The Challenge: All Stars- Alton Williams

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Guys like Derrick are always covering guys cheating on the challenge but will be one of the first one to shame girls when they do it.... 

Not saying cheating is right but the double standard is real

Derrick sucks he's low key an enabler 

Do you remember when he went Canada to be with Camila after witnessing her racist rant not only in person but after that episode of dirty 30 aired...



Guys like Derrick are always covering guys cheating on the challenge but will be one of the first one to shame girls when they do it.... 

Not saying cheating is right but the double standard is real

Derrick sucks he's low key an enabler 

Do you remember when he went Canada to be with Camila after witnessing her racist rant not only in person but after that episode of dirty 30 aired...

Lmao he's a POS idk why people suck him off so much 




Guys like Derrick are always covering guys cheating on the challenge but will be one of the first one to shame girls when they do it.... 

Not saying cheating is right but the double standard is real

Derrick sucks he's low key an enabler 

Do you remember when he went Canada to be with Camila after witnessing her racist rant not only in person but after that episode of dirty 30 aired...

Lmao he's a POS idk why people suck him off so much 



Guys like Derrick are always covering guys cheating on the challenge but will be one of the first one to shame girls when they do it.... 

Not saying cheating is right but the double standard is real

Derrick sucks he's low key an enabler 

Do you remember when he went Canada to be with Camila after witnessing her racist rant not only in person but after that episode of dirty 30 aired...




Guys like Derrick are always covering guys cheating on the challenge but will be one of the first one to shame girls when they do it.... 

Not saying cheating is right but the double standard is real

Derrick sucks he's low key an enabler 

Do you remember when he went Canada to be with Camila after witnessing her racist rant not only in person but after that episode of dirty 30 aired...

Didnt he also try and defend her on his podcast?




Guys like Derrick are always covering guys cheating on the challenge but will be one of the first one to shame girls when they do it.... 

Not saying cheating is right but the double standard is real

Derrick sucks he's low key an enabler 

Do you remember when he went Canada to be with Camila after witnessing her racist rant not only in person but after that episode of dirty 30 aired...

Didnt he also try and defend her on his podcast?

yup, just like he does with the rest of the trash on the Challenge. And people were coming at my throat for pointing out the obvious that he is a trash person

Everyone should've been knew that 10 head derrick was trash





Guys like Derrick are always covering guys cheating on the challenge but will be one of the first one to shame girls when they do it.... 

Not saying cheating is right but the double standard is real

Derrick sucks he's low key an enabler 

Do you remember when he went Canada to be with Camila after witnessing her racist rant not only in person but after that episode of dirty 30 aired...

Didnt he also try and defend her on his podcast?

yup, just like he does with the rest of the trash on the Challenge. And people were coming at my throat for pointing out the obvious that he is a trash person

Yup people were coming at me and Deeper on the Derrick thread for pointing his BS lmao 

Derrick is a beta. Like all good betas, they're loyal to their Alphas.

Lmao, derricks such a POS. He edited out the clip of syrus spilling the tea about altons significant other.

anyone here actually subscribed to the challengemania patreon? Curious if they left it in the paid version 

Lmao, derricks such a POS. He edited out the clip of syrus spilling the tea about altons significant other.

anyone here actually subscribed to the challengemania patreon? Curious if they left it in the paid version 

Derrick is such an *** kisser not shock by this at all and he always will be captain save a hoe with his male friends cheating

Lmao, derricks such a POS. He edited out the clip of syrus spilling the tea about altons significant other.

anyone here actually subscribed to the challengemania patreon? Curious if they left it in the paid version 

he did? Lol


Lmao, derricks such a POS. He edited out the clip of syrus spilling the tea about altons significant other.

anyone here actually subscribed to the challengemania patreon? Curious if they left it in the paid version 

Derrick is such an *** kisser not shock by this at all and he always will be captain save a hoe with his male friends cheating

But when it comes to the women that he doesn't have a tight friendship with cheating on the show the man got no remorse for them and the fact that he edited out what syrus said just proves he will always be an *** kisser to his friends with no true opinion of his own


Lmao, derricks such a POS. He edited out the clip of syrus spilling the tea about altons significant other.

anyone here actually subscribed to the challengemania patreon? Curious if they left it in the paid version 

he did? Lol

Syrus says the sheets moving quote at 1:27:44 on the podcast (in the original audio, this is when Syrus brings up he was under the impression Alton was married). But on the podcast it went to commercial, then they started talking about big easy. But like I said i don't have the version that the Patreons do so Idk if they kept it in the full version.




Guys like Derrick are always covering guys cheating on the challenge but will be one of the first one to shame girls when they do it.... 

Not saying cheating is right but the double standard is real

Derrick sucks he's low key an enabler 

Do you remember when he went Canada to be with Camila after witnessing her racist rant not only in person but after that episode of dirty 30 aired...


legit almost quoted word for word what aneesa said to robin on the duel lol 


Increasing the min wage so people working for (and directly producing the profits of..) multil billion dollar corporations? Handouts!

Demanding a livable wage (Again, after producing billions of dollars of profit with THEIR LABOR?) - Handouts

Providing free higher education (as is done successfully in many countries) so that these same poor people, held back for lack of opportunity, can succeed {and, you know, improve society by being educated??) -Handouts! (the best part is when they then say something like "Obama succeeded, anyone poor can get to the top" - a wonderfully lazy analysis.

Wanting to provide homes for the homeless when there are hundreds of thousands of homes that are empty and exist as a front to enrich already rich people? Handouts

This is why politics is more than a matter of policy disagreements - it affects real people who suffer as corporations continue to enrich the very few who exert and more control over our daily lives. God fordbid someone try to challenge that, nah, let's instead laud those who pillage from us as geniuses. Disgusting.

lol at all of this--let's see what happens if minimum wage is raised to 15 bucks.  Any guess on if unemployment goes up or down? 

It's as though you don't comprehend people aren't supposed to stay in those low level jobs forever--if you do you're getting paid what you're worth.

Do you know what the word capitalism means?  It's like people wish Communism won.

Yes, I know what capitalism is, hence my entire post being a critique of it?? Lmao

Why is Derrick taking over Altons page..... can we move that convo back to his page :) 

He so fine

Bring him back for season 2, even if Jisela have to come back. I need someone fine to look at 

Jisela definitely isn't coming back for season 2. She mentioned her knee injury and road to recovery is going to be at least another 8 months

Jisela mentioned on Twitter that she thinks Alton would be more likely to come back if she goes on, and that he loves the pure competition but hates the social aspect of the game which she can deal with for him when she's on the seasons. She said she would be down to come back but yeah probably won't make it for Season 2 w/ her knee surgery + recovery

But yeah, Alton is great eye candy. His body literally looks like it has been carved from stone lol

I like when he and KellyAnne were just breezing by on bikes. "Excuse me." lol.  

I like when he and KellyAnne were just breezing by on bikes. "Excuse me." lol.  

he is so hot and respectful 

Him talking about how good the food was while everyone struggle was funny to me

So weird to see how his relationship between him and Jonna has change. They didn't like each other on seasons 2 then again she was dating Zach. But him seeing her as a little sister and pushing herself to help her win was great to watch

So weird to see how his relationship between him and Jonna has change. They didn't like each other on seasons 2 then again she was dating Zach. But him seeing her as a little sister and pushing herself to help her win was great to watch

I don't recall and Alton interacting at all. When did he talk *** so I can drag him real quick and then take it back.

He def stepped it up on part 2 of the final. 

return of the king

Is he still banging Jisela?
