The Challenge: Battle of the Eras- Averey Tressler

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She'll always be known as the girl that fought Nia and Nany's hater (there was no rivalry) and that's about it. To think both of those things was over Johnny R lmaoo


I expected more from Averey after seeing her scrap with Nia on her real world season.

I think a different switch kicks on in your head when you're defending a loved one vs competing in a game show. 

She was fighting for her life in the game. It wasn't just another competition/daily

I think a different switch kicks on in your head when you're defending a loved one vs competing in a game show. 

She was fighting for her life in the game. It wasn't just another competition/daily

Yeah, but getting into that mindset level of "kill or be killed" while getting told by the showrunners that you cannot defend yourself or you might be DQ'd is completely contradictory information and emotions.

None of that even matters though because the second Rachel landed that brutal hit to the head, it was game over.

I mean, I still would like Averey to come back for another season or two. She deserves another shot, especially if they cast other low profile people season after season. I do think she has a better chance at winning than mf Nany lmaoo

 I do think she has a better chance at winning than mf Nany lmaoo

I mean, I still would like Averey to come back for another season or two. She deserves another shot, especially if they cast other low profile people season after season. I do think she has a better chance at winning than mf Nany lmaoo

I'll take it! <3

Y'all can talk all the shit you want. She went in against one of the two physically strongest women to ever be on the show (after Jenny), was told by the showrunners that she was not allowed to defend herself, got her shit absolutely rocked by that blackbelt, but she didn't give up! 

I still think omitting her from 2016 to 2023 when she was in her prime to hook up and argue was a massive mistake. She and Nany could've had a fun rivalry.

I do think, like Nia, she's lost too much of that fire she had in her early to mid 20's. She's settled down quite a bit.

Do I think she'll be a regular moving forward? Most likely not. But I really do hope she stays in the rotation at least for the next little bit. She's got some pretty solid social connections and everyone knows she'll ride hard for her friends. And her cardio is actually elite and her puzzle skills are underrated. If she can get to a final, she has a non-zero chance at a win.

Episode 3 alone deserves a callback.

And it helps she's still one of the hottest women in the history of the franchise.

I stand by my stan card.

not reading all that but your opinion is just an opinion to me

she doesn't need a return and i stand by that

May we all find someone in this lifetime who defends us as hard as Sportsman defends Averey

I expected more from Averey after seeing her scrap with Nia on her real world season.

I still like Averey but y'all make it sound like she can be the Amanda kind of personality. She was pretty non-confrontational on the Real World/the challenges outside her scrap with Nia. 

Avery can be a stepmother to teenagers that aren't hers. That's her story. This show is not for her.

Boring invisible girl 

I expected more from Averey after seeing her scrap with Nia on her real world season.

Those punches were sloppy fr, but a street fight and a boxing match aren't the same thing.

May we all find someone in this lifetime who defends us as hard as Sportsman defends Averey

I'm certainly a better friend to her than Derek is lol.

She could've done somewhat better this season but I do still believe she does have potential.

She's a completely acceptable secondary character who is eye candy and competes well in everything outside of headbangers.

Avery can be a stepmother to teenagers that aren't hers. That's her story. This show is not for her.


Avery can be a stepmother to teenagers that aren't hers. That's her story. This show is not for her.

I feel bad for dragging Miss Tressler, sksksks. Sportsman is one of the nicer and chill people around here.

Lock this thread

I feel bad for dragging Miss Tressler, sksksks. Sportsman is one of the nicer and chill people around here.


Im neutral to her, Idc if she returns or not. It doesnt move me either way.

A Portland Avery, Nia, Jordan and Marlon battle of the seasons time might have moved me a few years ago but not anymore. 

Averey is attractive/hot/whatever word you want to use--she can always be a background character

She also competes and wants to do well which is a win in itself.

Averey is attractive/hot/whatever word you want to use--she can always be a background character

She also competes and wants to do well which is a win in itself.

KVM with his best take ever.

She would get beat up in a women's prison.

Avery can be a stepmother to teenagers that aren't hers. That's her story. This show is not for her.

A Portland Avery, Nia, Jordan and Marlon battle of the seasons time might have moved me a few years ago but not anymore. 

we giving averey's spot to jessica


A Portland Avery, Nia, Jordan and Marlon battle of the seasons time might have moved me a few years ago but not anymore. 

we giving averey's spot to jessica

Keep that hick off my show, tf she gonna do other than have some country *** accent and do nothing?

Jessica >>>>>>>>>>>>> Averey

Queen beat out Aneesa's results at least lol!

A Portland Avery, Nia, Jordan and Marlon battle of the seasons time might have moved me a few years ago but not anymore. 

yep that ship has sailed

Has the ship of Marlon getting a callback sailed?
