The Challenge: World Championship (Season 1)- Spoilers Discussion Thread

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Let me go make this collage 



I'm so excited I kinda like this delay so we can 4 boots at once 

Why 4? 

you or gaymer didn't reveal the booted people from Tuesday 

Its 4 pm in south africa

So they are able to use social media on their off days now? Interesting...

Any moderators online? Lmao 

Any moderators online? Lmao 

Pink I thought you were the owner of Vevmo?


Any moderators online? Lmao 

Pink I thought you were the owner of Vevmo?

Anee! I am not near a laptop and I change my phone this new one isn't letting me open the lock thread for whatever reason 

Any moderators online? Lmao 

ChampionDarrell? Timster? Lmao


Any moderators online? Lmao 

ChampionDarrell? Timster? Lmao

KEKBRUH is the only mod I know.




Any moderators online? Lmao 

ChampionDarrell? Timster? Lmao

KEKBRUH is the only mod I know.


SHIT I knew I was forgetting someone lmao

El señor gamer no se cinecta

We don't need Gamer at least for the women side we don't lmaooo  

Somebody not doing their voodoo right because why is kellyanne still in the game 

El señor gamer no se cinecta

try sending him a cameo from Marie... I'm sure he'll be back online asap *giggles*

I need a Sarah vs Kacey with Kacey leaving. And then an Tori vs Sarah with Tori leaving. And then an Amber vs. Sarah with Sarah leaving. Please and thank you.

Dorothy Ellis & Juansuate Minroza are out...

An update has been made

OOP WES???? Would you look at that, all his allies were made alternates and then he flops

Production needs to do the same for John...


It feels like wes always leaves earlier than bananas when they both are on together 

It feels like wes always earlier than bananas when they both are on together 

Since WOTW (excluding All Stars 3) Wes has flopped

If they try to do the Wes vs. John storyline again I'm done

Bye Weston!!

Today is a Good Friday!!!

Come for Jordan and it will cost you. Jk they kinda worked together on all stars but nice to see him gone and Jordan last longer 


Now we got another 2 leaving in about 4-6 hours. We eating today

Wes is the least of the evils of the 3 of him Jordan and bananas. Ehhh shoulda been the other two 

King Yes revenge!!!

to be fair Wes got ****** by the drops losing Nehemiah, Devin and Brad who would have been his 3 closest allies and Devin was his ticket into the vacation alliance 

Not Kellyanne actually doing well. Watch her make the final 

Oh how sweet if Yes orchestrated his demise.
