The Challenge: New Threats and Vets (Season 41)- Cast Spoilers Discussion (No eliminations)

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if they redid the usa2 format with this cast do yall think the rookies would get demolished?

Depends how long aneesa lasts

I'm trying so hard to be interested in this spoiler season but this cast just isn't moving me sigh 

Unless there's a pot of hot tea that Pinky drops throughout filming with a good looking boot order I can't see myself being interested in this season. 

Anything other than a Michaela win gets a thumb down from me 

Anything other than a Michaela win gets a thumb down from me 

why do I feel like she's gonna get screwed by some dumb twist like karma points

I'm imagining a scenario where Michaela places 1st in a final but due to twists and storylines Cara wins instead to take pity on her for being a misinformed MAGA Sad

Why can't Paraflop just put all the seasons on their garbage streaming service

i hope that new guy who bought the company at least tries to improve that horrific app but since he said he wasn't prioritizing mtv anymore i doubt it 



Speaking of RW/RR will yall send me a link with all the OG seasons again of RW/RR and The Challenge? I lost it when I deleted my OS account lol.

There's a link for that? Someone please share with me too!

Post the link here please 

I'm imagining a scenario where Michaela places 1st in a final but due to twists and storylines Cara wins instead to take pity on her for being a misinformed MAGA

I'll chop off a head 

Would Dee stans be mad if she won the seaosn but also Johnny Bananas wins for the guys?

Would Dee stans be mad if she won the seaosn but also Johnny Bananas wins for the guys?

platano will be doing challenges indefinitely so he's bound to win again soon. Better to win with a rookie girl that I like I guess

Send it to me too please, UKLova, and I'll show you my British citizenship certificate.

why haven't we done a witches circle to get shane on the cast? 

why haven't we done a witches circle to get shane on the cast? 

why haven't we done a witches circle to get shane on the cast? 

I already did to get Michaela on. If I try again for Shane I'll be dead.


why haven't we done a witches circle to get shane on the cast? 

I already did to get Michaela on. If I try again for Shane I'll be dead.

Girl i feel you i used mine to get Matt Klotz dropped and it got Jared too. A mess! 

Early Thoughts on the  Vet Women's Potential Standings (Some of these are two or three days old but I didn't edit it):

Anessa: She's smaller, and I feel her best bet will be her usual stomping grounds: eliminations. I wouldn't be shocked if we get her winning a few in the locked thread.

Ashley: No money, no family, 40 in the middle of Chile... I don't see it for her this season. She might squeeze by a la WOTW2 with the right format and hope and pray the carnival games swing in her favor this season. Amanda and Shane not being on hurt her chances by a lot, especially since they were shields also.

Aviv: She'll be busy trying to give a footjob to something her feet are bigger than and will be too tired to do anything of substance otherwise. I kinda feel like she'll either make it far or be out really early. I would not be shocked to see her win an elimination or two.

Cornball: She'll be fake on the bottom of the politics. A good partner is going to determine how far she makes it but an early exit hasn't been a thing in YEARS. I'd be shocked to see it happen, but winning feels just as much as odd.

Michaela: I'm praying it's not M/F pairs unless she can get herself a physical and mental MEANCE, because carrying a duo can only go so far. Her best bet is a solo format. She's smart enough to know she won't get far with the vets so I expect her to be deep into the political drama. I hope Dee and Sydney are as strong-willed as y'all say.

Nia: She gotta come correct this season. I feel like it's possible the vets may splinter into fractions if it's rookie/vet pairs...but even then she needs an elimination or daily win (s) to make it far. She's made it pretty far in her return seasons, but she gotta either make those eliminations her *****, or I'm not seeing it for the girl.

Nany: She's too set politically, but the wrong partner is going to be a problem for her. If the real threats can anchor themselves with bad partners, she might make that final, but I'm leaning toward a rookie woman winning anyway.

Olivia: Why do I feel like she's getting the best guy somehow ? Lmao. I don't see it for her otherwise, but I still feel like she's one of the last people who'll get targeted regardless of politics. But, her being with Theo makes her a bigger threat so I see her being collateral damage. Her size is her best benefit.

If they did same-sex pairs and Cara Maria & Michaela teamed up, then I would cry tears of joy! 

why haven't we done a witches circle to get shane on the cast? 

Because I haven't beeen around. Meet y'all next full moon at the beach by the shoreline.

Because I haven't beeen around. Meet y'all next full moon at the beach by the shoreline.

You're a fake witch, I still remember during spoiler season for 40 when I asked you to use your powers and you claimed that you had wasted all of them on getting Aneesa out... 

Cornball: She'll be fake on the bottom of the politics. A good partner is going to determine how far she makes it but an early exit hasn't been a thing in YEARS. I'd be shocked to see it happen, but winning feels just as much as odd.

It's kinda crazy the last time Cara went out early on one of these shows was Battle of the Seasons in 2012. She's a *******, but she's good at the game. 

Aviv: She'll be busy trying to give a footjob to something her feet are bigger than and will be too tired to do anything of substance otherwise. I kinda feel like she'll either make it far or be out really early. I would not be shocked to see her win an elimination or two.

I think she'll have a similar run to how she did on 40 (making it far without having to go into elimination for a while). During spoiler season for that season, Pinky kept talking about how good of a social game she had. She politicked her way out of the first elimination by getting Bananas and Laurel to save her over someone they had known for over a decade (Cara) because she said all the right things to Bananas. Between her ability to make new friends, her friends she made on 40, and the fact that she's not overtly threatening, I think she's gonna do well. She's also a champ, so there's that! 


Because I haven't beeen around. Meet y'all next full moon at the beach by the shoreline.

You're a fake witch, I still remember during spoiler season for 40 when I asked you to use your powers and you claimed that you had wasted all of them on getting Aneesa out... 

Show me the screenshots. Either way, I decided to convert myself to the school of nunnery during this time after recalling the wickedness of people like Aneesa who would peep in the showers. I was, indeed, a fake witch during this period of my life. But, rest assured- that is no more. The power of the craft has been restored to my vágína.

Aviv: She'll be busy trying to give a footjob to something her feet are bigger than and will be too tired to do anything of substance otherwise.


If they did same-sex pairs and Cara Maria & Michaela teamed up, then I would cry tears of joy! 

they're both vets you dumb ***** they would get paired with rookies 

CryingMariaLover and Khiananas is sad they didn't get their faves Aneesa and Dee for our draft boo f^ucking hoo! Smile

Nathan from the U.K. Challenge and World Championships was in the mix for this. Someone posted that he was venting about being dropped last minute on social media, then Gamer confirmed it's true. 

Nothing was lost.

Nathan is entertaining. I lost tbh

Nathan deserves another chance.

I was rooting for him to be on 39.
