On a normal seasons they can find any Ayto thirst bucket or Boring bb person that would put their live on hold the night before departure since the casting pool is so open now days.
But for something like this I feel like they can struggle with finding people last minute.
On a normal seasons they can find any Ayto thirst bucket or Boring bb person that would put their live on hold the night before departure since the casting pool is so open now days.But for something like this I feel like they can struggle with finding people last minute.
On a normal seasons they can find any Ayto thirst bucket or Boring bb person that would put their live on hold the night before departure since the casting pool is so open now days.But for something like this I feel like they can struggle with finding people last minute.
aren't there 3 missing girls ? Are they suddenly not coming anymore ?
On a normal seasons they can find any Ayto thirst bucket or Boring bb person that would put their live on hold the night before departure since the casting pool is so open now days.But for something like this I feel like they can struggle with finding people last minute.
unless they drop big money on them
A lot of them are parents or have jobs that aren't letting them spontaneously leave like that.
On a normal seasons they can find any Ayto thirst bucket or Boring bb person that would put their live on hold the night before departure since the casting pool is so open now days.But for something like this I feel like they can struggle with finding people last minute.
aren't there 3 missing girls ? Are they suddenly not coming anymore ?
There should be 3 girls missing keeping my eye on 5/6 possibilities of names that I heard throughout the last few weeks. But there is always the chance of them going 1-3 girls short over Last minutes changes.
How do people who still not understand that when PR know's for sure, the cast thread will be updated yet.?
When I was a rookie here for dirty 30 spoilers was I THIS annoying? lol
Anyway I wonder if the challenges will do more goofy stuff. I can't see these grandparents jumping off of moving trucks. Should be a fun throwback regardless.
She is an alternate so we're not counting her anyway. Speaking it into existence, she will never be on the show again. She can stay home and get another **** job, and do dumb stupid bimbo shit but she should not be on the show.
Some fun facts from the cast so far:
Youngest Male: Nehemiah (35)
Youngest Female: KellyAnne (34)
Oldest Male: Mark / Syrus (49)
Oldest Female: Beth (51)
Longest Gap Since Last Challenge Male: Teck (21 years)
Longest Gap Since Last Challenge Female: Kendal (17 years)
Most Challenges Male: Derrick (10)
Most Challenges Female: Aneesa (14)
Fewest Challenges Male: Teck (1)
Fewest Challenges Female: Kendal/Arissa/Sophia (1)
Jeez what even is that Cohutta pic? He looks like he stormed the Capitol
On a normal seasons they can find any Ayto thirst bucket or Boring bb person that would put their live on hold the night before departure since the casting pool is so open now days.
But for something like this I feel like they can struggle with finding people last minute.
Maybe we finally get that Abram vs. Alton elimination we were robbed of 12 years ago.
unless they drop big money on them
aren't there 3 missing girls ? Are they suddenly not coming anymore ?
VCR I believe Casey is the youngest female at 33
A lot of them are parents or have jobs that aren't letting them spontaneously leave like that.
Alton!!!!!!! So excited to see him on this list!
my hopes are Eric and Ryan are Alts- so impressed with this list <3
When are we going to hear the story on Coral?
They should let Tina quarantine at home and fly straight to location if she test negative if not then we'll settle for Sophia.
There should be 3 girls missing keeping my eye on 5/6 possibilities of names that I heard throughout the last few weeks. But there is always the chance of them going 1-3 girls short over Last minutes changes.
I'm still hoping for Shauvon hahah but I am already so happy because of Beth and Katie I won't even complain!
I feel like Veronica was dropped after news hit a few days ago that Netflix took off the "reunion" episode of the inferno 2 cause of the V/Tonya thing
How do people who still not understand that when PR know's for sure, the cast thread will be updated yet.?
When I was a rookie here for dirty 30 spoilers was I THIS annoying? lol
Anyway I wonder if the challenges will do more goofy stuff. I can't see these grandparents jumping off of moving trucks. Should be a fun throwback regardless.
I'm happy this forum specifically was all grateful for the info we received yesterday
She is an alternate so we're not counting her anyway.
Speaking it into existence, she will never be on the show again. She can stay home and get another **** job, and do dumb stupid bimbo shit but she should not be on the show.
Oooop! I'm excited about this person but I don't think you all will be :/
female or male?
Are they legit OG? If so its all good
ok then it's not who I think it is cs most I've us would've been exicted. I wonder who though
I mean, Marie can host or play I'm open to it - so no worries at all Gamer
gamora and I have simular tastes so I'm sure it will be fine
im guessing they are not legit OG.
I don't think they're OG, which is why I think y'all won't like this choice. Female.
If its Jonna I'm cool with it. I'd rather her on a season 2(if another season happens) but I always liked her.
New update
Wait a min-
this aged well
oh not jemmye lmao
Please and when I asked if Laurel was a OG y'all damn near had a heart attack
LMAO having Jemmye on is a joke