deeper wrote:Really funny how KingNanners complains about the format of this season.. but his King would've never been a champion if not for the format of The Island, where you LOSE (which he did) and still get a key even when almost voted off even though another player was quitting lmaooooooooooooooooo
I mean you can blame Abram and JEK alliance for that (minus evan) I don't knock alliances just competitors. Honest question though not trying to fight or anything does my argument about the format helping the challengers make sense to you, like let's be honest. (By the way username not important enough to remember, I thought no one reads my posts? Hmm.... that's funny deeper knew what I wrote? Top 10 unsolved mysteries?)
I read your first about the format helping people, I never posted I didn't read them, but yes I did scroll past your novels.The format on Invasion benefitted Underdogs, yes. Just like the format benefitted losers on the Island, like Johnny. You can't go around blaming casting, production, game setup for some Challenges but accept others when it benefits Bananas. Because in that case, Johnny would never be a Champ on the Island, therefore would've lost with the Challengers on Ruins, Casey was his original partner for Exes so he would have no chance in hell. That brings his win total down to 3, but I can keep going if you want. Any other questions or are you done for today?
No not you deeper some other user w***aying no one read my posts my bad wasn't taking a stab at you I promise. I can agree wire Casey but it's been a while since I've seen the island
I'll refresh your memory, Johnny lost the third mission to Derrick and was in the vote with Abram. The only reason he survived that, was because Abram asked the cast to send him home, however he w***uch a ***** he was almost voted off anyway 9-6. He then received a key for doing nothing. That Challenge basically is widely considered to be the worst format ever for a Challenge, and he nearly lost despite having a huge amount of his alliance casted. He would've definitely been voted off if Abram didn't ask to be sent home, which then would take us to the Ruins, his next Challenge, where he would still be a Challenger, and we saw how unfairly stacked that Challenge w***o he clearly would've lost again. Casey would've killed Exes for him, they stretched and gave him Camila because he had no one else. Then we have Rivals, where he almost lost despite Adam throwing an elimination, and then were graced with a reset after Kenny&Wes kicked their *** the first day, reducing their lead to 30 seconds. Free Agents he earned. Rivals 3, he would've definitely had that win stripped if he wasn't who he was, as they actually filmed the scene where he was caught with Adderall not prescribed to him. Next time you write your little essays, I want this to be copied and pasted to your annoying ***. If you like Bananas, fine. Just stop being a condescending ***** about it. We have our reasons for thinking he's not all that.
Take it easy there buddy I literally just civilized one way or another people only difference is you guys act like he's the only one so when people start questioning my intelligence ******* a right I'll condescend to you guys when you ignore facts and make it seem like your competitors who have only won a free plane ticket home are gods and goddesses lmao pretty simple
lmao weren't you just asking for someone to please respond with a counterargument? Then you tell me to take it easy when presented with the cold facts as to why we don't think Bananas is that great. Bye
Initial facts had nothingh to do with Bananas lol you just up and decided to include him which is funny, his haters can't keep his name out of their mouths. You did not disprove my Invasion facts, you simply stated that people like Bananas did the same thing and benefited from The Island. I asked you to tell me what I was wrong about on Invasion instead you give them a cop out because you believe bananas benefited from two separate shows and started a whole new argument hurling names at me too which is mature. I didn't deny your facts either. So you basically did nothing and here we sit. You guys never call out your favorites when they benefit but revel in it if bananas does, whats the definition of a hypocrite?
deeper wrote:Really funny how KingNanners complains about the format of this season.. but his King would've never been a champion if not for the format of The Island, where you LOSE (which he did) and still get a key even when almost voted off even though another player was quitting lmaooooooooooooooooo
I mean you can blame Abram and JEK alliance for that (minus evan) I don't knock alliances just competitors. Honest question though not trying to fight or anything does my argument about the format helping the challengers make sense to you, like let's be honest. (By the way username not important enough to remember, I thought no one reads my posts? Hmm.... that's funny deeper knew what I wrote? Top 10 unsolved mysteries?)
I read your first about the format helping people, I never posted I didn't read them, but yes I did scroll past your novels.The format on Invasion benefitted Underdogs, yes. Just like the format benefitted losers on the Island, like Johnny. You can't go around blaming casting, production, game setup for some Challenges but accept others when it benefits Bananas. Because in that case, Johnny would never be a Champ on the Island, therefore would've lost with the Challengers on Ruins, Casey was his original partner for Exes so he would have no chance in hell. That brings his win total down to 3, but I can keep going if you want. Any other questions or are you done for today?
No not you deeper some other user w***aying no one read my posts my bad wasn't taking a stab at you I promise. I can agree wire Casey but it's been a while since I've seen the island
I'll refresh your memory, Johnny lost the third mission to Derrick and was in the vote with Abram. The only reason he survived that, was because Abram asked the cast to send him home, however he w***uch a ***** he was almost voted off anyway 9-6. He then received a key for doing nothing. That Challenge basically is widely considered to be the worst format ever for a Challenge, and he nearly lost despite having a huge amount of his alliance casted. He would've definitely been voted off if Abram didn't ask to be sent home, which then would take us to the Ruins, his next Challenge, where he would still be a Challenger, and we saw how unfairly stacked that Challenge w***o he clearly would've lost again. Casey would've killed Exes for him, they stretched and gave him Camila because he had no one else. Then we have Rivals, where he almost lost despite Adam throwing an elimination, and then were graced with a reset after Kenny&Wes kicked their *** the first day, reducing their lead to 30 seconds. Free Agents he earned. Rivals 3, he would've definitely had that win stripped if he wasn't who he was, as they actually filmed the scene where he was caught with Adderall not prescribed to him. Next time you write your little essays, I want this to be copied and pasted to your annoying ***. If you like Bananas, fine. Just stop being a condescending ***** about it. We have our reasons for thinking he's not all that.
Take it easy there buddy I literally just civilized one way or another people only difference is you guys act like he's the only one so when people start questioning my intelligence ******* a right I'll condescend to you guys when you ignore facts and make it seem like your competitors who have only won a free plane ticket home are gods and goddesses lmao pretty simple
lmao weren't you just asking for someone to please respond with a counterargument? Then you tell me to take it easy when presented with the cold facts as to why we don't think Bananas is that great. Bye
Initial facts had nothingh to do with Bananas lol you just up and decided to include him which is funny, his haters can't keep his name out of their mouths. You did not disprove my Invasion facts, you simply stated that people like Bananas did the same thing and benefited from The Island. I asked you tell me what I was wrong about on Invasion instead you give them a cop out because you believe bananas benefited from two separate shows and started a whole new argument hurling names at me too which is mature. I didn't deny your facts either. So you basically did nothing and here we sit. You guys never call out your favorites when they benefit but revel in it if bananas does, whats the definition of a hypocrite?
You've been insulting users on here for weeks, usually directed at their intelligence. You've been asking for a debate and I gave it to you. Fact of the matter is that Challenges aren't the Olympics, you can benefit from production/casting/game setup. We have all accepted this. You go around hailing Bananas, and no one has even bothered responding to your *** until today. Those are the precise reasons many aren't impressed with Banan*** record. He's a great player, but the GOAT? Not in many people's eyes and I just layed out step by step why we think that. Landon doing 17 Challenges in his prime and not winning at least 3 more would be hard to believe.
The Underdogs benefitted here, and the format did help. Ashley won. Many argue that Nelson won, as it's a little suspicious that CT could be so out of shape, run so slowly, get time penalties and still win, but again it was his first Challenge after Diem's p***ing.. what better storyline than him winning? No way to prove it, just saying.
PS, not all of everyone's favorites we consider the best. There's more to liking someone than being a good competitor. The biggest reason most people on here don't like Bananas (and I've said this to you before) is because he's washed up. He's given all he has to give to this franchise. He is past his prime competitively, he has no drama left so he has to manufacture stuff like "notes" with producers, and he's still on season after season.
Your favorites suck and they won't win this season now marinate kiiiiid
Well Ashley..One of my faves..Won this season so....And then she's also one a good competitior so....
A. Won cause of the format B. Sleeps her way to the middle real class act, I can see why you like her cause you might have a chance! C. Manipulated on Dirty XXX by Cara so with a fortitude like that she is such a great competitor. D. Lost to Killer Christina in elimination along with the naked mole rat E. She almost left because of a toilet seat, she is a quitter and a half F. Lucked out with her partner this season and I bet that she still won't win, and when she doesn't I'll be here if you need a shoulder to cry on, vevmoer's stick together yo
PS, not all of everyone's favorites we consider the best. There's more to liking someone than being a good competitor. The biggest reason most people on here don't like Bananas (and I've said this to you before) is because he's washed up. He's given all he has to give to this franchise. He is past his prime competitively, he has no drama left so he has to manufacture stuff like "notes" with producers, and he's still on season after season.
I get why some people don't like him deeper truly, but I've liked the guy since Key West debuted, he was the only one who was not lazy and finished the Fantasy Fest float and he was funny, so I've been a huge fan since well before his wins. I only consider him the best because most people (besides here) do included cast memebers. Also I only really comment on what people say about Bananas when it is just so not true and someone is clearly just saying it because of their incessant hatred for the man who is really just playing a character and is super charitable.
Yes he is definitely past his prime and has to rely on his alliances I 100% agree, he is no spring chicken. He's chasing win number 7 and he probably isnt thinking about retirement until it happenes (if it happens). Could it happen? Maybe stranger things have happened i suppose it will just be much more difficult.
PS, not all of everyone's favorites we consider the best. There's more to liking someone than being a good competitor. The biggest reason most people on here don't like Bananas (and I've said this to you before) is because he's washed up. He's given all he has to give to this franchise. He is past his prime competitively, he has no drama left so he has to manufacture stuff like "notes" with producers, and he's still on season after season.
I get why some people don't like him deeper truly, but I've liked the guy since Key West debuted, he was the only one who was not lazy and finished the Fantasy Fest float and he was funny, so I've been a huge fan since well before his wins. I only consider him the best because most people (besides here) do included cast memebers. Also I only really comment on what people say about Bananas when it is just so not true and someone is clearly just saying it because of their incessant hatred for the man who is really just playing a character and is super charitable.
That's fine, like I said you can be a fan, no one cares. There are users on here that are fans, but accept why people are tired of him and why his record is better on paper than it really should be (what I laid out in that long post). There are periods on here where people I like (for example, KellyAnne for being boring on Rivals 3) get a ton of hate. However, I don't go overhyping her abilities or attacking other people's faves for it. I accept why people were bored of her (I actually agree), and move on. I hope she comes back, but it is what it is.
Bananas is a staple to the show, and he isn't going anywhere. We've all accepted that. You really don't need to defend him or bring up how he's the GOAT, because as you can see, no one really even cares to argue with you cause we have our own opinions.
Initial facts had nothingh to do with Bananas lol you just up and decided to include him which is funny, his haters can't keep his name out of their mouths. You did not disprove my Invasion facts, you simply stated that people like Bananas did the same thing and benefited from The Island. I asked you to tell me what I was wrong about on Invasion instead you give them a cop out because you believe bananas benefited from two separate shows and started a whole new argument hurling names at me too which is mature. I didn't deny your facts either. So you basically did nothing and here we sit. You guys never call out your favorites when they benefit but revel in it if bananas does, whats the definition of a hypocrite?
Your favorites suck and they won't win this season now marinate kiiiiid
Well Ashley..One of my faves..Won this season so....
And then she's also one a good competitior so....
You've been insulting users on here for weeks, usually directed at their intelligence. You've been asking for a debate and I gave it to you. Fact of the matter is that Challenges aren't the Olympics, you can benefit from production/casting/game setup. We have all accepted this. You go around hailing Bananas, and no one has even bothered responding to your *** until today. Those are the precise reasons many aren't impressed with Banan*** record. He's a great player, but the GOAT? Not in many people's eyes and I just layed out step by step why we think that. Landon doing 17 Challenges in his prime and not winning at least 3 more would be hard to believe.
The Underdogs benefitted here, and the format did help. Ashley won. Many argue that Nelson won, as it's a little suspicious that CT could be so out of shape, run so slowly, get time penalties and still win, but again it was his first Challenge after Diem's p***ing.. what better storyline than him winning? No way to prove it, just saying.
PS, not all of everyone's favorites we consider the best. There's more to liking someone than being a good competitor. The biggest reason most people on here don't like Bananas (and I've said this to you before) is because he's washed up. He's given all he has to give to this franchise. He is past his prime competitively, he has no drama left so he has to manufacture stuff like "notes" with producers, and he's still on season after season.
How can anyone say this season was worse than Bloodlines and Rivals 3. Let's start off there...
A. Won cause of the format B. Sleeps her way to the middle real class act, I can see why you like her cause you might have a chance! C. Manipulated on Dirty XXX by Cara so with a fortitude like that she is such a great competitor. D. Lost to Killer Christina in elimination along with the naked mole rat E. She almost left because of a toilet seat, she is a quitter and a half F. Lucked out with her partner this season and I bet that she still won't win, and when she doesn't I'll be here if you need a shoulder to cry on, vevmoer's stick together yo
I get why some people don't like him deeper truly, but I've liked the guy since Key West debuted, he was the only one who was not lazy and finished the Fantasy Fest float and he was funny, so I've been a huge fan since well before his wins. I only consider him the best because most people (besides here) do included cast memebers. Also I only really comment on what people say about Bananas when it is just so not true and someone is clearly just saying it because of their incessant hatred for the man who is really just playing a character and is super charitable.
Yes he is definitely past his prime and has to rely on his alliances I 100% agree, he is no spring chicken. He's chasing win number 7 and he probably isnt thinking about retirement until it happenes (if it happens). Could it happen? Maybe stranger things have happened i suppose it will just be much more difficult.
!play Eminem- Stan
That's fine, like I said you can be a fan, no one cares. There are users on here that are fans, but accept why people are tired of him and why his record is better on paper than it really should be (what I laid out in that long post). There are periods on here where people I like (for example, KellyAnne for being boring on Rivals 3) get a ton of hate. However, I don't go overhyping her abilities or attacking other people's faves for it. I accept why people were bored of her (I actually agree), and move on. I hope she comes back, but it is what it is.
Bananas is a staple to the show, and he isn't going anywhere. We've all accepted that. You really don't need to defend him or bring up how he's the GOAT, because as you can see, no one really even cares to argue with you cause we have our own opinions.
Queen of seeing the future. Raven Baxter is quaking.