The Challenge: All Stars- Mark Long

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The fact that there is a convo in Noor being the weakest is testimony on how stack that FM2 final was for the men's side. Kenny solid finalist, landon = GOAT, and rookies Pete and Noor were no chumps either. It really just relied on well you were able to work with your partner. 


I love the narrative that Emily S is overrated or not as good as Robin or Diem.  I just can't.

Diem was definitely better than Emily on Exes 1 lol

lmao Diem was not good.  She had CT as a partner as opposed to Ty.  Diem did great in the final because she didn't have to do any heavy lifting, digging or eating.  She had to walk and do puzzles.   She's better at puzzles than Emily but that's it.  Diem's honestly by far the most overrated person ever on The Challenge.

I don't even like Diem but she is definitely good lmao. She was worse than Emily at the eating portion for sure. But otherwise, she smoked her the entire final, where she was out running CT and solving the puzzles for him.

"She had to walk and do puzzles" - Why are you wording it like that lol? Puzzles have been a staple on this show for years. And they're on knee deep snow going up a mountain. Of course they're gonna have to "walk", they can't run the entire time. Doesn't mean it's not physically exhausting.

"She's better at puzzles than Emily but that's it."  - And endurance lol. Do you have any reason to believe that Emily would have been able to outrun Diem if she had a better partner? 

As for the season as a whole, I don't think Diem was that much better than Emily or even the best girl overall(that would be Camila), but again, outside of the lube daily, Emily was just as mediocre as Ty in all the other missions. In a lot of the dailies, pairs were only as strong as their weakest link, so CT being better than Ty means nothing.

Diem was not better at any point in time than Emily.  Not for a second.  Not at any point of their challenge careers.  CT being better than Ty was huge.  Put Ty with Diem and CT with Emily and CT/Emily dominate just as Emily/Paula did on Rivals 2 or Laurel/Kenny did on FM2.  When all you have to do is walk and the puzzles you're going to be fresher.  CT did all the digging, CT did all the heavy lifting, CT did all the eating.  Diem literally put in zero work other than walking and continually saying "this is the end" when it wasn't.  If Diem carried her own weight in the final they win but she relied too heavily on CT.  I honestly can't believe anyone thinks for a second Diem outperformed her.  Diem struggled on the honey challenge, she refused to move on Hook Up, Emily crushed her on the swimming challenge, Emily outperformed her on Lube Me Up and they probably came in last on the pirate ship mission because she was terrified but they of course through in Abram/Cara as they supposedly lost by a couple seconds.   You're saying Diem was better because they won 2 missions--thanks to CT.  Race to the Alter was about him eating, carrying her, digging and changing the tire.  He literally pulled the parachute by himself on the jet mission.  Let's just be honest for a second instead of trying to rewrite history and claim Diem (of all people) was ever even in the same league as Emily.   Emily on her worst day is 10x better than Diem.

LOL, I can point to several instances where Diem was better on Exes:

Give Me Some Honey: Where does Diem struggle here lmao? She's never once shown to be having problems on screen. The only time we see either of them struggling is when CT slips and almost falls into the water. Meanwhile, we see Emily slipping and struggling to keep her balance, to the point Camila blows past her.

Hoop Up: Even when Diem and CT are arguing the entire time and she's literally refusing to move, Ty and Emily still can't get ahead of them.

Rolling in the Deep and Don't Rock the Boat: Emily does better than Diem in these two missions for sure, no argument.

Lube Me Up: Emily did NOT outperform Diem because they weren't even fighting with each other for a ball. Diem got her ball to the goal before Emily, who was still down there fighting Paula. Diem also put up a great fight in the last round against Camila, who is scrappy as hell. Ty was 100% the reason they lost here, and I could definitely see Emily beating Diem head-to-head here if she had made it further, but that's still just speculation. Let's not claim something that didn't actually happen.

Race to the Alter: You're m***ively downplaying Diem's performance here. Yes, the tire was all CT. I'm not saying that ALL portions of the missions this season were an "only as good as your weakest link" type of deal or that CT didn't help her a ton at times. But she got on the wedding dress faster than him, not to mention him forgetting his bow tie which put them in last place at first. As for the digging, do you have any proof that CT did that all by himself? Why did Mark and Robin get second-to-last place in that task after arriving there first? Mark's a really good competitor too, why didn't he carry Robin through that part like CT supposedly did? Do you also have any proof that Ty screwed over Emily here? Both Ty and Emily were bad at digging, which is why EVERYONE beat them. Diem also did her part in the eating. CT is a very good eater, but he himself also said that she "housed that cake". She seems to be good at eating as long as there's no meat involved. Finally, as for the carrying the bride task, I'm sure any guy would rather carry tiny Diem over Emily's big ***.

Feel the Burn: We don't know if Ty letting go of that lawn chair was the cause of their loss since we don't know the times. I don't know what you mean with CT pushing the parachute by himself. Because Diem was crouching and doing the military walk?

I still can't believe you're downplaying Diem's puzzle skills and endurance (two of the most critical and consistent components of a final) and are blaming their loss on her. The puzzle alone put them 15+ minutes ahead of Ty and Emily. You have literally no proof that Diem would lose those 15 minutes if she was partnered with a lesser guy like Ty. 15 minutes is a lot. A good portion of the guys on this show can eat gross shit and do heavy lifting tasks competently at least. Not a lot of them can solve puzzles. You also have no proof that CT wouldn't still gas out had he not done as much of the heavy lifting and digging. Johnny also had to carry the log and dig the tunnel after getting frustrated with Camila, and still managed to outpace CT and win just fine. CT didn't gas out because of Diem, he g***ed out because he's big as hell and "smoked a cigarette every 5 minutes". Yes, Diem had weaknesses in the final, but so did the other girls, with Emily's being the most devastating.



I love the narrative that Emily S is overrated or not as good as Robin or Diem.  I just can't.

Diem was definitely better than Emily on Exes 1 lol

lmao Diem was not good.  She had CT as a partner as opposed to Ty.  Diem did great in the final because she didn't have to do any heavy lifting, digging or eating.  She had to walk and do puzzles.   She's better at puzzles than Emily but that's it.  Diem's honestly by far the most overrated person ever on The Challenge.

I don't even like Diem but she is definitely good lmao. She was worse than Emily at the eating portion for sure. But otherwise, she smoked her the entire final, where she was out running CT and solving the puzzles for him.

"She had to walk and do puzzles" - Why are you wording it like that lol? Puzzles have been a staple on this show for years. And they're on knee deep snow going up a mountain. Of course they're gonna have to "walk", they can't run the entire time. Doesn't mean it's not physically exhausting.

"She's better at puzzles than Emily but that's it."  - And endurance lol. Do you have any reason to believe that Emily would have been able to outrun Diem if she had a better partner? 

As for the season as a whole, I don't think Diem was that much better than Emily or even the best girl overall(that would be Camila), but again, outside of the lube daily, Emily was just as mediocre as Ty in all the other missions. In a lot of the dailies, pairs were only as strong as their weakest link, so CT being better than Ty means nothing.

Diem was not better at any point in time than Emily.  Not for a second.  Not at any point of their challenge careers.  CT being better than Ty was huge.  Put Ty with Diem and CT with Emily and CT/Emily dominate just as Emily/Paula did on Rivals 2 or Laurel/Kenny did on FM2.  When all you have to do is walk and the puzzles you're going to be fresher.  CT did all the digging, CT did all the heavy lifting, CT did all the eating.  Diem literally put in zero work other than walking and continually saying "this is the end" when it wasn't.  If Diem carried her own weight in the final they win but she relied too heavily on CT.  I honestly can't believe anyone thinks for a second Diem outperformed her.  Diem struggled on the honey challenge, she refused to move on Hook Up, Emily crushed her on the swimming challenge, Emily outperformed her on Lube Me Up and they probably came in last on the pirate ship mission because she was terrified but they of course through in Abram/Cara as they supposedly lost by a couple seconds.   You're saying Diem was better because they won 2 missions--thanks to CT.  Race to the Alter was about him eating, carrying her, digging and changing the tire.  He literally pulled the parachute by himself on the jet mission.  Let's just be honest for a second instead of trying to rewrite history and claim Diem (of all people) was ever even in the same league as Emily.   Emily on her worst day is 10x better than Diem.

LOL, I can point to several instances where Diem was better on Exes:

Give Me Some Honey: Where does Diem struggle here lmao? She's never once shown to be having problems on screen. The only time we see either of them struggling is when CT slips and almost falls into the water. Meanwhile, we see Emily slipping and struggling to keep her balance, to the point Camila blows past her.

Hoop Up: Even when Diem and CT are arguing the entire time and she's literally refusing to move, Ty and Emily still can't get ahead of them.

Rolling in the Deep and Don't Rock the Boat: Emily does better than Diem in these two missions for sure, no argument.

Lube Me Up: Emily did NOT outperform Diem because they weren't even fighting with each other for a ball. Diem got her ball to the goal before Emily, who was still down there fighting Paula. Diem also put up a great fight in the last round against Camila, who is scrappy as hell. Ty was 100% the reason they lost here, and I could definitely see Emily beating Diem head-to-head here if she had made it further, but that's still just speculation. Let's not claim something that didn't actually happen.

Race to the Alter: You're massively downplaying Diem's performance here. Yes, the tire was all CT. I'm not saying that ALL portions of the missions this season were an "only as good as your weakest link" type of deal or that CT didn't help her a ton at times. But she got on the wedding dress faster than him, not to mention him forgetting his bow tie which put them in last place at first. As for the digging, do you have any proof that CT did that all by himself? Why did Mark and Robin get second-to-last place in that task after arriving there first? Mark's a really good competitor too, why didn't he carry Robin through that part like CT supposedly did? Do you also have any proof that Ty screwed over Emily here? Both Ty and Emily were bad at digging, which is why EVERYONE beat them. Diem also did her part in the eating. CT is a very good eater, but he himself also said that she "housed that cake". She seems to be good at eating as long as there's no meat involved. Finally, as for the carrying the bride task, I'm sure any guy would rather carry tiny Diem over Emily's big ***.

Feel the Burn: We don't know if Ty letting go of that lawn chair was the cause of their loss since we don't know the times. I don't know what you mean with CT pushing the parachute by himself. Because Diem was crouching and doing the military walk?

I still can't believe you're downplaying Diem's puzzle skills and endurance (two of the most critical and consistent components of a final) and are blaming their loss on her. The puzzle alone put them 15+ minutes ahead of Ty and Emily. You have literally no proof that Diem would lose those 15 minutes if she was partnered with a lesser guy like Ty. 15 minutes is a lot. A good portion of the guys on this show can eat gross shit and do heavy lifting tasks competently at least. Not a lot of them can solve puzzles. You also have no proof that CT wouldn't still gas out had he not done as much of the heavy lifting and digging. Johnny also had to carry the log and dig the tunnel after getting frustrated with Camila, and still managed to outpace CT and win just fine. CT didn't gas out because of Diem, he gassed out because he's big as hell and "smoked a cigarette every 5 minutes". Yes, Diem had weaknesses in the final, but so did the other girls, with Emily's being the most devastating.

I think you've set the record for the most delusional poster in the history of this site.  And there's people that think Big T is a great competitor.  

Diem said herself that she struggled on the honey challenge and was uncomfortable with the whole thing.  Diem also hates heights as much as probably anyone other than Katie that has ever been on the show.  Yeah, CT fell and managed to stay up.  As per every mission he carried them.  Who agree CT is infinitely better than Ty, right?   On Hook Up all Diem had to do was not freak out and CT easily gets them further than every team other than 2 but she was incapable of doing that.  Diem wasn't being targeted on Lube Me Up while Emily and Ty were.  We can call that a draw if you really want.  Rewatch Feel the Burn--that was 100% CT.   Essentially you're saying Diem could put on a dress fast and ate some cake so therefore she's better than Emily.  You can say you don't like Diem all you want but no one that's unbiased would be making this argument.  The only reason Diem ever made it far on the show was people refused to target her due to her story and they didn't want to be the bad guy.  If you're going to pretend Diem did anything other than walk and bark directions to CT during that final you're in denial

What the **** does any of this have to do with Mark?

What the **** does any of this have to do with Mark?

Why he threw the elimination to John?   lol

You 2 fighting over which girl was better on a show 10 years ago ...... clowns 


What the **** does any of this have to do with Mark?

Why he threw the elimination to John?   lol

Yeah but the discussion has completely moved to a debate about other players where his name isn't even mentioned.




I love the narrative that Emily S is overrated or not as good as Robin or Diem.  I just can't.

Diem was definitely better than Emily on Exes 1 lol

lmao Diem was not good.  She had CT as a partner as opposed to Ty.  Diem did great in the final because she didn't have to do any heavy lifting, digging or eating.  She had to walk and do puzzles.   She's better at puzzles than Emily but that's it.  Diem's honestly by far the most overrated person ever on The Challenge.

I don't even like Diem but she is definitely good lmao. She was worse than Emily at the eating portion for sure. But otherwise, she smoked her the entire final, where she was out running CT and solving the puzzles for him.

"She had to walk and do puzzles" - Why are you wording it like that lol? Puzzles have been a staple on this show for years. And they're on knee deep snow going up a mountain. Of course they're gonna have to "walk", they can't run the entire time. Doesn't mean it's not physically exhausting.

"She's better at puzzles than Emily but that's it."  - And endurance lol. Do you have any reason to believe that Emily would have been able to outrun Diem if she had a better partner? 

As for the season as a whole, I don't think Diem was that much better than Emily or even the best girl overall(that would be Camila), but again, outside of the lube daily, Emily was just as mediocre as Ty in all the other missions. In a lot of the dailies, pairs were only as strong as their weakest link, so CT being better than Ty means nothing.

Diem was not better at any point in time than Emily.  Not for a second.  Not at any point of their challenge careers.  CT being better than Ty was huge.  Put Ty with Diem and CT with Emily and CT/Emily dominate just as Emily/Paula did on Rivals 2 or Laurel/Kenny did on FM2.  When all you have to do is walk and the puzzles you're going to be fresher.  CT did all the digging, CT did all the heavy lifting, CT did all the eating.  Diem literally put in zero work other than walking and continually saying "this is the end" when it wasn't.  If Diem carried her own weight in the final they win but she relied too heavily on CT.  I honestly can't believe anyone thinks for a second Diem outperformed her.  Diem struggled on the honey challenge, she refused to move on Hook Up, Emily crushed her on the swimming challenge, Emily outperformed her on Lube Me Up and they probably came in last on the pirate ship mission because she was terrified but they of course through in Abram/Cara as they supposedly lost by a couple seconds.   You're saying Diem was better because they won 2 missions--thanks to CT.  Race to the Alter was about him eating, carrying her, digging and changing the tire.  He literally pulled the parachute by himself on the jet mission.  Let's just be honest for a second instead of trying to rewrite history and claim Diem (of all people) was ever even in the same league as Emily.   Emily on her worst day is 10x better than Diem.

LOL, I can point to several instances where Diem was better on Exes:

Give Me Some Honey: Where does Diem struggle here lmao? She's never once shown to be having problems on screen. The only time we see either of them struggling is when CT slips and almost falls into the water. Meanwhile, we see Emily slipping and struggling to keep her balance, to the point Camila blows past her.

Hoop Up: Even when Diem and CT are arguing the entire time and she's literally refusing to move, Ty and Emily still can't get ahead of them.

Rolling in the Deep and Don't Rock the Boat: Emily does better than Diem in these two missions for sure, no argument.

Lube Me Up: Emily did NOT outperform Diem because they weren't even fighting with each other for a ball. Diem got her ball to the goal before Emily, who was still down there fighting Paula. Diem also put up a great fight in the last round against Camila, who is scrappy as hell. Ty was 100% the reason they lost here, and I could definitely see Emily beating Diem head-to-head here if she had made it further, but that's still just speculation. Let's not claim something that didn't actually happen.

Race to the Alter: You're massively downplaying Diem's performance here. Yes, the tire was all CT. I'm not saying that ALL portions of the missions this season were an "only as good as your weakest link" type of deal or that CT didn't help her a ton at times. But she got on the wedding dress faster than him, not to mention him forgetting his bow tie which put them in last place at first. As for the digging, do you have any proof that CT did that all by himself? Why did Mark and Robin get second-to-last place in that task after arriving there first? Mark's a really good competitor too, why didn't he carry Robin through that part like CT supposedly did? Do you also have any proof that Ty screwed over Emily here? Both Ty and Emily were bad at digging, which is why EVERYONE beat them. Diem also did her part in the eating. CT is a very good eater, but he himself also said that she "housed that cake". She seems to be good at eating as long as there's no meat involved. Finally, as for the carrying the bride task, I'm sure any guy would rather carry tiny Diem over Emily's big ***.

Feel the Burn: We don't know if Ty letting go of that lawn chair was the cause of their loss since we don't know the times. I don't know what you mean with CT pushing the parachute by himself. Because Diem was crouching and doing the military walk?

I still can't believe you're downplaying Diem's puzzle skills and endurance (two of the most critical and consistent components of a final) and are blaming their loss on her. The puzzle alone put them 15+ minutes ahead of Ty and Emily. You have literally no proof that Diem would lose those 15 minutes if she was partnered with a lesser guy like Ty. 15 minutes is a lot. A good portion of the guys on this show can eat gross shit and do heavy lifting tasks competently at least. Not a lot of them can solve puzzles. You also have no proof that CT wouldn't still gas out had he not done as much of the heavy lifting and digging. Johnny also had to carry the log and dig the tunnel after getting frustrated with Camila, and still managed to outpace CT and win just fine. CT didn't gas out because of Diem, he gassed out because he's big as hell and "smoked a cigarette every 5 minutes". Yes, Diem had weaknesses in the final, but so did the other girls, with Emily's being the most devastating.

I think you've set the record for the most delusional poster in the history of this site.  And there's people that think Big T is a great competitor.  

Diem said herself that she struggled on the honey challenge and was uncomfortable with the whole thing.  Diem also hates heights as much as probably anyone other than Katie that has ever been on the show.  Yeah, CT fell and managed to stay up.  As per every mission he carried them.  Who agree CT is infinitely better than Ty, right?   On Hook Up all Diem had to do was not freak out and CT easily gets them further than every team other than 2 but she was incapable of doing that.  Diem wasn't being targeted on Lube Me Up while Emily and Ty were.  We can call that a draw if you really want.  Rewatch Feel the Burn--that was 100% CT.   Essentially you're saying Diem could put on a dress fast and ate some cake so therefore she's better than Emily.  You can say you don't like Diem all you want but no one that's unbiased would be making this argument.  The only reason Diem ever made it far on the show was people refused to target her due to her story and they didn't want to be the bad guy.  If you're going to pretend Diem did anything other than walk and bark directions to CT during that final you're in denial

Not the guy who said that Emily was the best girl on Exes (when Camila is right there) calling me delusional. 

"Diem said herself that she struggled on the honey challenge and was uncomfortable with the whole thing." - If she was uncomfortable then it didn't seem to hurt her performance. They still beat them. We literally see Emily struggling on-screen and you're still denying it lmao. Are bad performances only bad performances if someone points them out in a confessional? 

"On Hook Up all Diem had to do was not freak out and CT easily gets them further than every team other than 2 (...)" Don't give a shit about your speculations. Try arguing using something that actually happened. Also, again, Ty and Emily still didn't beat them despite their bickering lol. 

"Diem wasn't being targeted on Lube Me Up while Emily and Ty were." Hey, you're the one who said that Emily outperformed Diem there, not me. If they didn't even go head to head, then she didn't :shrug:

"Rewatch Feel the Burn--that was 100% CT." I did. Diem did good there. Maybe you can spell it out how she did worse than Emily, since it's so obvious, it shouldn't be hard to explain. 

"Essentially you're saying Diem could put on a dress fast and ate some cake so therefore she's better than Emily." No, I've listed several reasons in my previous comment why I think she's slightly better. You're good at misrepresenting arguments aswell, huh. I guess you're that CT is better than Ty because he can change a tire?

"If you're going to pretend Diem did anything other than walk and bark directions to CT during that final you're in denial" - She did contribute heavily into the final and I've explained why. If you're in denial, maybe try some valid counter arguments instead of the constant gaslighting. 

If this isn't the right thread to discuss this, I'll stop. Sorry about that. 

I dont know how yall remember how a competitor did in every challenge mission from 10 years ago, get a damn life lmao

I dont know how yall remember how a competitor did in every challenge mission from 10 years ago, get a damn life lmao

Why watch something if you're not going to pay attention?  Although I'm sure some of you remember all the drama of which I don't recall half of it. It's not surprising those that watch it for competition recall how people did. 

People who quote the essays to reply should be banned. And Mark hasn't been mentioned in like 4 pages so take this dumb debate to the generic thread. No one wants to read 4 pages of KVM letting everyone know he's right and they are wrong.

Ya'll need to take some of the discussions to the generic thread....started talking about Mark then went on a super long tangent of Jenn vs 

I cant stand mark.. LT SHOULDA HAD THAT UGHHH

You 2 fighting over which girl was better on a show 10 years ago ...... clowns 

You 2 fighting over which girl was better on a show 10 years ago ...... clowns 

Lolololol at V1 dragging people!

Lolololol at V1 dragging people!

Like he's trying to do to you in the Beth thread.  V1man always does this stuff--you just laugh and move on

People who quote the essays to reply should be banned. And Mark hasn't been mentioned in like 4 pages so take this dumb debate to the generic thread. No one wants to read 4 pages of KVM letting everyone know he's right and they are wrong.


Lolololol at V1 dragging people!

Like he's trying to do to you in the Beth thread.  V1man always does this stuff--you just laugh and move on

   It would be so much easier if there were a "like" button.  That's all it is, a little happiniess to find something interesting.



Lolololol at V1 dragging people!

Like he's trying to do to you in the Beth thread.  V1man always does this stuff--you just laugh and move on

   It would be so much easier if there were a "like" button.  That's all it is, a little happiniess to find something interesting.

Ugh, I miss the like button so much.  It saved so much time and space in these threads.  

I miss the likes! I also liked how the quoting was done, Ive never really came around to this format even though its been years

I miss the likes! I also liked how the quoting was done, Ive never really came around to this format even though its been years

same. lol


Didn't Kam not have it with CT? And they are both great forces.

Why didn't they have chemistry?  Was one person not trying to win?

The reality is people don't like Jenn therefore refuse to give her credit.

Chemistry as in working well or not well together, clearly. It is a factor.

lol. I dislike far greater competitors, so no, she was just not a top one and relied on her friends to get to the end. This is why she could never make it past third place. She was part of the popular kids after the Island and good at intimidating anyone who even thought about going against her. She even intimidated Laurel with that mouth! lol. Does anyone remember that?

I really want to lie him but his humor is such a cringe 

The reunion host rocked for making fun of Mark's constant muscle flexing.

He needs to not return next season and just make an onlyfans to oil up those muscles and D cup pecs

I always get that vibe that hes the guy that cant forget his old glory days of high school. Anyways at least he didnt throw any elimintation this time 
