The Challenge: Battle of The Eras- Season 40 - Spoilers Discussion

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Lemme stir the pot a little:

Laurel < Tori < Khia Maria *giggles*


Lemme stir the pot a little:

Laurel < Tori < Khia Maria *giggles*

even you don't believe this LMAOOOOO 

tori is nothing to waste a question on pinkrose for. She plays the same exact fake game with her layaway alliance everytime *****

Thanks for voting! I will be back whenever she is on nomination again probably by Thursday if doesn't win HOH

She's kinda head c*ntress? Like I need her to flop before I stan y lo digo tan en serio

Orrr you can just like who your fake *** likes. Hope that helps. 


She's kinda head c*ntress? Like I need her to flop before I stan y lo digo tan en serio

Orrr you can just like you your fake *** likes. Hope that helps. 

girl what? Reread what you just typed bc I don't understand lmao

Thanks for voting! I will be back whenever she is on nomination again probably by Thursday if doesn't win HOH

Such a victory deserves Jodi/Tony, Aneesa/Horacio elimination tea tomorrow maybe???


She's kinda head c*ntress? Like I need her to flop before I stan y lo digo tan en serio

Orrr you can just like you your fake *** likes. Hope that helps. 

Or* and erase the you

girl what? Reread what you just typed bc I don't understand lmao

Just edited it babe <3 


Thanks for voting! I will be back whenever she is on nomination again probably by Thursday if doesn't win HOH

Such a victory deserves Jodi/Tony, Aneesa/Horacio elimination tea tomorrow maybe???

We will see! You guys got a lot of info today


girl what? Reread what you just typed bc I don't understand lmao

Just edited it babe <3 

how you quote our errors but got a million things wrong just now. Retire you dumb ****!

Me going tf off on killakashhh for disrespecting the queen of the Inferno, being a Challenge champion, and screaming at the top of her lungs to the******* that deserve it: KATIE DOYLE COOLEY 

Katie is nothing to fight over lol

how you quote our errors but got a million things wrong just now. Retire you dumb ****!

I did not get "a million things wrong" so shut the **** up. And no, I will NEVER retire! 

Katie is something to fight over lol


She's kinda head c*ntress? Like I need her to flop before I stan y lo digo tan en serio

Orrr you can just like who your fake *** likes. Hope that helps. 

I'm the realest ***** on here actually Smile

I'm the realest ***** on here actually

Wrong *****. You are fakeee and that's why I see through you like glass ************ 


I'm the realest ***** on here actually

Wrong *****. You are fakeee and that's why I see through you like glass ************ 



I'm the realest ***** on here actually

Wrong *****. You are fakeee and that's why I see through you like glass ************ 

You're just mad that I tell it like how it is! Smile



I'm the realest ***** on here actually

Wrong *****. You are fakeee and that's why I see through you like glass ************ 


Oh gag that ************! Smile



Thanks for voting! I will be back whenever she is on nomination again probably by Thursday if doesn't win HOH

Such a victory deserves Jodi/Tony, Aneesa/Horacio elimination tea tomorrow maybe???

We will see! You guys got a lot of info today

TY PR! Are Bananas & Cara at each other's throats or are they cordial?




I'm the realest ***** on here actually

Wrong *****. You are fakeee and that's why I see through you like glass ************ 


Oh gag that ************!

she can't fit anymore in her mouth Smile

You're just mad that I tell it like how it is!

How can that be possible when you're delusional? Sad


You're just mad that I tell it like how it is!

How can that be possible when you're delusional?

Cara is a flop! Laurel is a queen! And Tori is thriving! Cry *****! Smile

Cara is a queen! Laurel is a flop! And Tori is not thriving! Cry *****!


Cara is a queen! Laurel is a flop! And Tori is not thriving! Cry *****!

and you call me delusional lmao

and you call me delusional lmao

Because you are. 


and you call me delusional lmao

Because you are. 

Cope *****! Smile

Killakash and caramarialuver y'all can take it to the dm's you know

Killakash and caramarialuver y'all can take it to the dm's you know

no thx I want everyone to see me EMBARRASS CML Smile Smile
