The Challenge: Battle of the Eras- Averey Tressler

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Pervert For Sherbert <3

Jamie Chung Stan <3

Cardio Queen <3

Productions New Favorite <3

I doubt the one hit wonder and forever hooters waitress gets a callback even after all this and framing tony time! Hope the 3 averey stans enjoy her 15 minutes she'll probably go back to being invisible until her elimination episode!

not me predicting everything to a tee.... Like I ************* said 1 episode wonder now back to irrelevancy LOL

I mean the edit this season is literally Josh/Bananas/Laurel and whoever is going home that week. Derrick supposedly broke his leg and didn't even get a follow up confessional.

Went down a couple of points for calling Jonna Selfish. It's giving the bullying of nany on exes 2. I know a sheep when I see one

I mean the edit this season is literally Josh/Bananas/Laurel and whoever is going home that week. Derrick supposedly broke his leg and didn't even get a follow up confessional.

Because they are the ones bringing the storylines. Are they supposed to show Averey in Lala Land? 

I did said I hope she bring something else & hopefully Tony ways on episode 2-3 wasn't her only relevant moment this season.

even amber borezotra has MULTIPLE episodes where she's the focus on her seasons unlike this girl


I mean the edit this season is literally Josh/Bananas/Laurel and whoever is going home that week. Derrick supposedly broke his leg and didn't even get a follow up confessional.

Because they are the ones bringing the storylines. Are they supposed to show Averey in Lala Land? I did said I hope she bring something else & hopefully Tony ways on episode 2-3 wasn't her only relevant moment this season.

I mean, I guess Averey should be trying harder but I guess I could say that about nearly everyone that's not Bananas/Josh/Laurel?

Aviv, Olivia, Nia all are also not getting any airtime/storylines recently. Tori and Kaycee have absolutely nothing going on story-wise this season. Theo and Darrell are ghosted again. Jenny's got the scapegoat edit and even that is bare bones.

There's only so much airtime to go around with Josh hogging so much of it.

Got her a ss beat by a blackbelt but looked great doing it! Didn't give up! Love this Queen!

The challenge isn't for her 

The challenge isn't for her 

I don't think that's fair. Per the rules of the elimination, they weren't allowed to defend themselves. So she started with a bad shuffle strategy and got punched in the face by a blackbelt and got stunned/concussed. Her inexperience hurt her. She was never winning a headbanger against Rachel/Jenny/Laurel/Cara/Tori. But those are obviously the girl GOATS.

Nany's understudy.

She's one of the only people that was willing to take a shot at getting Kaycee out super early in the game so she's still good in my book

She's one of the only people that was willing to take a shot at getting Kaycee out super early in the game so she's still good in my book

She'll get another chance. This was a good season for her. Could've been better but her best flagship appearance by far. And her face card never declines.

Even if you don't think she brings much, she's at the very least a cute, bubbly secondary character that competes pretty well overall. She got absolutely rocked by Rachel (a frigging blackbelt) during her Evader round and she still didn't give up!

The challenge isn't for her 

She had no reason to be on season 40 in the first place 

When TJ said "that's how you play this elimination" to shade Averey I cackled lol let's lose her number rather see Bird or Jessica over her 

Y'all can talk y'alls shit. She was literally told by the showrunners not to use her hands to defend herself. That it was against the rules.

So basically she went in there and got uppercut 10 seconds in by a blackbelt.

She still had a good season. She had her moment. Episode 3 was the most entertaining episode of the whole season. She'll get a callback.

Y'all can talk y'alls shit. She was literally told by the showrunners not to use her hands to defend herself. That it was against the rules.

So basically she went in there and got uppercut 10 seconds in by a blackbelt.

She still had a good season. She had her moment. Episode 3 was the most entertaining episode of the whole season. She'll get a callback.

She could have done what Rachel did and actually move around instead of just sitting there taking it. That showing made her go from useless to downright bad. 

She could have done what Rachel did and actually move around instead of just sitting there taking it. That showing made her go from useless to downright bad. 

Rewatch the elim, she jukes Rachel once, then Rachel replants, hits one-two in the chest and then absolutely blasts Averey in the face with a mean right hook. This all happens in the first 10-15 seconds. Averey is basically dead on her feet for like the next two minutes. It was night night. She recovered in the last minute and a half to duck and stuff. But she had to go up in a close combat fight against a blackbelt defenseless.


The challenge isn't for her 



The challenge isn't for her 

Y'all can talk all the shit you want. She went in against one of the two physically strongest women to ever be on the show (after Jenny), was told by the showrunners that she was not allowed to defend herself, got her shit absolutely rocked by that blackbelt, but she didn't give up! 

I still think omitting her from 2016 to 2023 when she was in her prime to hook up and argue was a massive mistake. She and Nany could've had a fun rivalry.

I do think, like Nia, she's lost too much of that fire she had in her early to mid 20's. She's settled down quite a bit.

Do I think she'll be a regular moving forward? Most likely not. But I really do hope she stays in the rotation at least for the next little bit. She's got some pretty solid social connections and everyone knows she'll ride hard for her friends. And her cardio is actually elite and her puzzle skills are underrated. If she can get to a final, she has a non-zero chance at a win.

Episode 3 alone deserves a callback.

And it helps she's still one of the hottest women in the history of the franchise.

I stand by my stan card.

If she couldnt use her hands why didnt she just run around to evade those punches lol

If she couldnt use her hands why didnt she just run around to evade those punches lol

She started that way. She was evading the first 15 seconds and then Rachel caught her in the face with the hardest punch she's ever thrown and Averey was lights out on her feet from then on.

I expected more from Averey after seeing her scrap with Nia on her real world season.

I expected more from Averey after seeing her scrap with Nia on her real world season.

I think a different switch kicks on in your head when you're defending a loved one vs competing in a game show. 

But seriously though, other than taking off running, Averey had no chance as the Evader. No one did IMO against Rachel.

Rachel is trained as a close combat expert and the second Rachel figures out where Averey is, it's over.

It only takes one punch to be out on your feet. And Rachel punched her so damn hard in the face so many times...

That's why they need to start casting messy and fameho's in their 20's because all these excuses about these people growing up and being burnt out ain't good for a reality show

That's why they need to start casting messy and fameho's in their 20's because all these excuses about these people growing up and being burnt out ain't good for a reality show

Social media ruined reality tv. Look at Nia. Queen is developing a cute little rehabbed IG life online now. If she played like she did in 2015 (when she was entertaining), she would have the pitchfork crowd out calling for her head.

A lot of these people have matured though. Tori brings absolutely zero drama now, especially compared to five years ago. Tori, Nia, Averey, Nany, the list goes on. People do change. They "settle down". The only ones that haven't are in arrested development like Laurel and Cara.
