Not y'all already turning on berna idc what she does or says on social media(as long as it's not problematic). All i care about is if she's providing entertainment on the actual episodes
Not y'all already turning on berna idc what she does or says on social media(as long as it's not problematic). All i care about is if she's providing entertainment on the actual episodes
Berna better go off on Amanda on social media and stop pretending this "I'm nice" ******
We're not mad at Berna we just want her to own her messiness. Obviously she is better than Kaycee but we don't want a Nicole Franzel that denies all of her drama and pretends like she's nice and innocent.
Berna better go off on Amanda on social media and stop pretending this "I'm nice" ******
We're not mad at Berna we just want her to own her messiness. Obviously she is better than Kaycee but we don't want a Nicole Franzel that denies all of her drama and pretends like she's nice and innocent.
Lots of kaycee commentary in the video... Shes gonna get a huge bump of confessionals bc she won but lets see what production comes out their *** to try to make her seem relevant this season.
Hughie got a girls bum lol
to me this just reads as amanda being petty cause nelson didnt give ashley enough attention
Not y'all already turning on berna idc what she does or says on social media(as long as it's not problematic). All i care about is if she's providing entertainment on the actual episodes
oh you have no room to be talking
I'n shocked/happy that Escort wasn't commentating on the rookies.
No nelson, fessy, nam, or tori during the rookies video. Am i missing any other vets??
Anyone talking shit about Berna : you deserve a season full of Kaycees
Berna better go off on Amanda on social media and stop pretending this "I'm nice" crap.
Lmao at Tacha titans stanning Cory in the comments after he complimented her...
Didn't Tori talk mad trash about Tacha? Maybe that's why we didn't see it? They are protecting Tori maybe. But they better show it in the episodes.
We're not mad at Berna we just want her to own her messiness. Obviously she is better than Kaycee but we don't want a Nicole Franzel that denies all of her drama and pretends like she's nice and innocent.
Kaycee trying to diss Esther on not showing emotion made me laugh. Hypocrite
Lots of kaycee commentary in the video... Shes gonna get a huge bump of confessionals bc she won but lets see what production comes out their *** to try to make her seem relevant this season.
they know he's a king
Shes always owned up to it she was calling herself messy af lmao
He is good at dailies
lmaooo i love how Amanda doesn't give two ***** what she says
I dont think i need berna to own her messiness, i kind of like it when people arnt aware about much of a mess they are.
Lauren gets 0.0001 screentime at 2:27
I think Berna is delusional just own your shit and role dont be a Tori on social media
Bruh I'm crying.
new vid
Cory saying CT is his biggest threat and he wants to get him out...lmao...
Oh wait so that cory stan was right omg