The Challenge: Battle of The Eras- Season 40 - Spoilers Discussion

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I wanna see hog tie be used with the brolics, lets see who has real muscles 

I wanna see hog tie be used with the brolics, lets see who has real muscles 

Probably Emily


I wanna see hog tie be used with the brolics, lets see who has real muscles 

Probably Emily

what do you think about cara vs tori? Cara vs laurel? Laurel vs rachel?  




I wanna see hog tie be used with the brolics, lets see who has real muscles 

Probably Emily

what do you think about cara vs tori? Cara vs laurel? Laurel vs rachel?  


I think the "brolics" in terms of strength is Emily > Nia > Laurel > Jenny > Rachel > Kaycee > Cara (maybe above Kaycee?) > Tori.

Laurel and Nia aren't very muscular, but their height advantage helps them a lot. I don't consider Tori or Kaycee brolic at all. But I think Kaycee is scrappy and would put up a good fight against Jenny or Cara. 

OMG A VICKY MINION OUT AND THE REST OF DAT Talk SURVIVES?!?! Sad to lose Horacio but BYE ANEESA! Please retire now.

I dont get it why people keeps giving Nia way more physical hype that the one you should.

I dont know if you are setting her to fail and then make more blood out of the wound saying "oh my god she flopped".....

But putting her at the level of Rachel, Cara, Laurel or Jenny is nuts.

Will one of you nerds please make a visual of the remaining castmembers?

Will one of you nerds please make a visual of the remaining castmembers?

CML did.

If they vote from the same generation, Jennei probably seeing eliminations cause all of the rest of gen3 are probably working together

If they vote from the same generation, Jennei probably seeing eliminations cause all of the rest of gen3 are probably working together

See Jonna is also friends with Jordon. As is nia and avery was. Tori and devin should in theory be on the outs.

daddy brad lasting longer than i thought 

Oh Daddy Brad can last, trust...


If they vote from the same generation, Jennei probably seeing eliminations cause all of the rest of gen3 are probably working together

See Jonna is also friends with Jordon. As is nia and avery was. Tori and devin should in theory be on the outs.

Tori and Jordan have the biggest bond of them, as we saw in World Championships. Jordan (also Cory) is practically a Vacation Alliancer. Them 3 and Devin + Nia and Averey are working together 100%

With all this relationships Jordan is not going to be protecting Jonna, they where already sending each other into elimination in week3 in World Championships when they where still a lot of teams left....

The fact that CT, Jordan and Bananas arent even smelling an elimination round.....

So if teams are still a thing Gen 1 had to face Gen 3/4.

So I wonder if Derrick is back to winning things or someone else (Darrell hopefully) took out Horacio.

Two episodes of y'all fav Amanda that's less than USA 2 oh miss Manda time to hang it up FLATSCREEN

Us to Tori after TM and DA:

If Kyland goes into elimination next, that makes Josh the most protected era 4 male. 

Just because we got a lot of names at the start, don't forget it tapers down. 

We may be stuck with the people we have now for MONTHS only getting a few names a week now.

Wait do we know who eliminated Tony?although unlikely how do you we know it's not jordan? Maybe he did see an elimination already.  

he usually goes into at LEAST 2 eliminations each season. Unlike Ct and bananas.

Everyone in era 1 was on the inferno 2

It's kinda sad knowing we won't get as great as a cast as this one ever again

It's kinda sad knowing we won't get as great as a cast as this one ever again

i thought the same thing, that's why im not freaking out when ppl like katie are out first. i'm just excited we get to see her again.

Era 1 - derrick Rachel brad

2 - cara Derick nemiah aviv

3 - averey cory

4-kyland theo michelle jenny 

Do not really care about anyone else. Love Darrell but he's been in a lot so the others take in front 

of the 28 ppl still there, i'm happy to see 21 of them Smile but my top ppl are Cara, Michele, Nia, Tina, Olivia, Darrell, and Kyland

Everyone in era 1 was on the inferno 2


Everyone in era 1 was on the inferno 2

Oh the inferno 2 cast hated Jodi her being out makes sense. Tina has some POWER on the flagship in 2024. 

Okay this production has one chance to make this season insteadly better. Have CT vs Bananas in a Back off of me rematch

I wanna know who flung Aneesa 

I wanna know who flung Aneesa 

I know someone who definitely could've done it + has ALREADY done it! 

Era 1 deliberation after Aneesa cost Era 1 their third daily loss in a row.


"I am the Challenge! I've been holding it down for years. I have so many allies who will ruin your games if you vote me in..."

CT and the rest of Era 1:

"Yeah, we're unanimously voting in Aneesa."

I wanna know who flung Aneesa 

Her ankle probably
