The Challenge: Battle for a new champion - Spoilers Discussion

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I actually hope for the  Canadians sake they dont fix it. The upstairs neighbors always get screwed when it comes to the challenge on paramount plus, they should have this win. 

I see they remembered their twitter login information

they fixed it so it's not on paramount, anything to help the ratings chile

Only on the second episode in the UK. But Im liking it so far, a nice break from the same old played out thing we've watched for seasons. I don't think I could have handeled Johnny and his repetitive one liners. 

Only thing I'm looking forward to with the champs is watching Cara flop in her come back

Hughie's in the Ep. 4 sneak peek so Jujuy goes in Ep. 3.

i can't wait for teams to be done bc the deliberation will be the same ***, i wonder how they'll get jujuy up out of there, she must have flopped

For the person asking for ep 5 description:

For the person asking for ep 5 description:

thank you! 

Mariah, shup up. No one is impressed with your Twitter energy that you don't bring in person. Probably has ChatGPT construct her trash talk.

Moriah finally warmed up!

So Jordan is the first to come in

olivia is so fake, she wants to be in the vets alliance, i peep game 

I hope everyone on this type of time come the reunion

It's the pull up for me Lol

the friendship that didn't last one season 

and if I say this season is better than ride or lies dies?

and if I say this season is better than ride or lies dies?

you would be right !!

and if I say this season is better than ride or lies dies?

This season is absolutely fine so far. A completely inoffensive 6.5/10. It's definitely watchable, bordering on enjoyable.

So last night's episodes were good? Cause the first three have been straight doodoo.

They need to drop AS4 and order will be restored!

Plus seeing Laurel win after flopping as a mercenary will be good to see 


and if I say this season is better than ride or lies dies?

This season is absolutely fine so far. A completely inoffensive 6.5/10. It's definitely watchable, bordering on enjoyable.

way better, i actually love the politics this season

So last night's episodes were good? Cause the first three have been straight doodoo.

I would say last night's were slightly better than the first three. But I thought the first three weren't that bad, so this season might just not be your cup of tea, OS.

Probably not, I have standards.

I don't hate this by the way. The cast looks dirty and unsanitary with zero main character personalities but unlike BB it's still watch ok background noise when I get around to it.

Berna acting cracked for probably the entire season and not getting voted in...look how she ate that! 

Challenge 39 EP3: 293K/0.14 demo

 Challenge 39 EP4: 190K/0.09 demo

Challenge 39 EP3: 293K/0.14 demo

 Challenge 39 EP4: 190K/0.09 demo

Hoooooooly fk, it's over boys. We warned them. But it's truly over.
