Hopefully the elimination games rotate around again because otherwise it was absolutely stupid to waste them so early knowing the smaller/weaker girls would be first served up.
I'm guessing the first thing that happened was there was some kind of mission that resulted in 8 eliminations (2 from each era) facing off against each other.
All this would occur in episode 1 or 2 based on editing.
what a gag it would be if they keep the team format till the end of the season, all 4 teams compete in a final challenge and the last 2 placing teams get wiped out completely. and the top 2 teams face eachother in the final.
I'd hate to see how you'll act when Cara shows up in the locked thread oop--
You wouldn't because I'd fall off the face of the earth! Also, this made me realize that I've never had to experience Cara Maria being eliminated during my time watching the challenge, omg- love that for my girl!
Amanda was against 6 ft Nia omg my poor sis
Oh fatherell pls win to remind these h*es that you still got it and put those white boys (Platano/Jordan) to shame!
this is triggering
Hopefully the elimination games rotate around again because otherwise it was absolutely stupid to waste them so early knowing the smaller/weaker girls would be first served up.
Pls let it be him and Horacio in oil and water
Kyland just gotta beat Josh and that's something anyone can do
I'm guessing the first thing that happened was there was some kind of mission that resulted in 8 eliminations (2 from each era) facing off against each other.
All this would occur in episode 1 or 2 based on editing.
If they're rotating physicals elims nobody is beating Nia or Laurel oh Cara better hide
Nurys Mateo* shocked the queen of grammar didn't correct it yet
I would've. I had faith in the queen!
what a gag it would be if they keep the team format till the end of the season, all 4 teams compete in a final challenge and the last 2 placing teams get wiped out completely. and the top 2 teams face eachother in the final.
Anessia being the first victim from the vacation alliance inst shocking. im expecting Josh to be next lol
I'd hate to see how you'll act when Cara shows up in the locked thread oop--
Josh needs to go next. I'll do my witchcraft if he doesn't. I made Aneesa happen tbh.
Bahahahahaaa I didn't see
Era 2 has the strongest girls so of course they're doing well.
my next elim predictions from each team:
era 1: derrick + tina
era 2: aviv + ryan
era 3: avery + cory
era 4: michele + josh
You wouldn't because I'd fall off the face of the earth! Also, this made me realize that I've never had to experience Cara Maria being eliminated during my time watching the challenge, omg-
love that for my girl!

Don't wait. Do it now *****
Welllll Tori Deal also has your stan card so that's not exactly the greatest honor that you could bestow upon someone!
Don't talk to me like that or I'll put you first on my list. Tf *****?
This season needs either a Jordan, Devin or CT shock boot soon.
Avery, Aviv, Ryan Josh will not be shocks.
This is worst than Esther Falana being dropped from 39?! Help?!
They were on Aneesa's neck and rightfully so
Eww. No Tori is going to have motivation or whatever..... tori really going to ruin the season by going to the finale with emily s, jenny and kaycee.
I do wish Aneesa would get a win but if she can't win with Jordan then she will never win
***** I said what the **** I said! You need to get Josh's stupid *** the **** up out of there NOW!!!!!