The Challenge: All Stars 5- Spoilers Discussion

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Not Da'Vonne and Fessy hooking up oop--

Da'Vonne would never get her ******* dirty by being with that disgusting man. 

GoldenRing was right, let's ask for more shifts.

Fessy only hooks up with white women...

killakash I think you may be on here more than even caramarialover, oldschooler and kvm wow Wow WOW! Smile

I'm just ready to be able to say Day's elim record is 6-2 maybe 7-2 if I'm lucky.

Amber "6-3" Borzotra (probably not but I can dream!) Smile

What has Dario done?  All I remember is the twins yelling at Nany.

What has Dario done?  All I remember is the twins yelling at Nany.

What has Dario done?  All I remember is the twins yelling at Nany.

he bumped his twin in the middle of an elimination and made them lose

Gamer confirmed Katie did have drama. The QUEEN stays QUEEN. 

I'll never accept this season as All-Stars but I am excited over the stress it's caused Skkkye. I know she is in hell trying to figure out how to edit out every good moment this season. Good news for Killah though is that Amber should be getting a lot of airtime this season so Skkkye can guarantee we are BORED.

Good news for Killah though is that Amber should be getting a lot of airtime this season so Skkkye can guarantee we are BORED.

You can't use this as a drag anymore and you KNOW that too ijbol Smile

The production and casting teams I this show are loving their lives and successful careers while losers continue to bash them for not catering to what they want.  It'd be funny if it was so pathetic 

The production and casting teams I this show are loving their lives and successful careers while losers continue to bash them for not catering to what they want.  It'd be funny if it was so pathetic 

Are you having an extramarital affair with any of them?

I'm so thankful for KVM's ban cause this new and improved unhinged KVM is the funniest thing to happen to Vevmo since the legendary Hotboiswag. 


Sylvia/Kellyanne Eliminated by Adam/Steve 

Veronica/Katie Eliminated by Melissa/Nicole

Nany/Turbo Eliminated By Adam/Steve

Veronica/Katie Eliminated by Melissa/Nicole

I just threw up. We were soooo close to the most legendary group of finalist ever.

Okay maybe nothing could really be done about getting Adam/Steve out lmaooo

Okay so they at least tried to get rid of Adam and steve

I would say the cast of next season better jump them the next season they're on but there would be so many casualties LOL 

Adam Larson is better than CT #JustMyOpinion Smile


The production and casting teams I this show are loving their lives and successful careers while losers continue to bash them for not catering to what they want.  It'd be funny if it was so pathetic 

Are you having an extramarital affair with any of them?

I don't have to agree with how they cast to understand its working for them. 

Adam/Steve won at least 3 eliminations. Not much to complain about here.  It's not like they got Hall Brawl against women 

  • Ashley/Aneesa eliminated by Da'Vonne & Shane
  • Leroy/Devin eliminated by Nany/Turbo 
  • Corey & Big T eliminated by Frank/Sam
  • Dario/Ashlee eliminated by Nany/Turbo


  • Ashley/Aneesa eliminated by Da'Vonne & Shane
  • Leroy/Devin eliminated by Nany/Turbo 
  • Corey & Big T eliminated by Frank/Sam
  • Dario/Ashlee eliminated by Nany/Turbo

    I hope Day took out Leroy so she'd be 2-0 against Leroy 

    well it seems adam and steve were house targets, i wonder if this was a house vote, based on these matchups it doesnt really feel like call out is an option

    Would be funny if Corey and Shane went against each other in elim after hooking up


    Sylvia/Kellyanne Eliminated by Adam/Steve 

    Veronica/Katie Eliminated by Melissa/Nicole

    Nany/Turbo Eliminated By Adam/Steve

    in other news, water is wet

    I'm betting these eliminations were so wack
