Ive soured on Veronica but I still would have wanted her to be there. It would have been cool to see a reunion of her and Yes, if he is still doing this. Now I'm nervous about who is actually on this cast.
For the record - I'm a Veronica fan and feel like she should have been on this BUT...it is what it is. Who knows. Maybe she'll be there but we've heard otherwise.
Lol what?? Have you ever watched The Gauntlet 2?? She is literally pretending to be friends with Beth then once she leaves shes in the group of people yelling thanks for nothing
Sorry if this has been said, but it has been updating so much. Is tomorrow the day where there will be an official thread for the cast members quarantining?
Sorry if this has been said, but it has been updating so much. Is tomorrow the day where there will be an official thread for the cast members quarantining?
We can call people boring but no one knows what they are like now. Shane I thought was boring and he came back messy af. I expect Katie to be boring, but if she's been quarantined for 8 months with a young child she might go wild finally getting out and having alcohol. Older doesn't mean more mature and boring, my friends with kids are some of the wildest when they get away. It'll be interesting to see what these people are like now.
If production wants more seasons of this they have to make it a super positive experience for the cast. Hopefully if this cast returns saying how much fun it was then it will entice more legends to want to return for season 2.
Whether you hate or love her you can't say Veronica hasn't had an impact on the show. Most of the pages in this thread have mentioned her at least once.
Do we know the size of the cast yet, or is it fluctuating based on how many people drop out / test positive?
Whether you hate or love her you can't say Veronica hasn't had an impact on the show. Most of the pages in this thread have mentioned her at least once.
Do we know the size of the cast yet, or is it fluctuating based on how many people drop out / test positive?
20-24...maybe more? Doubtful. Def. 20. Posting them all in a few hours. As the week goes on we should be able to weed thru some.
lol I mean I could imagine Sophia and Ruthie dominating... not so sure about Mr. Ryan though
Ive soured on Veronica but I still would have wanted her to be there. It would have been cool to see a reunion of her and Yes, if he is still doing this. Now I'm nervous about who is actually on this cast.
For the record - I'm a Veronica fan and feel like she should have been on this BUT...it is what it is. Who knows. Maybe she'll be there but we've heard otherwise.
It would be the most boring power trio ever.
Lol what?? Have you ever watched The Gauntlet 2?? She is literally pretending to be friends with Beth then once she leaves shes in the group of people yelling thanks for nothing
This cast better be good.
You have very low standards lol
If Julie can't be on, and Veronica wont be on I'm just going to Inception myself into believing Julie murdered Veronica on inferno.
Sorry if this has been said, but it has been updating so much. Is tomorrow the day where there will be an official thread for the cast members quarantining?
If Coral and Veronica aren't on and we still don't get Julie who really wanted to do this, we riot.
Unless in the very rare event Sventlana shows up. Then beth/tina can also not be cast and i wouldn't care.
As long as there aren't boring people or people who aren't OGs, It's cool.
Didn't you ask for Sophia? Possibly the most boring female of all-time.
why do i have a feeling darrell isnt going to be on this
0 info on him and if ct, bananas wes arent doing it maybe they just arent putting current people on besides aneesa
Sophia isn't boring, production just lost her 90% of her footage.from BOTS2.
Kendal fan.
We can call people boring but no one knows what they are like now. Shane I thought was boring and he came back messy af. I expect Katie to be boring, but if she's been quarantined for 8 months with a young child she might go wild finally getting out and having alcohol. Older doesn't mean more mature and boring, my friends with kids are some of the wildest when they get away. It'll be interesting to see what these people are like now.
I wish Rachel Robinson was doing this. Her and Sophia are two of my favorite people from the challenges.
me too! Rachel is my all time fav - hopefully she appears in season 2!!!
If production wants more seasons of this they have to make it a super positive experience for the cast. Hopefully if this cast returns saying how much fun it was then it will entice more legends to want to return for season 2.
it's Midnight - it's Friday - I'm stoked - at some point today I'm looking forward to big surprises and a smile on my face!!!!
Y'all keep mentioning another station I figured this is a one and done thing
going to be a GREAT day
with that attitude it will be. just support it
Feels like Christmas Eve night...
Whether you hate or love her you can't say Veronica hasn't had an impact on the show. Most of the pages in this thread have mentioned her at least once.
Do we know the size of the cast yet, or is it fluctuating based on how many people drop out / test positive?
i never been this hyped to see a vevmo spoiler LMAO
20-24...maybe more? Doubtful. Def. 20. Posting them all in a few hours. As the week goes on we should be able to weed thru some.
Only reason I came back on here lmao. Love the hype.