The Challenge: All Stars (Season 1)- Spoilers Discussion

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No matter what else happens I'm already very happy. 

Where. Is. Katie.


35 year olds on Vevmo in 10 years when Nicole Bass is on a nostalgia season in spite of being the equivalent of sliced bread in tv form: 


Also Shaleen 

"always was a big shaleen fan, she had that SPARK that's lacking in the current era, take me back to a time" 

wait?? can we trade aneesa in for jisela as the challenge long-time vet on the main challenge series cause

Come on Svetlana don't let me down lmao 

Jisela ready for redemption.  And Ace looking even finer than ever.

this is so much fun!!!  so refreshing seeing a cast reveal day with so many exciting names!!!   praying for a surprise ELKA return!!!  

I was hoping Ruthie got dropped. My feelings on Jisela are mixed, I hope she comes back fiesty and fun. 

So far I don't want any of these people to be alternates, they need to be on the official cast *fingers crossed*

wait?? can we trade aneesa in for jisela as the challenge long-time vet on the main challenge series cause

Jisela has done.. three seasons?

Everyone should just go home now because we know Svetlana, Trishelle, Katie and Coral will be the finalists Smile

Jisela lied to me on ig when I asked her about this months ago lmaoooo yess happy she's back tho 

I was hoping Ruthie got dropped. My feelings on Jisela are mixed, I hope she comes back fiesty and fun. 

I think she will --ole girl hood as hell lmaoo

ace is on and that's all i needed

I always thought Ace was the hottest guy haha

Jisela lied to me on ig when I asked her about this months ago lmaoooo yess happy she's back tho 

She could've been a last minute add tbh since C13 said weeks ago she wasn't on his radar 

Who would even be considered an alternate anyway?? I want to see all of these people on the main cast.

Wonder if Laterrian is an alternate.

the internet will break when casey coopers is shown

Ace giving me former **** star tease hopefully he delivers Wink

Jisela is honestly the person I'm least happy about so far which is a good thing. 

as of now if i was a betting man i'd say LT and Kendal are the alts 

as of now if i was a betting man i'd say LT and Kendal are the alts 

If kellyanne is on I think she's alt city 

oh i just read abt brad getting dropped? please what a win for us

as of now if i was a betting man i'd say LT and Kendal are the alts 

Don't take that bet my man. 

Jisela hasn't aged much, i mean she always looked kinda old in the face but still omg 

This cast is already amazing. Now just hoping the editing does it justice and we don't get Derrick blabbering on about how he conveniently just got engaged before this show and his kid 



This feels like a 2006 SpeakReality "Fantasy Challenge Cast" thread. 

omg take me back lmao 

Anybody around for the Tubescan days when Evelyn used to play online games as Jonbenet Ramsey lol?

Yes. ******** 

as of now if i was a betting man i'd say LT and Kendal are the alts 

Kendal is def not an alt, she's a lock. With this older group the fact that she's still hot is a big plus +. Plus she's a nurse fighting on the front lines of covid which is VERY topical. Laterrian yes but hoping he's on and Nehemiah or someone got dropped.

Waiting on that Pawel reveal. Cmon Rose, don't let me down....

I want Ruthie & Syrus to be alts but I know LT & Kendal are the alternates waiting for their spot. 


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