL THE TIME lolollll
Am I the only one itching for an early Laurel blindside? Like I don't want her out this early, but like a 18th through 22nd place blindside to humble her might be fun...
Gamer says one good name one bad name
Love: Darrell, Tina, Aviv, Theo
Like: CT, Rachel, Averey, Jonna, Nia
Indifferent: Derrick, Cara, Derek, Laurel, Cory, Jordan, Michele
Dislike: Brad, John, Nehemiah, Vicky, Josh, Olivia
Worthless: Emily, Ryan, Jenny, Kyland
Despise: Devun, Kayzzz
why do i lowkey feel like cara maria's time is up soon
Giving good juju to Aviv, Avery, Jonna, Laurel, and Michele
the only ones left gamer likes are cara maria and tina, right?
Tina and Devun
weren't you just talking shit about Nia last week? Ummmm
I feel like it's Tina for the girls. Era 1 keeps losing. And Derrick or Josh for the guys.
Any gurl besides Tina, please!
So far the boot order hasn't been that tragic for me. Losing Amanda was horrible, but expected. I think the good name we lost is Tina/Darrell (god forbid) and the bad name is Smelly or Jawsh/Lesbianaycee or Nutella
Correct. I like her, I hate how she moves in the game and brings nothing but an obsession with Jordan. However, I'm always gonna root for my MHS 07 alum!
cara maria is toast- her own team members sent her in day 1 when she's not the weakest link and other teams will be out to get her besides maybe era 1
yeah my guess is it's either tina or cara. maybeeeee avery, nia, or aviv
my guess is devin and cara maria out
damnit scared for the good one. ugh