The Challenge: Battle For A New Champion- Champions (Mercenaries)& Trailer

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The Challenge: Battle For A New Champion- Champions (Mercenaries)& Trailer

This season will pit 24 returning contenders, one of who will to take home their first victory. In order to do so, they won’t only compete against each other but also will face 10 rotating “Challenge” legends in surprise eliminations each week.


- Jordan Wiseley 

- Kaz Crossley

- Devin Walker

- Tori Deal

- Brad Fiorenza

- Kaycee Clark

- Darrell Taylor

- Cara Maria Sorbello

- CT Tamburello

- Laurel Stucky



Minus Darrell.

cara's the only one worth a damn to be excited for



Minus Darrell.

Minus Darrell & Brad, what garbage. 

So are they going to act like this is Cara's return to the challenge even though Allstars 4 filmed first? 

Wtf since when was Cara and Ct spoiled? I never saw them on the cast list

Wtf since when was Cara and Ct spoiled? I never saw them on the cast list

the week they went into the game 

Brad needs to shave, that shit looks nasty

Brad needs to shave, that shit looks nasty

Is Tori Hall now into voodoo and she hooked up with Ayanna to cast a spell to make his growing beard permanent?

Brad looks like he wants to be featured in Tori's next rap song about Al-Qaeda.

Brad looks like he wants to be featured in Tori's next rap song about Al-Qaeda.

I was going to say he does resemble Bin Laden with the younger beard.  I think everyone at some point watched the 2006 United 93 movie and obviously noticed that none of the four terrorists who took over the plane were with beards and in the beginning in the hotel, they shaved.  Is that an Arabic tradition?

For the record, in case I get corrected since I have yet to see an All Stars season, was it just Ayanna or was Arissa also into voodoo?



Minus Darrell.

Jordan cast pic is the best one follow by Darrell 

I would take Darrell as a teammate win or lose over Jordan whenever.  I always wanted even if meant a ban for Turbo to do what CT wanted to do to Adam K. which was smash his head and eat it.

Was Cara trying to pull off what's his name from that movie that Johnny Depp played in?

Uh, Artie or Gilbert?  I never saw it fully and I guess that makes me a hipster since they don't normally like things that are "internationally loved".

Was Cara trying to pull off what's his name from that movie that Johnny Depp played in?

Willy Wonka?


Was Cara trying to pull off what's his name from that movie that Johnny Depp played in?

Willy Wonka?

No that pirate movie


Was Cara trying to pull off what's his name from that movie that Johnny Depp played in?

Willy Wonka?

Now we're talking but I don't really like Depp films with the exception of Once Upon A Time In Mexico where there always is a routine about food being that it's a Robert Rodriguez movie.  Here the object is puerco pibil and I don't think I have ever eaten it.

What does happen if you say Bettlejuice three times?

They didn't release pictures of the mercenaries from Vendettas 

In all seriousness, Jordan may be a pain but so far I am glad Bananas is not there.


The way he insulted Sarah at Rivals 3 reunion was beyond despicable.  Total narcissist.

Kaz is too pretty to do herself dirty looking like that

I didn't even notice the lesbian was in this until like right now 

Tori mamaaaa ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Cara Maria & Brad look the worst...

Ranking the pics:

Darrell > Jordan > Kaycee > Tori > Cara > Kaz > Laurel > Devin > CT > Brad

I didn't even see Devin and KC lol
