is there like a easier way to see Pinks posts on vevmo? like is there such thing as post notifs
the easiest solution is turn on post IG notifications when Gamer posts then come on vevmo to check the spoiler thread and normally that's when Pinky will make her little posts
that's what I personally do
sameeee idk why but checking the locked thread for elims hits sm harder than seeing it on ig/twitter
omg it's soooooo weird I like the anticipation of scrolling of Vevmo it's more fun for me
lmaooo i'll scroll and then do a dramatic pause at the most recent update and scroll to see
is there like a easier way to see Pinks posts on vevmo? like is there such thing as post notifs
the easiest solution is turn on post IG notifications when Gamer posts then come on vevmo to check the spoiler thread and normally that's when Pinky will make her little posts
that's what I personally do
sameeee idk why but checking the locked thread for elims hits sm harder than seeing it on ig/twitter
omg it's soooooo weird I like the anticipation of scrolling of Vevmo it's more fun for me
lmaooo i'll scroll and then do a dramatic pause at the most recent update and scroll to see
LOL i thought i was the only one who did this, something about slowly scrolling down anticipating someone's new name written in bold is so much more satisfying than just looking at a black and white picture.
is there like a easier way to see Pinks posts on vevmo? like is there such thing as post notifs
the easiest solution is turn on post IG notifications when Gamer posts then come on vevmo to check the spoiler thread and normally that's when Pinky will make her little posts
that's what I personally do
sameeee idk why but checking the locked thread for elims hits sm harder than seeing it on ig/twitter
omg it's soooooo weird I like the anticipation of scrolling of Vevmo it's more fun for me
lmaooo i'll scroll and then do a dramatic pause at the most recent update and scroll to see
LOL i thought i was the only one who did this, something about slowly scrolling down anticipating someone's new name written in bold is so much more satisfying than just looking at a black and white picture.
Please don't let it be a season with one of my faves on omg I'm a mess. I'll stare at the screen a good five minutes shaking and take a deep breath before I scroll down to see who got eliminated
Nothing worst than seeing your fav name in that eliminated thread with that big black bold ink
omg during 39 spoiler season i was casually scrolling through the spoiler thread on my phone and i saw melissa's name in bold and it felt like i got hit with a brick. but i was out with my friend in his truck so i just pretended like nothing happened but i was so pissed on the inside.
Nothing worst than seeing your fav name in that eliminated thread with that big black bold ink
omg during 39 spoiler season i was casually scrolling through the spoiler thread on my phone and i saw melissa's name in bold and it felt like i got hit with a brick. but i was out with my friend in his truck so i just pretended like nothing happened but i was so pissed on the inside.
Oh I know the feeling your heart drops and you feel weak in the knees :(
That was me when Michaela was the first boot on SLA omg I was in such disbelief
lmaooo i'll scroll and then do a dramatic pause at the most recent update and scroll to see
derek's elimination reveal was so uninteresting we started talking about aneesa instead..
LOL i thought i was the only one who did this, something about slowly scrolling down anticipating someone's new name written in bold is so much more satisfying than just looking at a black and white picture.
BB22 Bayleigh and Da'Vonne Expose Aneesa!
LOL omg y'all are exactly me
Please don't let it be a season with one of my faves on omg I'm a mess. I'll stare at the screen a good five minutes shaking and take a deep breath before I scroll down to see who got eliminated
Nothing worst than seeing your fav name in that eliminated thread with that big black bold ink
Don't make me call CML go on now and shoo
Let me not judge cause I'm going to be a nerovus wreck all day tomorrow and Wednesday worried about MAD CYST.
Do you pause to mastúrbäte? 'Cause that is what this sounds like.
I'm from the south. You think calling on a gnat is supposed to intimidate me? LOLOLOLOLOL.
omg during 39 spoiler season i was casually scrolling through the spoiler thread on my phone and i saw melissa's name in bold and it felt like i got hit with a brick. but i was out with my friend in his truck so i just pretended like nothing happened but i was so pissed on the inside.
can't wait to see this get edited by mods
No one's trying to intimidate you
Welllllllllll sorta kinda that's more of a nightly activity for me so
Oh I know the feeling your heart drops and you feel weak in the knees :(
That was me when Michaela was the first boot on SLA omg I was in such disbelief
oh you're a country bumpkin that explains some things
He also had Paulie and Aneesa flop that season. He was down BAD. No wonder he ran off.
Hope none of y'all are descendants from plantation owners.
and he has the nerve to utter a word about anyone flopping L O L
Queen Tor Tor sent red head packing
Laurel didn't flop. She quit like a legend.
went out with class, dignity, and most importantly uneliminated ❤️
For me it was Da'Vonne's comment under Gamer's post. I didn't have to swipe to see who it was and I still didn't
Lmaoooooo I remember that oh the dark days