The Challenge: Battle for a new champion - Spoilers Discussion

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Ok, I usually don't complain about season formats but YIKES! This is terrible.

Oh my god??? I think it's so funny that mercenaries get $15k FROM the prize pot if they win LOL

omg ?? why do i kinda like this format. its messy but im here for it...

I actually don't mind that, lol

1 winner? oh hell no. I hate when they do this because it puts the women at a disadvantage

I don't like the one winner and the possibility of a lot of finalists in a season of 24.

Wait I'm so confused how dailies work. Is there no power in winning a daily? It's like The Traitors where they need to "complete" it and everyone either wins or everyone loses?

That is so stupid

well we know Laurel didn't pull the champ's choice sword because we know she would have called Michele down there

One winner again. Jesus.

Oh my god??? I think it's so funny that mercenaries get $15k FROM the prize pot if they win LOL

At least it's some incentive but that format means you should be throwing strong people into elimination so they're all idiots

I will never understand the reason for 1 winner. I don't see any of theee girls beating a Jay, Horacio, Kyland and others in a final. Like what's the point??

I'm confused lol.

berna still winning so idc Smile

Tori $15k richer QUEEN!

berna still winning so idc




That has got to be the worst format there is. One winner is one thing but the mercenaries are stealing money once they win? That's just nasty Lol

yeah one winner is actually insane

Also, has a merc drawn the Champ's Choice at any point?

And, can they pick anyone or just they choose who they want out of the two house nominees.

wait PR, can you clarify? If the mercenary pulls the champ choice sword, do they just choose who they want from the two house votes or anyone left in the game?

Congrats horacio season over

I don't think this will be done filming by July 29 right? So Olivia and Horacio will probably be removed from this event soon lol

Averey, wtf are you doing? You're given a golden gift to buddy up with Mark and CT and get back into the invite group and you drop out?!?!?!

Y'all need to focus on the dailies IT IS LITERALLY 1 TEAM. NO COMPETITION. That is not The Challenge

Y'all need to focus on the dailies IT IS LITERALLY 1 TEAM. NO COMPETITION. That is not The Challenge

I agree. The dailies are gonna be so boring to watch

Y'all need to focus on the dailies IT IS LITERALLY 1 TEAM. NO COMPETITION. That is not The Challenge

There is incentive to create a "strong" team and if this was like the WOTW2 cast, this would actually be a little more interesting.

This is really like Traitors. There's no safety for winning dailies.

so they watched the Traitors and the only thing they took from it was the Daily challenges and that was the most IRRELEVANT part of that show. 

They're so funny 

Yeah I don't care to see 18 people working together in a daily 

Wait I'm so confused how dailies work. Is there no power in winning a daily? It's like The Traitors where they need to "complete" it and everyone either wins or everyone loses?

That is so stupid

Wait! The traitors is like that? So that what my preseason source meant when they said they wanted to do something like the traitors lmaoooo

so they watched the Traitors and the only thing they took from it was the Daily challenges and that was the most IRRELEVANT part of that show. 

They're so funny 

I've literally seen so many people say that the challenges were the worst part of the show and that they fast forwarded it through them. And that they need to change it for season 2. This production company is INCOMPETENT

the intern who put all 3 "Champs Choice" swords to the side for John only for him to decline lol
