The Challenge: All Stars 5- Spoilers Discussion

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Oop we got some hook up tea

They wild for that lol

I dont want to see a single second of either of those (except the fallout between corey and shane)

Who topped?

A. Shane

B. Corey

C. Flip

D. Side Action

Aneesa and Sam had me in tears last night. I don't know if it was because I was drinking too much wine throughout the day.

Aneesa and Sam had me in tears last night. I don't know if it was because I was drinking too much wine throughout the day.

that would've had me too lol did not expect that 

The second (Steve 47) and fourth (Adam 45) oldest cast members won the season.

Wow, possibly the first M/M hookup since...Derek & Marlon in Rivals 2???

Corey Lay and Shane are so thirsty lol, hooking up for attention and screentime is crazy.This Aneesa and Sam hookup is a game changer though, why were they having a queen off

Aneesa and Sam had me in tears last night. I don't know if it was because I was drinking too much wine throughout the day.

That's a hilarious exes team

Omg and I asked if Aneesa was an ex-lesbian in her thread yesterday.....

Omg and I asked if Aneesa was an ex-lesbian in her thread yesterday.....

Okay robin on the duel

Aneesa and Sam I can't help but laugh. That's so strange lol

Move over Nicole & Jemmye we got a new least attractive hookup lol

Samneesa and Shacorey were making the most out of pride month.

Move over Nicole & Jemmye we got a new least attractive hookup lol


The casuals are going to lose their minds, the comments when aneesa & veronica hooked up were so gross I can only imagine what they'll say about this. 

They said we gon show you how we put the pride in pride month 

Aneesa and Sam!? Good lawd, production please don't show that. We're good.


I'm choking 

Shane and Corey argument is going to be good. 

Aneesa and Sam!? Good lawd, production please don't show that. We're good.

They honestly shouldn't.  No one needs to see that.  

Shane and Corey argument is going to be good. 

They gonna get realll nasty Corey was not ready cause Shane ain't no Big T

Wow, possibly the first M/M hookup since...Derek & Marlon in Rivals 2???

Oh god has it really been that long?

Shane/Corey is giving us Amy/Camila from bgc.

Aneesa/Sam is disguting as Big Easy/Devyn.

This season is providing though 

Who do we think would reactivate Brooke labarbera's lesbianism if she'd return to the challenge?

it's kind of the ultimate compromise. actual OG's won, but just the least entertaining OGs.  Most of the fan fav newer gens made it to the final, but lost. You old******* better not be complaining

I absolutely will be hating. This season already stinks. But I'M SO ******* HAPPY FOR ADAM & STEVE

All Star Wins Count:

Road Rules: 3 (Yes, Adam, Steve)

Real World: 4 (Jonna, MJ, Jonna, Wes)

Fresh Meat: 1 (Laurel)

And NOTHING for CBS/internationals/random Christmas shows. Just how I like it! (this season still sucks) 
