The Challenge: New Threats and Vets (Season 41)- Cast Spoilers Discussion (No eliminations)

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As a person who is grossed out by bad teeth, Berna and Blue both píşś me off with those diamond studs on their teeth and it looks so stupid. How is looking like you have braces a trendy look? It's petty and stupid but it irks me soooo bad lol.

I hope Clepto Maria gets caught stealing Blue's dollar tree red hair dye on night one and it starts a fist fight that ends with both of them getting kicked off and replaced by Amanda (or Tina or Susie) and Reilly. 


There is no excuse to not be casting from Big Brother Canada if they're casting from all these random shows. There are at least 5 people from every season of that show that would be amazing on this! 

As a person who is grossed out by bad teeth, Berna and Blue both píşś me off with those diamond studs on their teeth and it looks so stupid. How is looking like you have braces a trendy look? It's petty and stupid but it irks me soooo bad lol.

i think it looks really cute on Blue actually. i always liked the look of tooth gems, especially on people like FKA Twigs when they know how to style them and fit it into a certain aesthetic. the semi permanent ones are fairly safe too as long as you practice good dental hygeine


As a person who is grossed out by bad teeth, Berna and Blue both píşś me off with those diamond studs on their teeth and it looks so stupid. How is looking like you have braces a trendy look? It's petty and stupid but it irks me soooo bad lol.

i think it looks really cute on Blue actually. i always liked the look of tooth gems, especially on people like FKA Twigs when they know how to style them and fit it into a certain aesthetic. the semi permanent ones are fairly safe too as long as you practice good dental hygeine

FKA twigs mention!!!!

Berna was on bunk. Love Berna. 

Berna is always welcomed.

I hope she pops up in AS6 or maybe 42 would not have restricted vet spots and she can be there.

I cant remember what clip they were commenting on for this currently airing season, But I saw a fan make a comment theyd rather watch her (I think maybe beth?) than the girl that shoves her shorts up her *** and that sent me lmaooo. Thats the impression she left on the casuals 

Tucker would've been the next Jordan! I wish he was on

Tucker probably is being saved for another BB season. He's probably rank #1 of ppl that fat pig allison grodner would keep on contract 

Its always possible they cast one of the boring internationals from spies and lies or double agenets AGAIN as a rookie thinking/forgetting they were on the show to begin with? Bettina and Pricsella stans rise up. 

This season being a 16 vets and 16 rookies split is good and I don't necessarily expect that for 42 but the rookie spots should remain plentiful.

Like if 42's cast is 36 the vets/rookies split should be like 24/12 or if it's 32 again, then 22/10. Can't go crazy with rookies because half are usually duds and you'll struggle to build multi-seasonal arcs, but ya gotta start forcing the oldheads off the show.

The show desperately needs attractive, rootable, messy people in their mid-late 20's (or hell, even early 30's) to be the majority again.

I agree with Punky. All-Stars and the flagship should be different. All the era 1 & era 2 OGs need to only do All-Stars and The Challenge needs to be era 3 & 4 with young rookies. It's time for a new group to take over while still giving us our favs.

I actually think John and CT should've been forced to move to AS , but yall would complain about them on there every season too.

And the eras that should be taken over. A lot of the fan favorites aren't showing up anymore.  

I remember  Kam saying they should've waited to do BFANC when all the Invasion class was ready. But like .... yall wouldn't have been ready.

I remember when Jasmine went on the Official Challenge Podcast during All Stars 4 and said that she was ready to come back, putting it out into the universe that she'd return by saying that she'd be ready to compete "the next time" she was on the show. Three seasons have gone by (BOTEras, All Stars 5, and 41), and she hasn't been on any of them. Sad That makes me very sad. Sad Bring her back already! 

I actually think John and CT should've been forced to move to AS , but yall would complain about them on there every season too.

I'd be fine with that. It would bring an audience to All-Stars and help ratings to give us more seasons.

6-10 rookies is a good sweet spot imo. 

This season being a 16 vets and 16 rookies split is good and I don't necessarily expect that for 42 but the rookie spots should remain plentiful.

Like if 42's cast is 36 the vets/rookies split should be like 24/12 or if it's 32 again, then 22/10. Can't go crazy with rookies because half are usually duds and you'll struggle to build multi-seasonal arcs, but ya gotta start forcing the oldheads off the show.

The show desperately needs attractive, rootable, messy people in their mid-late 20's (or hell, even early 30's) to be the majority again.

MTV in general no longer seems to get targeting a young audience probably because they don't have cable.  Notice they now show reruns of Friends and the Big Bang Theory.  That's targeting people in their 40s who may turn into the shoe to see Katie or Veronica or CT.  Not random 20 year olds.   Unless I'm wrong and those shows are popular with teenagers and 20 year olds.  

Production really shot themselves in the foot the past 5 years not establishing a strong rookie class. They were lazy and cheap so season after season we got duds and flops for rookies. Now they are stuck with these mid 40 year olds as their only faces of the show to keep the core audience returning. There have been so many missed opportunities the past 5 years and are still continuing to make the same mistakes.

6-10 rookies is a good sweet spot imo. 

I can live with 6.  12-16 is crazy high.  0 would be ideal.   They have plenty of casting options as it is. 

I had a random dream last night that this season was a Cara's Cult 2.0 with Cara, Ashley, Michaela, Rogan, CT, and Turbo on one side and Bananas, Aneesa, Aviv, Nany, Leroy, and Derrick on the other. With Olivia, Theo, Nia, and Derek in the middle. 

Tbh I am selfish and I dont want Ct and bananas moved to All Stars because I feel like they easily win and All Stars is a great opportunity for new winners. Id be okay with any OG champs having an open invitation to the flagship rather than Bananas riding out his 40s stacking wins.

Tbh I am selfish and I dont want Ct and bananas moved to flagship because I feel like they easily win and I think All Stars is a great opportunity for new winners. Id be okay with any OG champs having an open invitation to the flagship rather than Bananas riding out his 40s stacking wins.

I agree with the sentiment, and would personally just drop Johnny all together, but I honestly don't think him wracking up wins is that much of a concern. Hell in USA2 he lost to Cory with a head start lol. 

I never want the OG blood to leave but the main show needs new blood. Skkkye just doesn't know what to do.

Ive always felt this show should have a rotating cast. Nobody should be doing three straight seasons. All its made for is stale storylines. 

The main show can always reserve 1-4 spots for OGs from era 1. One of the great things about the challenge is that all ages are represented. I mean, Beth, Mark, Syrus, Montana, Timmy, etc. were all practically seniors in comparison to others when they competed on several seasons back in the day.

Ive always felt this show should have a rotating cast. Nobody should be doing three straight seasons. All its made for is stale storylines. 

The issue is because of casting. Their casting pool is too big so the rookies come in with no connections or power so those returning players steamroll them. If casting was better it wouldn't be as big of a deal.

The main show can always reserve 1-4 spots for OGs from era 1. One of the great things about the challenge is that all ages are represented. I mean, Beth, Mark, Syrus, Montana, Timmy, etc. were all practically seniors in comparison to others when they competed on several seasons back in the day.

No. They need to compete on their own show. Look what happened to era 1 last season, even though most of the issue was cause they are too stupid to sit people out to make team challenges fair. The oldheads need their own show to compete on. However, I'll be happy to see them on any season.

Ive always felt this show should have a rotating cast. Nobody should be doing three straight seasons. All its made for is stale storylines. 

Depends how often they film--if they were doing 3 seasons a year sure--but you can't expect someone to not do a show for 2 years then come back.   Veronica did 6 straight seasons from Season-Inferno 2 and always added to the show.  There's nothing wrong with people coming back if they add to it.   Most of those that they do continually bring back (outside of Kaycee and maybe Leroy) add something in terms of drama--many of you just don't like their drama.   For example, i hate John but he almost always adds to the show even when he was on for like a decade straight.

This should be a month of filming at most. 

this! 100%!
