The Challenge: Battle of the Bloodlines Discussion Deux (SPOILERS)

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Hopefully thats a good indication, MTV tend to ask the cast to make twitter before the press release. Thats why Amanda from ayto got it a few days before the official cast announcement. Crossing fingers lol Btw is it me or twitter is dying already

I think you're right. Twitter is dead compared to how it used to be. It's all about Instagram now.

I agree! And Snapchat.

I said this a while ago. Only the elderly use facebook now, and celebrities

*****. What? that's a pretty outlandish claim. People tend to chat on face book more than comment on posts, so it may apear to be dead, but it's not.

Hopefully thats a good indication, MTV tend to ask the cast to make twitter before the press release. Thats why Amanda from ayto got it a few days before the official cast announcement. Crossing fingers lol Btw is it me or twitter is dying already

I think you're right. Twitter is dead compared to how it used to be. It's all about Instagram now.

I agree! And Snapchat.

I said this a while ago. Only the elderly use facebook now, and celebrities

*****. What? that's a pretty outlandish claim. People tend to chat on face book more than comment on posts, so it may apear to be dead, but it's not.

I use snapchat to chat, or i just text. Also hopefully that tweet means a trailer in the very near future

MTV lately have been doing official announcemet with theme, format and cast. Then the week after they release the trailer.

MTV lately have been doing official announcemet with theme, format and cast. Then the week after they release the trailer.

Praying for EW to drop the bomb on Monday.

Hopefully thats a good indication, MTV tend to ask the cast to make twitter before the press release. Thats why Amanda from ayto got it a few days before the official cast announcement. Crossing fingers lol Btw is it me or twitter is dying already

I think you're right. Twitter is dead compared to how it used to be. It's all about Instagram now.

I agree! And Snapchat.

I said this a while ago. Only the elderly use facebook now, and celebrities

*****. What? that's a pretty outlandish claim. People tend to chat on face book more than comment on posts, so it may apear to be dead, but it's not.

I use snapchat to chat, or i just text. Also hopefully that tweet means a trailer in the very near future

I never understood that. I have this girl that she always chats on snapchat with me. Call me antiquated, but I miss phone calls. I know alot of my cousins like face-timing alot and perfer that over texting.

I'm really curious to see how Tony got that injury, it looks pretty bad for a challenge injury..

MTV lately have been doing official announcemet with theme, format and cast. Then the week after they release the trailer.

Praying for EW to drop the bomb on Monday.

If its airing wednesday, its probably getting release on wednesday. MTV usually do that with their shows now day, but hopefully we get it this week.

I'm really curious to see how Tony got that injury, it looks pretty bad for a challenge injury..

I agree, there have been a decent amount of injuries on the Challenge, but not many serious lacerations, Dustin was only sent home because of timing, or so I've heard. Had the trivia challenge not been immediately after his injury, he could've stayed in the competition but due to the risk of infection in the water, he was sent home.

Chet was sent home due to a concussion, which can be serious, and others due to muscular/internal injuries (Coral/Evan). And Timmy had a life-changing injury after he was eliminated, but Tony's looks like something crazy. To be lacerated enough to be sent home, in the stomach, is odd. Dustin's was a common injury, a messed up knee, but the only time I've had my stomach punctured is due to an appendectomy and when I was a kid, I leaned over with a pencil on my lap and it poked me.

I haven't kept up with this thread but has it been found out how the format is? I know it's bloodlines vs alumni but how is it determined who goes into the elimination and is it both genders  go into elimination or alternate after every challenge?

I haven't kept up with this thread but has it been found out how the format is? I know it's bloodlines vs alumni but how is it determined who goes into the elimination and is it both genders  go into elimination or alternate after every challenge?

I think it's still unknown.

Trailer is deff getting released this week. If its released by tuesday/Wed gives the cast about a week to promote it before they leave for next challenge. Just makes sense.

By the looks of the Cast 28 thread the only bloodlines that didn't get a call were Jill, Emily & Brianna. (That we know off)

Do you think they flopped?

 emily and Brianna I can kind of see but I had high hopes for Jill


By the looks of the Cast 28 thread the only bloodlines that didn't get a call were Jill, Emily & Brianna. (That we know off)

Do you think they flopped?

 emily and Brianna I can kind of see but I had high hopes for Jill

Brianna did not flop! Emily...zzz.

I remember everyone Jill was going to be similar to Laurel maybe she was but I think she flopped. And she's now married she has better things than this show

I remember everyone Jill was going to be similar to Laurel maybe she was but I think she flopped. And she's now married she has better things than this show

I'm pretty sure PR mentioned that Cohutta/Jill went home on a guys week so technically Jill didn't flop, Cohutta did.

TJ just retweeted a fanblog about the cast. Not sure if he thought it was an official or not.

Let's pray we're getting something this week. 

EDIT: double posttttttt

No thank you. Not wasting my prayers on a one minute trailer

No thank you. Not wasting my prayers on a one minute trailer


But true.

By the looks of the Cast 28 thread the only bloodlines that didn't get a call were Jill, Emily & Brianna. (That we know off)

Do you think they flopped?

 emily and Brianna I can kind of see but I had high hopes for Jill


Emily more than likely had a bad time , she follows no one and apparently has blocked everything challenge related on social media.

Jill just got married like a month ago , and as for Brianna I wouldn't be surprised if she got a call we just don't know about it.

I'm interested in seeing these dynamics











Emily-The Cast



Rianna-The Cast 



I'm hearing a preshow or reunion type special will be filming this week on Wednesday and/or Thursday. Several castmembers will be involved.   

I wonder if Emily pulled an Anastasia and that's why she doesn't follow anyone. Or she could just be a flop

I'm hearing a preshow or reunion type special will be filming this week on Wednesday and/or Thursday. Several castmembers will be involved.   

Like we didn;t know. I'm not surprised but happy. And Paula and Kenny And Laurel better not be there though.

I'm hearing a preshow or reunion type special will be filming this week on Wednesday and/or Thursday. Several castmembers will be involved.   

Like we didn;t know. I'm not surprised but happy. And Paula and Kenny And Laurel better not be there though.

why would they be there?

I'm hearing a preshow or reunion type special will be filming this week on Wednesday and/or Thursday. Several castmembers will be involved.   

Like we didn;t know. I'm not surprised but happy. And Paula and Kenny And Laurel better not be there though.

why would they be there?

Well it was said several castmembers so that could be anyone,

But Kenny and Laurel aren't castmembers so that counts them out. 

I'm hearing a preshow or reunion type special will be filming this week on Wednesday and/or Thursday. Several castmembers will be involved.   

Like we didn;t know. I'm not surprised but happy. And Paula and Kenny And Laurel better not be there though.

why would they be there?

Well it was said several castmembers so that could be anyone,

But Kenny and Laurel aren't castmembers so that counts them out. 

Camila is going... not sure who else. I'm sure Bananas is.

I'm hearing a preshow or reunion type special will be filming this week on Wednesday and/or Thursday. Several castmembers will be involved.   

Like we didn;t know. I'm not surprised but happy. And Paula and Kenny And Laurel better not be there though.

why would they be there?

Well it was said several castmembers so that could be anyone,

But Kenny and Laurel aren't castmembers so that counts them out. 

Camila is going... not sure who else. I'm sure Bananas is.


Lol why is Camila going? Being eliminated 3rd doesn't deserve a spot on stage

Lol why is Camila going? Being eliminated 3rd doesn't deserve a spot on stage

its probably not the reunion then? 
